Chapter 140 Jealous
Xia He and Chun Yin immediately stood at attention, with expressionless faces, they pointed to the thick and dense branch on the right side in unison.

Then they shook their heads at Su Qing together, indicating that they were not the ones laughing.

Chun Shan couldn't laugh this time, she hid herself more tightly with a mournful face.

Su Qing turned her head with a dark face, rubbed his neck, and said softly: "You don't call me a lady, they all fell from the tree laughing."

Su Qing looked world-weary and shook her head.

Su Xuanchen cleared his cough, and his low voice was a little bit charming: "It's what you deserve!"

Su Qing was taken aback, and stretched her neck to look at Su Xuanchen's handsome face, when she caught the smile in his eyes as deep as the sea.

Su Qing grinned, shaking her legs, she was in a great mood.

"If you don't call me my wife, then I will call you..."

Su Qing tilted her head and thought about it, what do the folks call it?

"Sanggong~Sanggong..." Su Qing suddenly called out in his ear, and then repeated it over and over again.

Su Xuanchen blushed, but the corners of his lips rose uncontrollably.

Xia He and Chun Yin also shook their legs unbearably, holding back their laughter. They have really experienced ups and downs in life along the way.

Maybe it was because the sun was a little bit hotter, Su Qing was a little sleepy, so she glanced at Su Xuanchen quietly.

Well, still face unchanged.

Not bad!

"I'll squint for a while, sir, call me when you're tired." Ever since calling him once, Su Qing has become more and more fluent.

"En." Su Xuanchen responded lightly, and walked towards the shade as much as possible.

Su Qing's ears moved, did Su Xuanchen respond to her just now?
Unfortunately, she was too sleepy, and soon fell asleep, and the neck around Su Xuanchen became looser.

Su Xuanchen was slightly stunned, and slightly bent his waist.

at dusk—

Su Qing finally woke up in a daze, and the warm sunlight stretched their overlapping backs.

When she realized that Su Xuanchen was still carrying her, Su Qing's expression changed and she quickly jumped down.

Su Xuanchen was startled by Su Qing's actions, and reflexively wanted to hug her.

Su Qing hugged his waist first.

Su Xuanchen looked down at her in astonishment.

Su Qing's face was stinky, she rolled up her sleeves and rudely wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

"Su Xuanchen, you are really not an ordinary idiot. Why didn't you call me when I asked you?"

Su Xuanchen pulled her hand down, with an unnatural expression: "I called, it's because you slept too hard."

Su Qing was stunned, right?She has always been a light sleeper.

But Su Xuanchen didn't leave her behind, Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and her pouting red lips kissed his lips suddenly.

Su Xuanchen's face flushed red: "You..."

Su Qing said with a smile like a normal person, "Give me a reward."

Then he took a step back, bent down and wanted to hug Su Xuanchen.

Su Xuanchen's eyes flashed, and he quickly moved away: "What are you doing?"

Su Qing raised her head and said, "Your white shoes are dirty, let me carry you away."

Su Xuanchen walked ahead first, and the cold voice came again: "No need."

Su Qing ran up: "Then I will carry you?"

"Need not!"

Su Qing is helpless, what can she do if the husband wants to save face too much?
As night falls—

Su Qing and his party finally arrived at Qingzhou City. Su Qing was tired and hungry, but unfortunately, seeing that Su Xuanchen looked like nothing had happened, she was too embarrassed to speak out.

"Stop, take out the customs clearance disk." At the gate of the city, officers and soldiers stopped them.

Xia He stepped forward and put four clearance papers in front of them: "My lady and uncle are here to do business in Qingcheng, please be accommodating."

"Wu Su and Wu Chen?" When the officers and soldiers at the door saw Su Xuanchen behind Su Qing, they couldn't look away for a moment.

Su Qing quietly stood in front of them, blocking the sight of these wolf-like tigers.

"Have you finished reading, my lord?" Su Qing lowered her voice suddenly, and looked at them with burning eyes.

 Isn't it Qixi Festival today, so make it sweeter.Give the readers some dog food~
(End of this chapter)

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