Chapter 153 Acting
Hearing what he said, Su Qing didn't bother to ask any more, but said lightly: "Come with me tonight." She really had to take a look at the so-called abandoned villa.

I thought Su Xuanchen would not agree, but unexpectedly, he just said in a low voice: "Okay."

Su Qing chuckled twice, she was not used to being so obedient.

Station, main hall—

Qiu Shui was lazily leaning on the main seat, looking impatiently at the writhing figure below.

Gu Xiao on the left stood up, his ordinary face was full of flattery: "Your Highness, why are you dissatisfied with today's dance?"

It's okay not to say anything, but as soon as Qiu Shui was mentioned, he lost his temper, looked at her half-sideways, his eyes were as cold as torches: "Is this kind of stuff worthy of being called dance?"

With a "bang", everyone in the main hall knelt down, except of course the people brought by Jun Qian and Qiu Shui.

Gu Xiao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, this princess must be too difficult to serve, she has been here for almost two months, and she has been constantly finding fault.

Either the food was not to my liking, or the tea time was too low, and the men who brought it over were all thrown out, saying that the grade was too low! !

Gu Xiao felt bitter. .

At this time, a short woman with small eyes and thick neck stood up, knelt in front of Qiu Shui and said, "Your Highness, since the people here are not good-looking, why not change to another place?"

Qiu Shui seemed to be interested, and stared at her with a pair of eyes: "Master Yu, tell me, which place should I change it to?"

Seeing that she was interested in her visit, Yu Hai hurriedly said cheerfully: "If you say where is the most fun place in Qingzhou, it's the place of bliss on North Street..."

Gu Xiao also reacted immediately, knelt down hastily, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, Your Highness, why don't you go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss?"


As soon as you hear the name, you can tell where it is. Jun Qian glanced at Qiushui, put down the wine glass in his hand, slammed the table up, pointed at Qiushui, and said angrily: "Your Highness, what did His Majesty ask you to do? Have you forgotten? The result? When you come to Qingzhou, besides eating, drinking and having fun every day, you still eat, drink and have fun..."

Jun Qian blushed and glanced at the people kneeling on the ground: "Now, what kind of smoky place do you have to go with these rats, do you take me to heart?"

Qiu Shui's fingertips trembled slightly. The young master's acting almost overwhelmed her.

Lowering his eyes, Qiu Shui said coldly: "What kind of hands do the men in the backyard interfere with these things?"

"Come here, take the gentleman back to his room." Qiu Shui waved his hand impatiently, too lazy to look at him again.

Jun Qian was trembling with anger, his lips were trembling non-stop, and then he quickly picked up the wine glass on the table and smashed it on the ground, making a crisp sound, as if he was a drunkard.

Qiu Shui swallowed secretly, Jun Qian's anger was really scary.

When the soldier was about to meet Jun Qian, Jun Qian suddenly turned his head and cursed: "Go away, I have feet!"

Then he took a sad look at Qiu Shui and turned to leave.

Qiu Shui's heart was turbulent, but his face was calm and his tone was indifferent: "The men in the backyard are really ignorant."

Gu Xiao scolded her secretly: I don't know how to be blessed when I am in the blessing, so I said again: "The side gentleman is also concerned about His Highness..."

But Qiu Shui interrupted her impatiently, straightened her clothes and stood up: "Okay, let's go, what kind of blissful place, I really want to go and see what kind of fun it is."

Yu Hai followed Qiu Shui, and asked with some trepidation: "Didn't His Highness come to investigate the illegal salt case...?"

Qiu Shui's footsteps stopped instantly, and her red lips curled slightly: "It's such a small matter..."

The phoenix eyes squinted at Gu Xiao: "Shouldn't it be Master Gu's doing? Could it be that in the jurisdiction of Master Gu, do you have to waste the time of this hall to investigate? Hmm?"

Speaking of the latter, Qiu Shui looked extremely unhappy.

 I'm like a takeaway boy, reminding you every day to give five-star praise + votes!

(End of this chapter)

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