Chapter 164 You Are So Heavy

Stable and steady, Su Qing looked at Su Xuanchen's perfect profile with some displeasure: "You are always like this..."

which kind?Su Xuanchen had some doubts in his heart, but Su Qing had already turned his head and didn't want to say more.

Su Xuanchen knew he was wrong, but he couldn't let go of his old face to say sorry, so he coughed lightly, and asked, "Do you have any clothes that fit?"

Fitting clothes?
Su Qing looked up at him, her eyes slightly bent: "Are you willing to go?"

Su Xuanchen nodded slightly uncomfortably: "I don't wear other people's old clothes."

Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that she wanted to say, that means you can wear my old clothes?
But she was worried that she would piss off Su Xuanchen, so in the end she just smiled and said, "I'll find it for you." She remembered that she did have a few loose clothes, and Su Xuanchen was wearing them, which should fit them just right.

Su Xuanchen looked at her leaving back, and felt a little complicated for a moment. He actually agreed to her ridiculous request.

Su Xuanchen sat on the chair calmly, his head drooping slightly, what should I do?
His heart is getting more and more out of control.

When Su Qing came back again, the room was already dark. Putting down the things in her hands, Su Qing walked towards the bed a little tiredly.

The man was still lying on his side facing the wall, leaving her with a back view.

Su Qing took off her outer shirt, quickly climbed onto the bed and lay on the outside.

With a wave of his palm, the candlelight in the room was extinguished, and the room was completely dark.

Su Xuanchen felt the bed beside him sink slightly, his back was slightly stiff, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were closed even tighter.

I thought that Su Qing would let him carry her feet like last time.

But he waited for a long time, but there was no movement behind him.

In the darkness, Su Xuanchen gently pulled away those star-like eyes, and then turned around gently.

Borrowing the faint moonlight, Su Xuanchen quietly looked at her sleeping face.

The skin is like creamy fat, and the facial features are exquisite.

When she was lying quietly like this, it was different from her who was full of jokes on weekdays.

Perhaps he was too tired, so Su Xuanchen closed his eyes lightly before long, and just fell asleep like that.

Su Qing woke up at this moment, her lips curved.

Quietly putting his hand on her waist, Su Qing fell asleep again with a smile on her lips.

The next day, the sky was getting bright——

Su Xuanchen woke up faintly, moved his fingers slightly, but the tentacles were warm, and his ears were also slightly ringing.

Su Xuanchen woke up instantly, and when he looked up, Su Qing's flawless side face was imprinted in his eyes.

His big palm with well-defined bones was still on her waist, but Su Qing was still in the same posture as yesterday, and Su Xuanchen's pupils widened slightly.

Could it be that he took the initiative to hug her and sleep with her last night?

As soon as his complexion changed, Su Xuanchen lifted the quilt suddenly, and wanted to step over Su Qing and get out of bed. Su Qing's red lips slightly curled up, and she sat up suddenly. Su Xuanchen was caught off guard, and fell on Su Qing in an instant.

"Uh..." Su Qing snorted, her face turning blue.

! ! ! !
crushed her to death!

Originally wanted to have a sweet hug, but Su Xuanchen gave her a crushing blow.

Su Xuanchen's black hair was scattered on the bed, and when he heard Su Qing's painful voice, he quickly turned over and rolled inside.

"Ahem..." Su blushed, sat up quickly, patted his chest with his small hands, and breathed in fresh air.

Su Xuanchen's face was a little anxious, he stroked her back with his big palm, and patted lightly: "What are you doing sitting up?" Although the words were reproachful, there was imperceptible anxiety in his tone.

Su Qing swallowed, finally stopped coughing, and looked at Su Xuanchen with teary eyes.

Su Xuanchen thought she was going to say something important, but in the next second Su Qing looked at him and said:
"Little Chenchen, you are so heavy!"

 Tickets are much needed! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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