Chapter 178
Mo Xiao took a few steps closer, and the surrounding fire seemed to be brighter, illuminating Su Xuanchen's fairy-like face more clearly.

There were gasps all around.

Even Mo Xiao, who was in front of her, seemed to have his eyes glued to him.

Su Qing felt so upset, what kind of solution was she thinking of?

"Miss Mo, are you staring at my dust-free husband like this..." Su Qing imitated her tone just now, and paused.

He opened his mouth again and said, "A little immoral?"

She thought that this Mo Xiao would restrain himself a bit, but unexpectedly, Mo Xiao smiled very brightly, with the possessive desire in his eyes undisguised.

"Wuchen? This name suits you very well, Miss Wu. With such a celestial figure, it's no wonder that Miss Wu wears it all the time." Mo Xiao's eyes fell on Su Xuanchen. .

Seeing Su Xuanchen like this, his whole body became more stern, but the more disgusted he was, the more sense of accomplishment Mo Xiao felt.

Su Qing lowered her gaze, and her tone was tinged with anger: "Miss Mo, as I said before, my husband is naturally very good, and I like him very much. If there is someone who doesn't have eyes and dares to covet him, then I will , is not such an easy-to-talk person."

Only then did Mo Xiao look back at Su Xuanchen, raised his eyes to look at Su Qing, and said with a smile on his lips: "Ms. Wu, why bother to get angry, everyone has a love for beauty."

Wu Su's expression didn't soften, she is a woman, how could she not understand these people's thoughts?The possessiveness in Mo Xiao's eyes is so obvious, how can she be at ease.

Su Xuanchen's face became even more stinky, and these people gave him a chill all over when they looked at him.

Although he is a national teacher of a country, he is still a man after all, not to mention that his current status is only Su Qing's husband, only the wife-lord can come forward to solve this kind of matter.

So although Su Xuanchen was very upset, he didn't contradict Su Qing at this time.

"Miss Mo, Wuchen and I lost our temper and disturbed everyone. I'm sorry, I'll take him back and teach him a good lesson." After finishing speaking, Su Qing pulled Su Xuanchen and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute, Ms. Wu, I have a big business deal to discuss with Ms. Wu, please do me a favor."

As soon as Mo joked, the men in black all around took a step towards her. Su Qing lowered her gaze. Is this a so-called discussion?
She knew that with Su Xuanchen's appearance, these people would be fascinated, but what she didn't expect was that Mo Xiao would force her to talk about some shit business for Su Xuanchen.

"What I'm discussing here is not a big business, so you don't have to avoid talking." Although Mo Xiao looked at Su Qing, Su Qing knew that her peripheral vision never left the person beside her.

"Miss Mo, please tell me!" Su Qing's red lips curled slightly, and the coldness in her eyes became more and more obvious.

But Mo Xiao didn't seem to notice her displeasure at the moment, or he didn't bother to care about it at all.

"Ezhou, Yuezhou, the supply routes of the two states, as well as the channels of purchase, including the salt factory in Yuezhou under my name, I can hand over to Miss Wu without charging a penny, but..."

"Just what?" Su Qing's tone sank, she vaguely guessed something.

"I wonder if Ms. Wu can leave Mr. Wuchen in this green mountain and green water for a few days, and let me show you the friendship of the landlord." Mo Xiao raised his lips and looked at Su Qing with a smile.

There is no need for Su Xuanchen to say anything now, Su Qing is going to die of anger!
Respect your mother's head! ! !
Su Qing was so angry that she stared at the woman in front of her expressionlessly, her fingers clasped, but Mo Xiao still had a grinning face.

It made her teeth itch with hatred.

Mo Xiao didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he took two steps straight forward, his eyes were full of evil spirits: "Miss Wu, the business of two states is compared to a man's few days, I believe that everyone will know how to do it." choose?"

 Five-star praise! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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