Chapter 181
Mo Xiao ran in with a flustered face, when he saw that the booklet was put there intact.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Picking up the untitled booklet in his arms, Mo Xiao seemed to think of something, and immediately pushed away the people around him and strode out.

Su Qing was talking to Su Xuanchen with her head up, but Su Xuanchen had gentle eyes and was listening carefully.

This scene fell into Mo Xiao's eyes, and she only felt it was very dazzling.

Concentrating the emotions in his eyes, Mo Xiao curled his lips slightly, and walked straight towards Su Qing and the two.

Su Qing turned her head and stood in front of Su Xuanchen again, looking at Mo Xiao with some regret: "Miss Mo, what's inside, why did it suddenly catch fire? Are you okay~"

After finishing speaking, Su Qing still pretended to be worried, and stretched her neck to look in.

Mo Xiao has black lines all over his head, who is that person who had a good conversation with the beauty just now?Think she didn't see it?Who are you pretending to be worried about?
Su Xuanchen's eyelashes drooped, and a smile flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"The things inside are fine, but I feel a little strange. How could it catch fire? Miss Wu just came here for the first night, so it's probably..."

Su Qing looked up at her expressionlessly.

"It's a bit too coincidental, Miss Wu, don't you think so?" Mo Xiaoxiao looked at her, the deep meaning in his eyes made Su Qing smile slightly.

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

Mo Xiao waited for a long time, thinking that she would have some explanation, but in the end...

Su Qing just complied with this sentence.

The lines she had prepared in advance were useless.

Mo Xiao's eyes flashed, she and Su Qing have been pretending to be a snake for a whole day, Su Qing is not tired, she is tired, okay?
"Miss Wu, why are only you and your wife here, and the rest?" Mo Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense, so he got straight to the point.

Su Qing laughed secretly, she thought how much this Mo Xiao could bear!

Scratching the back of her head innocently, Su Qing looked confused: "Well, Wu Chen and I had some disagreements in the room, so I brought them out. As for the others, I, Wu Su, don't know."

Mo Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he ordered the people behind him in a cold tone: "You take care of this place, Mo Yu will follow me!"

Immediately, with a team of people, they directly passed Su Qing and ran towards Hefuyuan.

Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly, she took Su Xuanchen with her small hand, and followed.


"Hurry up, hurry up, something will happen to the master later..." Xia He ran wildly, while fastening her belt, she still didn't forget to turn her head and shout to the back.

Su Qing stood on tiptoe silently and covered Su Xuanchen's eyes.

You said that it's fine for you to act in a play, can you wear your clothes well, what kind of disheveled clothes do you look like with disheveled hair!
Xia He stopped when he saw Mo Xiao and the others...

bang... bang... bang...

One after another, they hit Xia He.

Xia He was bumped and took another two steps forward, she was only two meters away from Mo Xiao.

Xia He scratched her head in embarrassment, and quickly tightened her clothes. Before Mo Xiao could speak, Xia He crackled and said, "Miss Mo, my subordinates are rude. I don't know if Miss Mo saw my master. I listened to you just now." People say that there is water here, but the master is gone, did Miss Mo see it?"

After finishing speaking, Xia He rubbed her eyes vigorously, as if she hadn't woken up...

The corners of Su Qing's mouth twitched, the acting was really good.

Apparently Mo Xiao also looked at them with a displeased face: "Just woke up?"

Xia He nodded hastily: "Yes, yes, we drove for a few days, and fell asleep as soon as we lay down. If you were not too noisy and the master was not around, we might still be able to sleep."

"You haven't come out?" Mo Xiao looked suspicious.

Xia He lifted up his baggy trousers, and asked with a puzzled look, "What are you doing out here?"

Just as Su Xuanchen was about to take Su Qing's hand, Su Qing leaned into his ear and said, "Either turn around, or don't move!"

 Ask for a reward~recommendation ticket~ mua~
(End of this chapter)

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