The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 183 Unusual Wen Ziyan

Chapter 183 Unusual Wen Ziyan
In Su Qing's eyes, which were always hopeless, there was a stern look at this moment.

Although it was fleeting, Su Xuanchen, who had been sitting by the side, caught the cruel light in Su Qing's eyes very well.

Lowering his eyes, Su Xuanchen felt a little complicated.

What she did today obviously touched his heart.

Just when he thought his whole body would be exposed to everyone, she said: Su Xuanchen, you always say that I don't trust you, but when did you trust me?

Time was too hasty, he didn't have time to think at that time, but thinking about it now, no matter whether it was in the East Palace or in Qingzhou, he really never let go of his defense against her.

Su Xuanchen's indifferent eyes finally looked at Su Qing seriously. Since when has the kingly aura on her body become impossible to ignore with just one glance?
"Xia He!" A slightly deep voice sounded in the room.

Su Xuanchen looked away in a panic, and unconsciously held the teacup on the table with his slender fingers.

"Master." Xia He, who was standing aside, stepped forward.

Su Qing stood beside Jun Qian, pointed to the row of small characters on the rice paper, and said, "Tomorrow night, at Wuhua Wharf, Mo Xiao will leave the mansion. I want Qiu Shui to lead someone to personally stop this batch of transport from Yuezhou." The private salt that came over."

Xia He looked up in surprise: "Master, didn't you say you want to catch them all? Tomorrow night's goods are only Mo Xiao's personal trade with Yuezhou, and the foundation of Qingzhou is still there."

Chun Yin and the others also looked at Su Qing strangely. Everyone knew that tomorrow night's goods would not be of much use at all. At most, they would catch a few minions. The real mastermind behind the scenes could not be found out at all.

Why, Su Qing suddenly wanted to do something so eagerly?
Su Qing looked up at them: "It's not difficult to catch them all..."

After saying this, Su Qing shouted back: "Wen Ziyan."

Everyone looked behind the screen in surprise, when did Wen Ziyan come in?How do they not know?

Su Qing watched Wen Ziyan walk out from behind the screen with a sneer. If the man's breathing hadn't been messed up for a moment just now, she wouldn't have noticed it.

"Your Highness is really extraordinary!" With a woman's face on his face, Wen Ziyan walked out from behind the screen with a smile on his lips.

Su Xuanchen's fingers holding the cup turned slightly white, and a hint of complexity flashed in his cold eyes.

He couldn't figure out the origin of Wen Ziyan, usually in this situation...

Su Xuanchen suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Qing. Usually, only people who have an extraordinary relationship with her would not be able to see him, such as Jun Qian...

He couldn't see Wen Ziyan, did it mean...?
Su Xuanchen lowered his gaze, and an imperceptible panic flashed in his eyes.

"Since you're here, why don't you give me some advice?" Su Qing didn't notice Su Xuanchen's emotions, but looked at Wen Ziyan fixedly.

Wen Ziyan smiled irrefutably, took two steps towards Su Qing, and said, "The time is just right. If His Highness wants to uproot those bosses, he must have already thought about it when he saw this list." Think about it, why ask Ziyan again?"

Xia He looked at Wen Ziyan in amazement, this man could figure out what His Highness was thinking?
Su Qing smiled brightly, her lips dimpled, Wen Ziyan's words were really interesting.

Without denying Wen Ziyan's words, Su Qing looked at the list on the table: "So, does Mr. Wen have any good strategies?"

Wen Ziyan approached: "Since Your Highness wants to make a quick decision, then Ziyan will help His Highness. Tomorrow night, Your Highness only needs to ask your people to wait at the pier. Ziyan will definitely give His Highness a satisfactory answer."

Su Qing straightened up, looked at Wen Ziyan fixedly across the table: "What do you want?"

She didn't believe that Wen Ziyan would help her unconditionally, and now she firmly believed that Wen Ziyan and her meeting were not accidental.

Wen Ziyan put his hands on the table, leaned towards Su Qing, looked her in the eyes and said, "What Ziyan wants is not difficult for His Highness!"

Jun Qian made the last stroke, and wrapped his palm around Su Qing's waist in an instant, took him a step back, and looked at Wen Ziyan with blazing eyes: "Mr. Wen, talk as you say, there is no need to get so close!"

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(End of this chapter)

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