The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 189 Here comes the chapter

Chapter 189 Baili is Back

In just half a quarter of an hour, Chun Yin had already changed her appearance.

Su Qing looked at the replica of herself standing opposite her, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she didn't really want to see this face exactly like hers.

"Okay, let's go with Wujing and the others. It's still far away from the pier. You go now, and you'll arrive just before dark." Su Qing looked away, lowered her head, took out the list in her sleeve, and handed it to him. Pure tone.

"I don't ask you to take down all the people above, but I hope you can bring back all the leaders."

Chun Yin lowered her head and took it very cautiously: "Yes!"

After Su Qing explained the matter, Wen Ziyan also changed his appearance.

When Su Qing looked up, it was Mo Xiao's annoying face. She only took one look, and then she silently looked away.

This is too similar! !
It made her fists a little around the corner.

Unexpectedly, Wen Ziyan said, "His Royal Highness, why do you only look at me? Could it be that Ziyan is not good-looking?"

Su Qing closed her eyes fiercely. When she saw him in the iron cage for the first time, for a moment, she actually thought he was dumb!
Now, it seems that she really thinks too much.

There is probably no one in this world who can play tricks more than Wen Ziyan.

"Wen Ziyan, this hall has given you so many people, if you still can't handle tonight's matter, you know the consequences yourself!" Su Qing ignored Wen Ziyan's indecency, turned her head, and looked at him fixedly Said.

Wen Ziyan smiled lowly, and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, after all, Ziyan is still waiting for His Highness to take Ziyan back to the palace."

As soon as these words came out, Su Qing looked at him with a little anger in his eyes.But Chun Yin's eyes fluttered between the two of them.

She hadn't forgotten that Su Qing had picked Wen Ziyan by strangling her neck back then, but now, could it be...?
Chun Yin secretly kept an eye out, she and Chun Shan siblings have followed the old master since childhood, and grew up with the national teacher since childhood.

She is too clear about the temperament of the national teacher not to be close to others, but she can also see the affection for His Highness. It seems that she needs to let Chunshan remind the national teacher in a circumstantial manner.

"Ziyan leave!" Wen Ziyan smiled softly at Su Qing, then turned and left.

"Subordinates leave!" Chun Yin hurriedly continued.

After both of them exited the room, Su Qing looked away, walked to the recliner and sat down, nestled in, and then closed her eyes wearily.

"Master!" A familiar male voice sounded from the door.

Su Qing opened her eyes: "Come in."

Bai Lifeng was still wearing the same black outfit, outlining the perfect body proportions, still wearing the black mask on his face, and a machete hanging from his waist.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen each other, but it actually brings a sense of mystery to Su Qing.

"Did you find out?" Although Bailifeng had already sent a letter saying that there was no result, Su Qing always had to ask in person to get the bottom line.

Bai Lifeng stood in front of Su Qing, shook his head and said: "The subordinates only know that Yun Yin has also come to Qingzhou, but there is nowhere to find her trace."

Su Qingdan pursed her lips slightly, and frowned slightly. Who is this Yun Yin?Why, there are traces left by Yun Yin everywhere, but her people are nowhere to be found for such a big living person?

Standing up, Su Qing crossed Bailifeng and walked to the book case, still picked up the brush, wrote a few big characters, folded it and handed it to Bailifeng.

There is no way, she just can't write small characters, and feels that writing neatly is killing her.

"Send a letter to Ye Wanmin later." She may need to know the specific situation of the four great families before she can make a plan.

If the Yun family really surrendered to a certain princess as she thought, then after her return to the court, her life might not be so easy.

"Yes!" Baili Feng took it respectfully.

"Well, let's go down!" Su Qing stood up, ready to squint for a while while it was still early.

Bailifeng held the envelope in his hand, looking at Su Qing's back with some embarrassment.

 Reward! ! ! !Recommended ticket! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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