The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 191 He seems to understand something

Chapter 191 He seems to understand something

The white spot on the bed, when Su Qing thought she came in quietly, she had already discovered her existence. Since when did he even remember her footsteps so clearly?

But, didn't Su Qing go out?
Su Qing stepped lightly and walked over gently, and found that Su Xuanchen was lying on the bed very calmly with his eyes closed.

Sighing secretly, Su Qing stepped forward, bent down, stretched out her hand and gently shook his shoulder.

Only then did Su Xuanchen pretend to have just woken up, and looked at her sleepily, like a young deer, with big watery eyes, looking at her with some doubts.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Su Qing really wanted to do something indescribable.

But right now, there are more important things to do.

So, Su Qing was just stunned for a moment, then pulled Su Xuanchen up from the bed anxiously, took the outer shirt beside him, and put it on for him herself.

Su Xuanchen was still a little confused: "What are you doing?"

Su Qing said in a low voice, "Put on your clothes first."


After Su Xuanchen put on his coat, he was about to get out of bed to light the candle, but was stopped by Su Qing quickly.

Feeling the warmth of her palm on the back of his hand, Su Xuanchen's face changed slightly, but he still didn't push her away: "What's wrong?"

Su Qing pulled him all the way to the table, just about to tell him to hide behind the screen, she came to sleep on his bed.

Only to find that there are already cooled meals on the table, two servings!Judging from this appearance, it is estimated that it has not moved a bit.

In other words, Su Xuanchen didn't eat all day today?

The mood sank in an instant, Su Qing let go of the hand holding his wrist, and said in a very unhappy tone: "Why don't you eat today?"

Su Xuanchen looked up at her slightly thin back, frowned almost imperceptibly, and said, "Not hungry!"

Not hungry?

Su Qing suddenly became angry. Who did she do so much for?
Turning around abruptly, Su Qing looked at him with scarlet eyes: "Su Xuanchen, I see that you not only don't take this hall seriously, but you don't take yourself seriously, do you?"

For the first time, Su Qing spoke to Su Xuanchen in such a cold tone.

Su Xuanchen looked at her involuntarily, for some reason, looking at her current appearance, a trace of guilt quietly spread in his heart.

He didn't take Su Qing to heart, at most she just slouched around him to show her presence.

But when he didn't take himself seriously, Su Qing questioned him angrily.

"I..." Su Xuanchen was about to explain, saying that this will not happen in the future.

Su Qing clamped his jaw fiercely, the pain caused him to frown slightly, his eyes unconsciously glanced at her, but only Su Qing's eyes were furious, staring at him with a frosty face.

Then, he heard her say: "Su Xuanchen, I can tolerate you ignoring me again and again, but if you torture yourself like this to avoid me, or to annoy me, then I will It will overturn all my previous conclusions, do you understand?"

Su Xuanchen stared at her blankly, the confusion in his eyes made Su Qing very angry!

She wanted to teach him a painful lesson right now, but when she saw that peerless face, Su Qing finally suppressed the anger in her heart.

She came here tonight to do business.

Glancing at him bitterly, Su Qing let go of her hand suddenly, and quickly dodged aside as if hiding from the plague.

The slight pain still remained in the jaw, and Su Xuanchen's memory suddenly flashed back. In Quanzhou, he jumped into the water regardless of his own safety. She was also so angry, but today is a bit colder than that day.

As if he understood something, he turned his head and looked at the black figure standing by the window with his hands behind his back.

For some reason, Su Xuanchen saw a trace of loneliness.

Stepping forward, Su Xuanchen just wanted to obey his own wishes and raised his arms to hug her.

Outside the door, there was a sudden sound of slightly eager footsteps.

 Let me emphasize one last time: this is a book with many male protagonists and boys.The full text is sweet, but there may be heart-abusing plots, if you don't like it, please turn right automatically, and see what satisfies you next door. (I'm very tired today, the old book is suspended for a day, hope you understand.)
  My little cuties, thank you for your support~
  Fatty still loves you today.

(End of this chapter)

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