Chapter 224
Hearing this, Su Qing's anger was dissipated just now, but she was amused instead: "Qi Yue is so beautiful, this hall is powerless to refute, but you..."

Su Qing looked him up and down: "Where is the beauty of the country?"

Li Shang's handsome face was flushed, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Pfft..." Qi Yue finally couldn't help laughing.

Su Qing and Li Shang looked at him at the same time.

There seemed to be a phosphorescence in Qi Yue's eyes, which was really pretty.

Li Shang was furious for a moment: "Su Qing, you stinky woman who doesn't appreciate it!"

Seeing Qi Yue smile, Su Qing was also very happy, so she didn't bother to argue with Li Shang.

Because she found out that Li Shang is just a child, apart from being against her all day long, she has no other sense of existence.

So, taking advantage of the fact that everyone's eyes were on the dancer, Su Qing finally couldn't stay idle and approached Qi Yue quietly.

Two fingers stretched out and scratched Qi Yue's armpit.

As soon as Qi Yue grasped her slightly cold little hand, she looked at her with gentle eyes: "My wife, don't mess around."

How could Su Qing be obedient, a gleam flashed in her eyes, she just stood up and walked over, and just lay down like this.

Qi Yue had no choice but to raise her leg a little so that she could lean on it.

Su Qing looked up at his handsome face, and laughed like a dimple: "Xiao Yueyue, I suddenly discovered that Li Shang's stinky boy was right."

Qi Yue lowered her head, a few strands of black hair fell onto Su Qing's face, stretched out her slender fingers, Qi Yue pulled the hair from her face, and then asked: "What?"

Just as Su Qing was about to say something, there was a burst of warm applause.

"Good! Good! It's a great dance!" Someone in the crowd said that.

The scene suddenly became lively, Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly, she straightened up suddenly, and her red lips suddenly stopped on Qi Yue's lips.

Qi Yue's pupils widened slightly, and she froze in place for a moment, the long hair behind Su Qing fell on his robe.

Two people who are equally handsome and unparalleled, such a scene is really pleasing to the eye.

Li Shang is the closest, and his mouth is slightly opened at this moment. He originally thought he was bold enough, but it seems...

He didn't do enough!
But in just a few seconds, Su Qing moved away and got what she wanted. This time, she sat in her seat very peacefully.

Li Shang silently looked away, he had to think carefully, how could he cheat a kiss.

Qi Yue was still immersed in the atmosphere just now, and she didn't recover from it.

Li Shang is not the only one who has a panoramic view of all this.

Su Yu silently picked up the wine in the wine cup and drank it alone.

After the breeze danced, the red gauze fell down in the sky full of stars, and everyone hurriedly got up, chasing and grabbing the piece of red gauze.

"Mine! It's mine!" Suddenly, a person in the crowd hugged Shayi directly, causing dissatisfaction among the crowd.

For a moment, all the ministers pushed and shoved one after another regardless of their own face.

Su Qing didn't glance out, but her slightly curved red lips revealed her mood at the moment.

Xia He had already stood by the lotus pond at some point, and when he saw the chaotic scene, he walked over expressionlessly.

Because of her rampage, two slightly bloated ministers fell directly by the pool.

Plop, plop--

The fat body smashed into the pool, splashing huge water.

Chun Yu also came to the pool. Seeing this, she was shocked and shouted: "Come on, come on, someone has fallen into the water."

All the ministers became confused in an instant and looked down one after another.

Su Yu finally couldn't sit still, stood up and walked towards the direction of the crowd: "What are you doing? They are all famous people, they are in such a mess, what are they talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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