The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 240 The Weird Atmosphere

Chapter 240 The Weird Atmosphere

But Jun Qian came out at this time, still wrapped in a green shirt, but with a long cloak on his body, which made him more handsome and handsome.

Su Qing stood up: "Well, Xiao Jieba looks really good-looking."

A blush appeared on Jun Qianruyu's face, and he handed over the white cloak in his hand: "It's cold outside, Sister Su should put it on."

Su Qing looked at him with a smile, and had no intention of taking it: "Put it on for Sister Su?"

Jun Qian glanced at her coquettishly, then took a step forward, put the white fox fur coat on Su Qing's body, then lowered his head and tied it carefully for her.

Seeing Jun Qian who was close at hand, Su Qing's heart beat suddenly, and she felt like a young man in my family who had just grown up.

"Okay." Jun Qian looked up at her, but met Jin's gentle eyes, and stayed where he was for a moment.

Seeing his silly appearance, Su Qing smiled dotingly, then stretched out her hand to take his palm, and led him towards the door.

Outside the East Palace——

A carriage made of red fragrant wood had already parked at the door, surrounded by her guards from the East Palace and the soldiers and horses he brought from Liguo.

Su Qing looked at this flamboyant red color and this extraordinary ostentation, and the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably. Is Li Shang afraid of being robbed when he goes out this time?
Or is he afraid that others will not know that he is the prince from Liguo?
Thinking about it, Su Qing still went with Li Shang. Since he likes traveling in such a grand style, she doesn't care about these things. Jun Qian has been pampered since he was a child, and he must have been used to these things long ago.

Leading Jun Qian all the way to the carriage, Su Qing and the two quickly got into the carriage.

"Let's go!" Xia He rode on the white horse, raised her hand, and the convoy moved forward slowly.

Inside the carriage—

Su Qing sat in the middle, and Jun Qian and Li Shang sat below her respectively.

Li Shang lay lazily, the folding fan in his hand was still fanning the wind non-stop, but his eyes kept glancing at Jun Qian.

Su Qing had a headache for a while, what do you think you are fanning in winter?

Jun Qian originally sat peacefully opposite Li Shang, but in the end he couldn't help but be stared at by his sizing eyes.

"Little prince, why are you looking at me like this?"

Only then did Li Shang speak slowly: "We both get married on the same day, who will be the first in the bridal chamber?"

"Cough...cough cough..." Su Qing had just taken a cup of hot tea from the table and drank it, when she was startled by Li Shang's words and coughed.

Jun Qian glared at Li Shang, then took out the Supa in his sleeve, moved over to wipe Su Qing's chin.

Li Shang glanced at them, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "The prince is right, it's not that everyone is there just now, so we need to discuss it first."

Jun Qian's body froze suddenly, yes, who will go first?
They can't be together, can they?

Apparently Li Shang also thought about it, and quickly sat up straight, with a pair of dark eyes full of curiosity: "Su Qing, do you want two..." Together?

"What are you thinking!" Before Li Shang finished speaking, Su Qing interrupted him directly.

Even if she is a woman from the women's country, she can't really be as open as a woman from the women's country! !

"Then what is Sister Su going to do?" Jun Qian blinked his eyes and asked the same question.

Su Qing: "..." Can she say that she didn't think about it at all, okay?

Li Shang also turned his head to look at Su Qing with a serious face: "You must have an arrangement for this matter, and the prince has already taken a step back, you can figure it out."

Jun Qian glanced at Li Shang indifferently, and stretched out his hand to take Su Qing's little hand: "No matter what sister Su decides, Jun Qian will understand."

The corners of Su Qing's eyes twitched violently, is this trying to force her to death?

"Your Highness, Buzhuang is here." Just when Su Qing felt her scalp getting cold, Xia He's voice sounded from outside the carriage.


Su Qing felt relieved all of a sudden, it was the first time that she felt Xia He's voice was so nice.

Standing up hastily, Su Qing got out of the carriage.

Duliu Lishang and Jun Qian looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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