Chapter 242

Su Xuanchen sat down with an aggrieved face, only to find Chun Shan standing at the door.

His body froze slightly, Su Xuanchen looked over expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

Only then did Chun Shan come to his senses, and hurriedly stepped into the threshold with the soup in his hand: "Ah? Oh, oh, that, master, this is the tonic that His Royal Highness ordered the kitchen to cook. There are a lot of good-tasting herbs in it. His Highness personally went to Yao Lao to get it..."

Su Xuanchen frowned, looked up at Chun Shan: "Where did you get it?"

Chunshan's hand trembled, almost knocking over the soup in his hand.

After finally putting it on the table, Chun Shan closed his eyes and said, "Master, this subordinate will leave..."

"Stop!" Su Xuanchen ordered mercilessly.

"My teacher asked you, where did she get the medicinal materials?"

Chun Shan had a troubled expression on his face, why did he forget, he couldn't tell the national teacher, the source of this thing...

It's over, he won't have his tongue pulled out by His Highness, will he?

"Yao...Yao Lao..." After trembling, Chun Shan ran out in a hurry.

His back was so cold just now, my mother...

Su Xuanchen's fingers holding the chopsticks turned white, and he gritted his teeth and said two words: "Su Qing!!!"

At this time, Yaolaoge——

A group of people gathered together, whispering something.

Yao Lao in the middle was stroking his big white beard, smiling until his eyes narrowed.

"Master, master, what exactly did you put in that pot of soup?" In the crowd, a disciple asked curiously.

Yao Lao shook his head and smiled mischievously: "What jujube, lotus seeds, ginseng... the most important thing is that I put "deer antler"!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was boiling.

"No way, master, the disciples see that the national teacher is quite strong, why do you put such a heavy medicine?"

Yao Lao stood up, stroking his beard, with an inscrutable look: "No, no, that stinky girl said when she came here that Su Xiaozi must hurry up to conceive a child. This old man thinks about it, then Doesn’t Su Xiaozi have to be tossed to death, the old man feels sorry for Su Xiaozi, of course such good medicinal materials must be used, don’t you think?”

"Yes yes yes!" All the disciples smiled and nodded.

Only then did Yao Lao walk away slowly.

After Yao Lao left, all the disciples suddenly jumped up.

"Quick, quick, hurry up and ask those who are serving you, is the national teacher really lost his virginity?"

"I'll go to Miaofeng Pavilion to find out..."

"I'll go as well…"

"Me, me, and me..."

"Then I'll go to Your Highness's courtyard..."

"I'll go with you, I'll go with you..."

In an instant, a large group of people poured out from Yaolao Pavilion, their faces were filled with excitement.

A year, a whole year!
Your Highness has been a monk for a year!
How could they not be excited?
But for a while, the news that His Highness stayed in Miaofeng Pavilion last night, and that His Highness came to Yaolao Pavilion to ask for tonics this morning spread throughout the entire East Palace in an instant.

In Miaofeng Pavilion, Su Xuanchen stood in the yard with a livid face.

"Chun Shan!!" With a sudden roar, Chun Shan almost knelt down in fright.

"Subordinates are here!"

"Close Miaofeng Pavilion for me. If that dead woman comes in, get out!" With a flick of his sleeves, Su Xuanchen strode away.

After walking a few steps, the pace slowed down again.

"Yes..." Chun Shan had a bitter face, he was done...

Qinglian cloth village——

Su Qing suddenly woke up from the reclining chair, and looked around with a puzzled expression. Why did she feel that something was going to happen just now?

"Sister Su..." Jun Qian's voice sounded at the door, Su Qing straightened her slightly messy clothes, then stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Li Shang and Jun Qian were already standing at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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