Chapter 251

Bailifeng's mother?

Su Qing suddenly remembered that this person was once a good official who was loved by the people among the people. She had heard it twice when listening to Lord Qinglan talk about the dossier.

It was only later that he was imprisoned for corruption and bribery, and the family was not spared.

After Ben said that, she went to check it out herself, but before she could act, she was delayed by all these things.

Taking a step forward, Su Qing pulled up the Bailifeng personally: "Let's go, my hall will accompany you to the prison first."

She didn't ask how Bailifeng learned that Bailijin had fallen ill in the sky prison, because they used to use each other.

What's more, Bailifeng is not a fool, and it is normal to have some connections of his own.

Su Qing went to the Yaolao Pavilion first to drag Yaolao out, then got into the carriage and drove all the way towards the prison.

If something really happened to Bailijin in the prison, there would be no evidence to prove it. Even if she wanted to reverse the case for Baili's family, she would encounter many obstacles.

dungeon -

Su Qing took Yao Lao and walked in directly.

The moment the guard at the door saw Su Qing, he didn't dare to stop him. He just knelt on the ground and waited for Su Qing to walk in before he dared to stand up.

"You stay here and I will inform the princess." Suddenly, one guard said to another guard.

"Go back quickly!"


The warden led Su Qing and the others through the dark and damp dungeon to the last cell.

"Your Highness, this is Bailijin." The fat warden stood respectfully behind Su Qing.

She really couldn't figure it out, why did the princess suddenly come to the prison?And suddenly want to meet Bailijin, a corrupt official?

"Lord Zhou, the matter of our hall coming today..." Su Qing turned her head and smiled at the warden.

The warden immediately bowed his waist and smiled respectfully: "Don't worry, Your Highness, no one came here today."

Su Qing nodded: "Open the door."

"Yes!" The warden took the key and opened the cell door, then turned and left.

"Yao Lao!" Su Qing called softly. Although Yao Lao disliked this stinky cell, he still went in holding his nose.

Bailifeng followed closely behind.

Su Qing turned her head and looked around, and heard that Bailijin was a felon, so there would be heavy guards, but she walked along, except for a few sleepy guards, she didn't see any heavy soldiers.

Su Qing's eyes flickered for a moment, then she turned around and lowered her head and entered the cell. It seemed that Bailijin was no longer suitable to stay in this place.

As soon as she stepped into the cell, Su Qing frowned slightly at the stinky place, even the cell didn't have to be so smelly.

Yao Lao was feeling the pulse of a skinny woman. Su Qing raised her eyes and had an intuition that this person might not survive.

Baili Feng knelt aside, lowered his head, his slightly trembling shoulders revealed his mood at the moment.

"Your Highness, this person must receive good treatment immediately, otherwise he may not live for a month." Yao Lao still looked disgusted, but what he said stunned both Bai Lifeng and Su Qing for a moment.

Hearing this, Bailifeng immediately turned his head and looked at Su Qing with burning eyes. Only she, only she can bring his mother out of here.


This person is a repeat offender, and she has committed a big taboo by coming here privately. If she really brings him out, she may not be able to explain to the court and the empress.

Frowning and looking at Yao Lao, Su Qing said: "Can you save her life first?"

"Two months at most!" Yao Lao hurriedly said, then turned around and practiced acupuncture on Baili Jin's body.

Two months!

Su Qing pulled up Baili Feng with a solemn expression: "After returning to the East Palace, organize all the things about your family's case and the people you came into contact with into a file, and send it to the hall, understand?"

Bailifeng's eyes were red: "Understood!"

 Ask for a reward! !Recommended ticket! !My liver hurts! !
(End of this chapter)

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