The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 256 One Person vs. Official

Chapter 256 One Person Vs Hundreds of Officials
The next day, the sky was bright.

Su Xuanchen woke up in a daze, and subconsciously touched the bed beside him, but it was cold.

The mind that was clearly still awake was instantly sober.

Su Qing's words seemed to ring in his ears again: "After tomorrow, I will return to the court."

There was a sudden pain in the heart, and the memory suddenly flashed back to the past.

She looked at him calmly, but what she said made him very angry: "Su Xuanchen, I don't want to set foot in the court."

Now, she finally complied with his words and returned to the court, why is he not so happy?


early morning.

Su Qing was dressed in a dark red palace attire, outlining a more perfect body proportion than before, with a calm look on her cold face, standing there alone, quietly listening to the opinions of the court ministers on her.

"Your Majesty, His Highness directly killed a group of officials in Qingzhou in a fit of anger. They were all officials ordered by the imperial court. How can you kill them immediately?"

"Your Majesty, His Highness wants to marry two husbands-in-law at the same time on the seventh day of the next month. Isn't this a slap in the face of Li Guo's lord? Now that the country is weak, if Li Guo's lord is angry, it may endanger the country of Su, Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty, last night His Highness led someone into the prison. I heard that she went to Bailijin's cell. Everyone in the world knows that Bailijin is a heinous person. Your Highness went alone late at night. Do you have any plans? Please Your Highness give Baiguan an explanation."

"That night at the palace banquet, His Highness actually attacked the second and third princesses openly. Such cruelty is really rare in the world. Your Highness, that is your own sister..."


After all the ministers finished counting her crimes, Su Qing smiled sarcastically. There was really nothing she could do in front of these people.

Su Hui's eyes were heavy, obviously she didn't expect such a scene.

Are these people's hands stretched too far?

Concubine Su Wen stood aside quietly without saying anything.

Su Yu and Su Qiao are bedridden, and Su Bo is still young, so it is only her and Concubine Su Wen who are standing in the court today.

And above the imperial court, more than half of the people who had already knelt down impeached her in front of her.

She Su Qing, what can she do?How can they be so harmonious and agree with each other?
Turning around, Su Qing's eyes were seductive, sweeping over everyone's heads one by one, and finally fell on the leading adults.

Scandium Qiang's powerful voice resounded throughout the audience: "During the trip to Qingzhou, the evidence of Qingzhou officials selling illegal salt has been handed over to Dali Temple, and Dali Temple Shaoqing Qu Erci has rushed to Qingzhou to personally handle the matter."

"I have obtained my consent to marry the prince of Liguo and the young master of the Jun family. May I ask, my lords, what's the matter with you?" Su Qing looked at the kneeling ministers with burning eyes.

"As for breaking into the dungeon..."

Su Qing sneered, and her tone was cold: "Who saw it? Stand up!"

A smile flashed across Su Hui's eyes, and she felt an indescribable sense of relief looking at this woman who was in charge of her own affairs.

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay: "This..."

Su Qing was persistent, the dark red clothes moved without wind, and the red jade crown made her extremely dignified but cold.

"As for the palace banquet, it is said that this hall is cruel to the two princesses? Hah~" Su Qing sneered, and her gaze directly locked on Fu Lei, the Ministry of Rites in the crowd!

"Master Fu, please come and tell me specifically, what kind of cruelty does this hall treat them?"

"If you can't tell..."

"This hall is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded by others!" At the end of the sentence, Su Qing's red lips were slightly drawn, but the coldness in her eyes could not be ignored.

Fu Lei in the crowd trembled. So many people impeached the princess, why did they insist on her?
But now, can only bite the bullet and go on?

 Reward~recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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