Chapter 259 Su Niannian

"This is what I've always thought about as a wife. It's snowing outside. Wear more clothes when you go out in the future. Don't freeze the baby in your belly."

Su Xuanchen was a little annoyed: "How do you know you have it?"

Su Qing's eyes slightly curved: "I figured it out for my wife, I did my best for my wife in the past two days, it's really not possible..."

Su Qing hugged the person in her arms tightly: "Work harder tonight."

Su Xuanchen finally lowered his head and stopped talking.

Su Qing had gentle eyes, hugged the person in her arms tightly, and walked back quickly. She remembered that Su Xuanchen was motion sick, so she hugged him and went back.

East Palace——

Su Qing finally came back here with the wind and snow all over her body, but she saw the purple squatting at the door from a distance.

Su Xuanchen obviously saw it too, and quickly jumped out of Su Qing's arms, standing there with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

When Qi Yue saw Su Qing, she hurried over.

Su Qing smiled: "Why is Yue'er here?"

Qi Yue scratched the back of her head, and smiled awkwardly: "I... I made some dishes, and I wanted to wait for the wife to come back to eat..."

Qi Yue looked up at Su Xuanchen, and said, "Since the national teacher is here, I will..."

"Since the food is ready, let's go eat together." Su Qing grabbed him quickly with sharp eyes and hands.

"Well, let's go." Su Xuanchen walked ahead first.

Only then did Su Qing look at Qi Yue who was stunned in place with a little blame: "It's snowing here, don't all of you know how cold it is?"

Only then did Qi Yue smile softly: "Qi Yue is not cold."

"Fool!" Su Qing took Qi Yue's hand and walked inside.


After dinner.

Just as Su Qing wanted to go to Dali Temple to look through the case files from that year, someone came to the palace again.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty asked the servant to take Young Master Jun to the palace and get married from Jingwan Palace." The maid stood beside her respectfully and said.

Jing Wan Palace?
Su Qing frowned slightly, where?

"Fifth Sister~" Su Xuanchen was about to speak when someone interrupted him.

Su Qing raised her eyes and saw that Su Bo was hopping in with two braids.

Su Qing smiled, and just about to go up to meet him, a small group ran out from behind Su Bo.

"Fifth Sister, Fifth Sister~" A soft and waxy voice sounded, and Su Qing looked down for a moment.

A little boy about three or four years old ran up to her, raised his head crisply and called her Fifth Sister, his big eyes twinkling.

Su Qing smiled, bent down and picked up Xiaotuanzi: "Su Niannian, I haven't seen Fifth Sister for so long, do you miss Fifth Sister?"

Xiaotuanzi tilted his head and thought about it, blinked his eyes and said crisply: "I think about it, I miss Fifth Sister and Brother Yue."

Qi Yue took a step forward, rubbed Su Niannian's little head, and said with a smile, "Why doesn't Brother Yue come to look for Brother Yue?"

Xiaotuanzi struggled for a moment, pouted softly and said softly: "Father won't let Niannian, say that Niannian is naughty..."

"Hahaha, Su Niannian, is what my father said wrong? You see, you ran into Fifth Sister's arms as soon as you came, what should you do if the national teacher and brother Qi Yue are jealous later? Come down quickly!" Su Bo said. He wanted to go forward and hug Su Niannian down.

As a result, Su Niannian hugged Su Qing's neck directly and did not let go: "Niannian misses my fifth sister, so my two elder brothers won't be so stingy."

These words made Su Qing smile and rubbed Xiaotuanzi's face, then Su Qing said: "You are a big kid."

Su Xuanchen and Qi Yue looked at each other, and then looked away at the same time.

Su Bo smiled meaningfully, and said: "It seems that Fifth Sister likes children very much, the national teacher and Brother Qi Yue must work hard."

Su Niannian blinked her big eyes and looked at Su Xuanchen and Qi Yue: "Are the two brothers going to have a little niece for Niannian to play with?"

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(End of this chapter)

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