261 she came

Jun Qian turned to look at him helplessly: "Little prince, what you give you, I give mine, this is not a conflict, right?"

Li Shang snorted lightly, and turned his face away: "No, what if she likes yours and not mine? If you want to give it, give it together, otherwise don't give it to anyone!"

Jun Qian really wanted to punch his face that deserved to be punched. Do you have to make it difficult for him every day?

"I..." Just as Jun Qian was about to speak, he was pulled away and fell to the ground in an instant.

Just as Jun Qian was about to kick Li Shang, he saw a feathered arrow fixed on the spot where he was standing just now. If Li Shang had been slower to react, he might not have fallen so easily.

Li Shang narrowed her phoenix eyes, stood up abruptly, and ran out in a hurry.

People came and went on the street, there was nothing unusual at all, as if he had sensed something, Li Shang raised his head for a moment, and a window of the restaurant opposite was shaking.

Li Shang's tone was cold: "Check!"

"Yes!" In an instant, a large group of men in black came out from around Li Shang, chasing them in different directions.

"Go to the East Palace quickly and explain the situation here." After hesitating for a moment, Li Shang finally gave the order again.

Someone actually dared to play around with him. If he hadn't reacted faster, Jun Qian would probably have died.

Who exactly?Li Shang stood facing the wind in a red robe, and he felt like he was the only one in heaven and earth.

That's what Jun Qian felt when he saw him when he came out.

Slightly lowering her eyes, Jun Qian sighed softly, the people around her were indeed dragons and phoenixes.

"What happened just now?" Jun Qian looked at Li Shang's back and asked.

Li Shang didn't look back, but said in a heavy tone: "Someone wants your life, this prince thinks it's targeting Su Qing."

For sister Su?
Jun Qian's eyes darkened, who is it?Will you put your eyes on him?

East Palace——

"Your Highness, the Second Prince and Young Master Jun were assassinated in Yuan Street!" Li Shang's hidden guard knelt in the hall and finished the sentence quickly.

Hearing this, the smile on Su Qing's face froze in an instant, and she looked at the person with a burning gaze: "Is anyone injured?"

The dark guard shook his head and told what happened.

Not surprisingly, Su Qing's face became more and more gloomy, she stood up and put Su Niannian in Su Bo's hand, Su Qing took the robe from Qi Yue's hand and wanted to go out.

She wanted to live a stable life, and it seemed that some people couldn't sit still.

"My wife, I'll go with you!"

Just as Su Qing moved up, someone grabbed her wrist. Hearing the call, Su Qing turned her head in astonishment, and saw Su Xuanchen's slightly worried eyes.

He called her wife again.

But she didn't have time to tease him at this time, so she stopped and comforted him: "Don't worry, Xiao Chenchen, my wife will come back soon."

After saying this, Su Qing strode away.

It's not that she doesn't want Su Xuanchen to go out, but that the wind and snow outside have not stopped for several days. Even if Su Xuanchen is a martial arts practitioner, she is not at ease.

When Su Xuanchen looked up again, Su Qing's figure had disappeared in front of her eyes.

Outside the East Palace——

Wearing a dark red robe, Su Qing strode towards the horses, followed by hundreds of hidden guards, Bai Lifeng was one of them.

Turning on the horse neatly, Su Qing's eyes were heavy, and without saying a word, she grabbed the reins and hurriedly ran towards Yuan Street.

Since someone dared to make a move in front of Li Shang, it means that this person is at least [-]% sure, if Li Shang was not smart...

Thinking of this, Su Qing's face became even more frosty, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, she had made countless enemies, and at this moment her mind was in chaos.

If someone actually dares to attack her weakness, then they must be prepared to be madly retaliated by her.

Yuan Street——

Stamping, the sound of uniform horseshoes approaching from far to near, the people avoided one after another, Li Shang and Jun Qian looked up at the same time.

 Ask for a reward! !Recommended ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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