Chapter 264
Su Qing wrapped her robe tightly and walked faster.

It seemed that only by returning to the East Palace could she have such a moment of peace of mind.

"Your Highness, Young Master Jun has been taken back to the palace by the Sixth Princess."

As soon as Su Qing entered the East Palace, her servants came to report in a hurry.

Slightly taken aback, Su Qing frowned and looked at the next person: "When did it happen?"

"Before a stick of incense, the palace sent people to remind me, and His Majesty issued another imperial decree, and the young master had to go."

"Where is the second prince?" After thinking for a moment, Su Qing asked again.

At this time, Jun Qian was indeed much safer by Mei Guijun's side than by her side, not to mention that there was Su Bo in the palace to take care of her, so she didn't worry too much.

"Back to the station."

Hearing the answer, Su Qing nodded lightly, and walked towards her Yaoguang Palace.

This time, she didn't go to Miaofeng Pavilion or get Yu Xiaozhu, but directly went back to her courtyard and entered the study.

"Bailifeng." Su Qing sat on the main seat and called out lightly.

With a creak, Bailifeng pushed the door open and entered, knelt down in front of her on one knee: "Master."

Su Qing didn't raise her head, but picked up a brush and wrote something flamboyantly on the rice paper.

After half a stick of incense, Su Qing waved the rice paper in front of the Baili cover: "Go and take down this Yungui Mountain for this hall, and find another thousand orphans to bring there. Your ten days."

Bai Lifeng was slightly taken aback, picked up the paper on the ground and looked at it, black market, beggars, slave market...

"Your Highness, this..."

Su Qing looked up at him with a calm face: "I'll leave this matter to you and Xia He in secret, can't others know?"

Although he was puzzled, Baili Feng still lowered his head: "Yes!"

"Go down." With a casual wave of her hand, Su Qing closed her eyes and leaned back on the chair.

Under the black mask, Baili Feng looked embarrassed, bit his lip, hesitated for a while, Bailifeng finally opened his mouth: "Master, do you feel embarrassed about the subordinate mother?"

Hearing this, Su Qing was taken aback, and slowly opened those tired eyes to look at the man lying on the ground: "Why do you think so?"

"Back then, there were people who believed in their mother and wanted to overturn the case, but in the end, some died, some were injured, and the subordinates were worried..." Your safety.

When the words came to his lips, Bailifeng still didn't speak.

Su Qing didn't think too deeply, but said calmly: "Don't say that this hall has promised you, even if this hall doesn't agree, as this hall, sooner or later you will get involved with this case, it's just a matter of time That's all."

Hearing this, Baili Feng could only answer, got up and left.

Su Qing looked at his leaving back, suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "Wait."

When Bailifeng turned his head, Su Qing had already strode towards him. Seeing her getting closer and closer, Bailifeng stood in front of her with his head down in a bit of embarrassment.

Su Qing took out the exquisite white jade bottle from her waist, then pulled Baili Feng's hand, and put it in Baili Feng's palm under Baili Feng's astonished gaze. With slightly curled red lips, Su Qing said with a smile: "Look at this hall, the appearance of Yushu Linfeng in the past is more beautiful. This is brought back from the Ye family by dragging people from this hall. You can try it. If the scars on your face can really disappear, the four words "Mr. Baili" will be used." True to its name."

After saying this, Su Qing quickly let go of his hand, and walked towards the back of the desk again, without giving Baili Feng a chance to refuse.

Feeling the warmth of his palm, Bailifeng's eyes flickered slightly, he held the white jade bottle with trembling hands, and at the moment Su Qing was about to turn around, he turned and left.

Your Highness, if you want the name of Mr. Baili to be worthy of the name, then my subordinate...

Just let it live up to its name.

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(End of this chapter)

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