The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 266 Remember me from now on

Chapter 266 Remember me from now on
"Qi Yue, I..." What would she say?She wants to say that the previous one wasn't her?
In Qi Yue's expectant sight, Su Qing planned to act directly.

Standing up, Su Qing stretched out her slender fingers to him, and her red lips curled slightly: "It's useless to talk too much, don't wear it like this in the future, if you want to wear it, come and wear it in front of your wife..."

Qi Yue just looked up at her with shock in her eyes, could it be that she wants it now?
Su Qing was very patient, just bent over and stretched out her hand in front of him, looking like a gentleman.

Under her gentle gaze, Qi Yue finally recovered slowly, lifted her slender fingers and placed them in her palm.

Su Qing pulled the man into her arms, hugged his waist, and approached his ear: "Yue'er, let the past go, you just need to remember, from now on I will be Your wife is the master..."

With a swish, Su Qing directly tore off the tulle on his body, and the fiery cinnabar fell into her eyes like this.

Su Qing's eyes flickered for a moment, and she waved her hand to extinguish the candle lamps in the room, wrapped her arms around his waist and jumped towards the bed at top speed.

Qi Yue is her side lord, she can't change this fact, so let him be worthy of his name.


Miaofeng Pavilion.

Chuncheng stood in front of Su Xuanchen, knelt on one knee and said, "Your Highness returned to Yaoguang Hall today."

Back to Yaoguang Palace?
Su Xuanchen was a little puzzled, maybe something happened.

After straightening his clothes, Su Xuanchen stood up, and was about to go out when Chuncheng stopped him: "Master, Mr. Qi Fang has also gone, and the lights in the room... have gone out."

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen was slightly taken aback, then lowered his head and smiled, Su Qing had spent so many nights with him, if Qi Yue really didn't do anything, he was not used to it.

"Since that's the case, the national teacher will go tomorrow." After saying this, Su Xuanchen turned and entered the room.

Chun Sheng was stunned for a while, then retreated silently.

Your Highness is really...

Enough care.

I was still lying in the Miaofeng Pavilion last night, and tonight I will be with Qi Fangjun...

You have a few days anyway.

Chun Sheng complained a few words silently.

The next day, when the sky was bright, Su Qing got up quickly and put on her court clothes, then hurried out of the East Palace, got into a carriage, and drove towards the imperial palace.

Leaning on the carriage, Su Qing closed her eyes a little sleepily.

"Your Highness, the Golden Luan Palace has arrived."

Su Qing opened her eyes, shook her head, and stepped off the carriage.

The Golden Temple——

When Su Qing walked in step by step, the originally noisy hall became quiet in an instant.

Su Qing ignored the people around her and walked directly to the front. After a pause, she saw the familiar white. Because Su Xuanchen is a man, even if he is qualified to go to court, he is not qualified to wear court clothes Yes, so he is particularly prominent at this moment.

Her complexion changed slightly, and Su Qing strode forward directly, no wonder the usually quiet ministers would follow and whisper.

Strutting to Su Xuanchen's side, Su Qing frowned and held him back: "Why did you come?"

Su Xuanchen didn't look at her, but pulled out the sleeve in her hand, and then stood there expressionlessly.

"I..." Su Qing was about to say something when she was interrupted by the maid's voice.

"His Majesty is here!"

Su Qing could only swallow all the questions in her stomach.

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty!" All the officials knelt down, and even Su Xuanchen had to kneel, but Su Qing just bent slightly.

Su Hui was also slightly taken aback the moment she saw Su Xuanchen. Didn't Su Qing say that she was busy making babies?
Can you go down so soon?

Glancing at the two of them lightly, Su Hui turned around and sat on the magnificent, glittering golden phoenix seat: "Everyone is flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Baiguan stood up.

"If there is a book to start playing, there is no book to retreat!" The old maid's voice sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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