Chapter 268
Taking a serious look at Su Qing, Su Xuanchen turned around, and pulled off the white jade crown belonging to the national teacher with one hand, and the black hair spread out all over his head, reaching to his ankles.

As a man, Su Xuanchen was undoubtedly successful, because of his action, all the women present all looked at him.

Because, such a lonely and independent figure, a coquettish and pure face, two extremes, but damn harmonious.

"I, Su Xuanchen, voluntarily took off the jade crown today and handed it back to the National Teacher's Mansion. From now on, I will be diligent and thrifty to manage the family, take care of my wife and daughter, and never ask about court affairs." A slightly deep voice resounded above the hall, successfully pulling back everyone's thoughts .

Pa——The white jade crown in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound on the floor.

Su Qing's eyes were scarlet, and her lips trembled slightly: "You..."

As soon as she spoke, Su Xuanchen grabbed her wrist and stopped her from speaking.

Su Hui's eyes were complicated: "Master, you don't have to do this."

Su Xuanchen looked fearlessly: "The grassroots opinion has been decided."

"Your Majesty..." Li Bai's voice sounded again.

"Shut up!" Su Qing suddenly turned her head and roared, her eyes widened, as if she wanted to engrave Li Bai into her blood.

Li Bai was also slightly startled when he met such a gaze, then he lowered his head and stopped talking.

All the ministers also lowered their heads, only Concubine Su Wen raised the corners of her lips slightly. If anyone looked closely, they could tell the pride on her eyebrows at this moment.

Since you are a man, why show your face?
Su Xuanchen looked sideways, took Su Qing's hand in his palm, and pulled it closer for the first time under the eyes of everyone, and pressed his thin lips on her forehead.

Then, under everyone's astonished eyes, he said: "Xuanchen believes in his wife." So, it doesn't matter if it is a little bit bitter.

A word made Su Qing's eyes moist again.

Letting her go, Su Xuanchen smiled slightly, the pampering in his eyes almost overflowing: "My husband is waiting for you outside."

Su Qing gasped for breath, and wanted to reach out to hold him, but found that there was no reason for him to stay.

Su Xuanchen was tall and straight, dressed in white, with black hair flying, and walked towards the outside step by step.

The hall was terribly quiet, because they saw Su Qing who was full of violence.

Just when everyone thought that Su Qing was going to get angry, she put away the fury in her eyes, turned around and bent down, and said to the person on the high platform: "Mother, my son is not feeling well, so let's go first." Farewell."

Su Hui nodded: "Go."

Su Qing straightened up, glanced sideways at Li Bai, then turned and left.

Li Bai lowered her head, feeling a little panic in her heart, because when she met Su Qing's eyes just now, she felt...

Su Qing seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Down the steps of the tall building.

Su Qing walked towards him step by step, pulled out the golden hairpin on his head, walked behind him without saying a word, and ran his fingers through his soft hair to simply tie up his black hair.

"Regret?" Su Qing looked at his back and asked in a daze.

Su Xuanchen, you can only be by my side in this life, do you regret it?

Su Xuanchen was slightly taken aback, he understood what she meant, so his eyes were slightly bent, and the corners of his lips curled up where she couldn't see: "I don't regret it."

From the moment I gave it to you, I will never regret it in my life.

Su Qing chuckled, reached out and grabbed his cold fingers, and walked out.


The residence of the second queen.

"Princess, Su Guoshi voluntarily dismissed one of the Guoshi, and promised not to interfere with the court." A man in black knelt by the bed and said respectfully.

Su Qiao then struggled to get up from the bed, waving her slender fingers lightly: "Go down, and continue to do as the princess said."

"As ordered."

The room returned to calm again, Su Qiao's eyes were calm, and there was no expression on his face.

But the palm on the side was clenched tightly, and the nails sank deep into the flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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