The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 270 Junqian's accident

Chapter 270 Junqian's accident
The rosewood bath in the bead curtain exudes a faint fragrance. Through the bead curtain, the hot air is transpiring inside, emitting lingering clouds and mist. The red rose petals are floating on the water surface, which is refreshing, surrounded by layers of red gauze, candle lights Under the reflection, it looks like a unique bridal chamber wedding night.

Su Qing was also dressed in white, holding Su Xuanchen's big palm tightly in her hand, walking from the red gauze.

Su Xuanchen's jade-like face became more rosy. He is not a child who doesn't understand anything. Su Qing gave him a visual impact, and the shock in his heart was undoubtedly not small.

He could see her intentions.

The two arrived at the bathing pool together, Su Qing turned her head to look at him with a smile in her eyes: "Xiao Chenchen, such a beautiful day, I really can't bear to waste it as a wife."

Then, under Su Xuanchen's astonished gaze, he grabbed his wrist and fell directly backward...

Su Xuanchen's pupils widened slightly, knowing that she would be fine, but he still put his arms around her waist, and subconsciously changed positions.

Su Qing was only surprised for a moment, and the tenderness in her eyes grew even stronger.


The two fell heavily into the water, splashing flower petals all over the ground, and even the surrounding red gauze was covered with water drops.


Su Qing gently picked up Su Xuanchen from the side of the pool, wrapped the wide cloak around him, and walked steadily to the bedroom.

Time passed quickly, Su Qing reviewed memorials every day, dealt with court affairs, and traveled between Dali Temple and the East Palace every day, no matter what time she was busy, she would go home.Because Qi Yue would prepare meals and wait for her every day, and Li Shang would come over to eat from time to time, Su Xuanchen still looked aloof, but every time he saw her, she would be drowned by the pampering in his eyes, making her I don't want to come out for the rest of my life.

Next month will arrive soon, one step closer to their wedding date.

The East Palace is already busy, with red edges and window paper hanging everywhere, and the big happy characters are particularly eye-catching.

first day.

She, Li Shang, Su Xuanchen, and Qi Yue were discussing who should be invited for the invitation.

She told Li Shang, Su Xuanchen and Qi Yue wrote.

Obviously everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, but Su Bo ran in with a panicked face.

Li Shang looked at Su Bo with a displeased face: "Hey, Sixth Princess, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Su Qing also looked up suspiciously.

Su Bo took two deep breaths, and finally recovered his senses: "Fifth Sister, this morning, I don't know why, the young master and the third princess were lying together, and people in the palace saw it. The emperor has already rushed over..."


The invitation in Su Qing's hand fell to the ground, waking up the whole room.

Her eyes became fierce in an instant, and Su Qing ran out quickly after taking a step.

Su Xuanchen got up with a frosty face, and walked out, but he was not walking in the direction of the palace.

"Qi Yue, you stay here, the prince will come to the palace to have a look." Li Shang's seductive eyes sank in an instant, and after hurriedly leaving that sentence, he hurried to the palace.

Su Yu!

Really desperate.

Qi Yue stood up and looked at the backs of them leaving in a hurry. The fierce aura from before seemed to return to him again. After straightening his purple robes, Qi Yue also left through the back door. The direction he was going was still not the same. royal palace.

Su Yu, again and again.


Jingwan Palace——

Su Qing got off the horse neatly, and walked inside with no expression on her face.

A bunch of people were still in the yard, and Su Qing went straight to her destination without even looking.

Su Hui sat on the main seat, Su Yu knelt on the ground in disheveled clothes, even Su Yu's father, Mrs. Bai knelt on the ground.

Mei Guijun hugged Su Niannian and looked at her apologetically.

(End of this chapter)

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