Chapter 272 He is fine

Pulling him into her arms, Su Qing had tears in her eyes, and patted his back comfortingly: "Little stammer, you're fine, you're fine..."

Jun Qian whimpered, with tears in his eyes: "Su... Sister Su... lied to me again..."

Su Qing didn't know how to explain it to him. He would only believe it if the truth came to light.

After wiping away tears, Su Qing took a deep breath, straightened up, raised Jun Qian's chin, leaned closer and kissed him gently between the brows, then looked at him tenderly, and said, "Jun Qian, believe me!" Is Sister Su okay?"

Jun Qian couldn't help shaking his head, tears kept coming...

Su Qing had no choice, Su Yu was still waiting for her to solve it, so she had to forcibly raise his head and look at him with burning eyes: "Jun Qian, do you love Sister Su?"

Because of this sentence, Jun Qian finally stopped crying, and opened his red and swollen eyes to look at her. A drop of cold sweat dripped from Su Qing's forehead, and there was a trace of tension in his eyes as he looked at him.

Finally, under her gaze, Jun Qian nodded slightly.

Su Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "Then wait here for Sister Su to come back, okay?"

Junqian, today, I will definitely give you an explanation.

Jun Qian's eyes were red and swollen: "Okay."

"Stop doing stupid things, okay?" Seeing him like this, Su Qing's heart still couldn't help aching.

Jun Qian's eyes were dim with tears, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Okay."

"When did you fall asleep last night?"

"Yinshi." Jun Qian lowered his head, because he had prepared a gift, and wanted to go out of the palace to see her today, but he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep for a long time, and finally squinted for a while, who knew that such a thing happened when he woke up .

Yin Shi?

Su Qing tilted her head and thought for a while. In modern times, it is already four or five o'clock in the morning. Jun Qian slept so late?

But she didn't have time to ask, the later Jun Qian slept, the greater the chance of proving his innocence.

Only then did Su Qing slowly let go of Jun Qian, and when she stood up, she realized that Li Shang had already stood behind them at some point.

Li Shang looked at them with complicated eyes, and said, "Go, I am here."

Su Qing gave him a slightly surprised look, then turned and left. When passing by Li Shang, Li Shang grabbed her wrist: "Let go and do it. If there is anything, Li Guo will take care of it."

Su Qing looked up in astonishment, and when she saw the seriousness in his eyes, she suddenly smiled: "You don't need a country as a backing to punish a wicked person."

When Li Shang wanted to say something, Su Qing had already strode out.

Su Yu and Bai Cha were still kneeling in the hall. Su Qing didn't look at their father and daughter, but asked Mei Guijun Rui Sui, "Who was the first person to find out about this?"

She didn't intend to solve it secretly, she wanted to have a public trial and return him innocent.

Rui Sui glanced at Su Bo, then called out to the servant behind him: "Min'er, come out and tell the empress what happened."

The man named Min'er stood up from behind Rui Sui, knelt on the ground in a calm manner, and said to Su Qing: "At Maoshi today, the servant got up to check the night, but heard that there was a quilt in the young master's room. There was a broken voice, the servant was worried about the young master's accident, so he walked in regardless of etiquette, and then saw... saw..."

Su Qing's eyes flashed, and her voice was heavy: "Speak!"

Min'er fell to the ground in an instant, and said quickly: "I saw the third princess and the young master lying on the same bed in disheveled clothes."

Su Yu smiled coldly, even if he was kneeling on the ground, his momentum was not weak at all, Su Qing, no matter how you turn things around today, everyone in the palace knows that Jun Qian belongs to the princess, I want to see , a man with no guarantee of innocence, will the empress let him marry you!

"It's obviously Jun Qian who took the initiative to throw himself into his arms. Min'er's words, why does it seem to be the fault of this princess alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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