The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 278 The Ruthless Emperor's House

Chapter 278 The Ruthless Emperor's House


The Royal Forest Army surrounded the racecourse. On the outside of the encirclement, there were Imperial Guards, maids, bodyguards, and imperial physicians.

In the middle of the racecourse, Su Qing was riding on a tall horse, her hair was tied up high, she was dressed in light clothes, and she looked heroic.It's just that she was holding a thick hemp rope tightly in her hand, and at the end of the hemp rope was tied a woman covered in blood.

Mo Tong glanced around, and Su Qing sank to her dantian: "This is the fate of men who covet this hall, you, all of you, let this hall remember!"

Everyone looked for the sound, Su Qing had already started to run on the horse, and Su Yu's screams were behind him.

"Ah...Su bastard! You bastard! You...deserve to be alone forever...deserve..." Su Yu was dragged behind the horse, and her back kept rubbing against the ground, causing her to curse in pain.

Pa——Su Qing raised the whip, and hit the horse's rump with one blow. The black horse ran faster around the circle, leaving circles of bloodstains on the grass.

Everyone has a question in their hearts, is this trying to drag people to death?

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Su Qiao finally got the news and rushed over. What he got was that Bai Cha was dead and Su Yu was being tortured.

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Qing's red lips curled up slightly, her palm gathered her inner strength, and she raised her hand suddenly. Su Yu's body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell heavily, landing on her belly...

"Ah...Su will die..." Su Yu finally lowered his head and there was no more movement.

Su Qiao had just rushed in front of the Imperial Forest Army, and what she saw was the scene where Su Yu fell from high school and was directly crushed to death, but was dragged by Su Qing behind the horse and galloped forward.

Su Qiao was so angry that her eyes were about to protrude, she grabbed the sleeves of the Imperial Forest Army tightly, and just wanted to rush out regardless, but was stopped by the hidden guards: "Master, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, if you now If you go out, your husband and the third princess will die in peace!"

In a word, Su Qiao calmed down instantly. She stared at Su Qing fiercely, almost gnashing her silver teeth, but her footsteps never moved.

Su Qing dragged a dead man around for a walk, and when she found that Su Qiao hated her so much that her teeth were itchy, her eyes were bloodshot and she didn't come forward, she knew that Su Qiao was really a hard-hearted person. people!

Such a person is the most difficult to deal with!
"Woo~" Su Qing stopped the horse in front of Su Qiao, with her eyes bent, in front of her, she let go of the rope in her hand, and Su Yu fell to the ground like a dead fish.

"You..." Su Qiao's eyes were scarlet, and the bottom of them was filled with tears.

"Princess!" The dark guard grabbed Su Qiao's trembling fist.

Su Qing waited for a while, but Su Qiao still didn't speak, but just stared at her, Su Qing saw the bone-destroying hatred from inside.

"Heh~" Su Qing chuckled, got off her horse neatly, and walked towards the spotless white-clothed man.

"Throw her to me in the mountains to feed the dogs." Su Qing's cold voice sounded again, making everyone in the audience shudder.

Su Qiao was trembling all over, and finally couldn't help shedding tears, covered her mouth in panic, turned around, not daring to look at the unrecognizable third princess again.

"Go, go home!" Su Qing walked directly in front of Su Xuanchen, stretched out her hand to grab his big palm and led him out. The people around gave way one after another, and no one dared to say no.

Su Qiao finally turned around and ran towards Su Yu desperately. Seeing that there was not a single intact part of Su Yu's body, Su Qiao finally couldn't help kneeling on the ground and crying loudly.

Su Qiao hugged Su Yu in her arms with trembling fingers, tears streaming down the bridge of her nose: "Why... just don't listen to my sister?"

The crowd couldn't bear to watch, and most of them lowered their heads.

Sure enough, the most ruthless emperor's family.

(End of this chapter)

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