The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 289 Xiaochenchen is a bit aggrieved

Chapter 289 Xiaochenchen is a bit aggrieved

"So, is the national teacher happy?" Qing Lanjun also looked at her, and asked the person beside him.

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen was slightly taken aback, are you happy?

At the beginning, she was eccentric and had a lot of ghost ideas, and she often made him and Qinglan Jun jump in anger.

Now she is strategizing, ruthless, and the world is under her control, no one can do anything to her.

is he happy


"So, where is Master? Is Master happy?" Su Xuanchen remembered what he had said when he went to find Lord Qinglan.

Su Qing just can't support the wall with mud!

So what about today?Has your opinion of her changed?

Qing Lanjun raised his eyes subconsciously to look at Su Qing, who was smiling and toasting in the crowd without being humble or overbearing, and suddenly smiled: "She is my most proud disciple!"

Su Xuanchen also bent his eyes and stopped talking.

Is it really just a disciple?
Everyone knows it well.

Xu was drinking too much, Su Qing's face was flushed, and she glanced around unconsciously, only to see Su Xuanchen and Qing Lanjun standing together.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Su Qing walked straight towards them: "Why did the master come here? It really makes the East Palace of this hall flourish~"

Lord Qinglan concealed the thoughts in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "His Royal Highness's big wedding, the grass-roots should naturally come to ask for a glass of wedding wine. Do you welcome your Highness?"

"Hahaha, welcome, welcome, welcome naturally, drink, drink whatever you want, if not enough, the hall will bring out all the wine in the cellar for you..." Su Qing narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Su Xuanchen had a headache and supported the crumbling Su Qing: "You drank too much!"

Su Qing took the opportunity to lean on Su Xuanchen, squinted her eyes and looked at Lord Qinglan: "Master, I'm really sorry, this hall is a little dizzy, excuse me."

Lord Qinglan nodded politely: "Your Highness, please do as you please."

"Master, you can do whatever you want today. What you should drink and what you should eat should be wrapped in this hall." Su Qing patted her chest to assure her, then wrapped her arms around Su Xuanchen's waist, and stumbled towards the front hall.

Su Xuanchen glanced at Lord Qinglan apologetically, then put his arms around Su Qing's shoulders and walked inside: "Why are you always so reassuring?"

Su Qing chuckled, and looked sideways at Su Xuanchen with winking eyes like silk: "Why don't you worry about being a wife? You ran out by yourself, causing me to come to you, and said I was worrying..."

Su Xuanchen glanced at her speechlessly, then resigned himself to helping her move forward.

"Xiao Chenchen, you'll have to look for medicine tomorrow and I'll take your pulse."

"Why?" Su Xuanchen asked subconsciously.

Su Qing lowered her head and smiled foolishly: "What if, what if there is a double happiness?"

Su Xuanchen came to his senses in an instant, and his face darkened: "Let your two husbands give birth to you, so that you can have a happy family!"

Su Qing stopped in her tracks, she couldn't believe her ears, Su Xuanchen was...

Are you jealous?
Looking sideways at Su Xuanchen, there was a hint of inquiry in Su Qing's eyes, she stretched out her index finger and poked Su Xuanchen's smooth face: "Xiao Chenchen, are you jealous?"

Su Xuanchen patted her hand impatiently, hugged her waist tightly, and dragged her to the front hall: "What nonsense?"

Even though he said that, Su Xuanchen felt a little astringent in his heart.

Although he is also carrying eight sedan chairs, the Ming media is marrying.But he knew that she at that time was not at all what she is now.

In other words, it doesn't count!
Thinking about it this way, Su Xuanchen actually felt aggrieved.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Su Qing stopped asking, and hung on him honestly...

 555~Recommendation ticket~reward!

(End of this chapter)

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