The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 293 Meeting Qinglan Lord Again

Chapter 293 Meeting Qinglan Lord Again

After Su Qing left the gate of the East Palace, she took Bai Lifeng and ran towards Dali Temple non-stop.

Bailijin's case file has been called out, and she has to check it out herself.

Dali Temple——

Su Qing just got off the horse and walked inside with Baili Feng, but just as she stepped up the stairs, she saw another familiar figure walking towards her.

"Master?" A look of doubt flashed in Su Qing's eyes, and she walked towards him without stopping.

"I know why you are here, let's go, I will take you in." Qing Lanjun smiled softly, and said something to her.

Su Qing took a step back subconsciously: "Well, the master didn't bring that today..."

Su Qing's eyes fell on his wide sleeves, she was really worried when that broken stick would appear again.

After all, before she ascended the throne, the magic stick still had a certain deterrent effect on her.

Qing Lanjun's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a trace of bitterness in the depths of his eyes. Didn't he treat her that way at the beginning?

So much so, when she saw him now, her first reaction was to "hide"!
"I don't have that thing with me anymore."

"Ah?" Su Qing looked up at him in astonishment.

"After all, His Highness is no longer the child he was back then." Qinglan Jun looked at him, his delicate face was full of tenderness.

Su Qing stared at him blankly, although this ordinary face was not as outstanding as others, but...

But it gave her an indescribable feeling.

Su Qing came back to her senses, scratched the back of her head, and said in embarrassment: "I heard that the master is getting married. Speaking of which, the master is also my half master. When we get married, remember to send invitations. As a disciple I have to go see my wife too, hahaha..."

Qing Lanjun's heart shrank suddenly, but the gentleness on his face remained unchanged: "Of course, the wedding will be after New Year's Eve, and I will send someone to send it to His Highness at that time, and please His Highness to appreciate it."

Only then did Su Qing relax, she took a step forward with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the hall will definitely go, let's go, investigate the case first!"

Qing Lanjun smiled and followed her footsteps.

However, a trace of doubt flashed in Bailifeng's eyes. He always felt that the expression of this man named Qing Lanjun was not quite right just now.


East Palace, front hall.

Li Shang hurried over, but waited at the door, patted the slightly messy hem of the clothes, straightened the messy hair, Li Shang turned his head: "Wu Jiang, how are you?"

Wu Jiang was out of breath from running, but he still panted and replied: "Very... very beautiful."

Only then did Li Shang take a deep breath, and walked in slowly.

The eyes of the three fell on him at the same time, it was obviously not the first time they met, but at this moment Li Shang was slightly nervous.

These are all from his wife's husband...

Qi Yue and Jun Qian stood up, and slightly bent towards him: "Your Majesty is well."

Li Shang was taken aback for a moment, his mind still seemed to be a bit overwhelmed: " don't need to be too polite."

In the past, others called him Second Prince, His Royal Highness, Little Prince...

This is a sudden marriage, although he is satisfied with the marriage, but this still makes his head confused for a moment.

"In the future, let's put your hair into a husband's bun." Su Xuanchen put down the teacup in his hand, and said so lightly.

Li Shang touched his hair subconsciously, only to realize that he simply tied it up, and did not insert a jade hairpin or wear a jade crown like them.

He just went out in a hurry, he forgot...

Bending slightly towards Su Xuanchen, Li Shang said, "I will pay attention next time!"

 Recommended ticket! ! !Reward! ! ! mua~
(End of this chapter)

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