The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 296 Ziyan Will Not Love Your Highness

Chapter 296 Ziyan Will Not Love Your Highness

Su Qing walked out of Dali Temple quickly, but saw a person biting the dog's tail, lying leisurely on the stone lion, looking at her with a pair of purple pupils.

Su Qing glanced at him indifferently, then walked directly to her horse.

A smile flashed across Wen Ziyan's slightly weird purple pupils, he lowered the hat on his head, and flew down directly, blocking Su Qing's way.

Su Qing took a step back and looked at him: "What are you doing?"

"Your Highness, you are too immoral. Tell me to help you, and you will marry me as soon as I come back? And marry two at a time? Are you a bit faster?"

Su Qing finally looked up at him, and cast a mocking look at him: "Did you spend the night in the wine cellar yesterday?"

The smile on the corner of Wen Ziyan's mouth froze instantly. How could he have forgotten that the East Palace was her place, and Su Qing would naturally be told every word of his affairs.

He miscalculated...

"Okay, pack up your mood, let's talk about it when we go back." After saying this, Su Qing got on the horse and walked away.

As soon as she walked out of Li Shang's room, someone came to tell her about Wen Ziyan.

She didn't take it seriously, because as long as Wen Ziyan didn't die, he could do whatever he wanted, and it had nothing to do with her.

Wen Ziyan didn't know this truth, and sighed helplessly, this woman can only be patient with her husband!

Shaking his head, Wen Ziyan quickly flew towards Su Qing.

Yaoguang Hall, study room.

Su Qing sat on the main seat and looked at the evidence brought by Wen Ziyan.

Eyebrows furrowed, red lips slightly parted: "Greedy for 1000 taels of money, robbing civilian men by force? What are these?"

Wen Ziyan's face was also a little embarrassed: "Su Qiao is a person who doesn't leak anything, and I can find out these things, which is pretty good."

Su Qing had a headache, threw the rice paper in her hand on the table, and looked at Wen Ziyan with displeasure: "1000 taels of money? What kind of money are you greedy for, and where did you hear about it? What about the evidence? Robbery Minnan, which family's civilian man is being robbed? Who is the last name?"

Wen Ziyan's eyes flickered slightly, but he still said stubbornly: "If I can find out this, can I still come to you?"

Pa - Su Qing got angry for a moment, and threw the teacup on the table at his feet, breaking it into pieces.

"What do we need you for?" Su Qing was really angry, she deliberately asked Wen Ziyan to show up at the palace banquet in order to catch Su Qiao's heart.

It was only later that an accident happened, she killed Su Yu, and Wen Ziyan asked Wen Ziyan to investigate, but instead of finding nothing, she even talked back to her!
Wen Ziyan's expression changed: "Your Highness, I am not your slave!"

Hearing this, Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled sarcastically: "Wen Ziyan, you were the one who begged the hall to keep you, why, did you go back on your word?"

Wen Ziyan stepped forward, put his hands on the table, and looked at her with dark eyes: "Your Highness, in this world, I, Wen Ziyan, have only heard your words. Don't hurt me like this, I will take it seriously..."

Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, then looked straight into the depths of his eyes, his eyes were so cold, but he spoke so seriously, Su Qing suddenly couldn't understand Wen Ziyan.

"Wen Ziyan, we agreed at the beginning that you will work for this hall, and this hall will protect you. This hall does not want you to have other unreasonable thoughts about this hall, understand?" Su Qing rarely said seriously Talking so much to Wen Ziyan.

Wen Ziyan looked at her for a long time, then suddenly smiled, his eyes curled up: "Your Highness, I am not those young masters in your mansion, you don't have to look at me like they do."

Wen Ziyan approached her with emotions Su Qing couldn't understand in his eyes: "Because of Ziyan, I will never fall in love with Your Highness in this life."

 Brother Ziyan is also very cute~
  ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, please give it to Feifei, Feifei will return to school at dawn, pain~ need a ticket to comfort.


(End of this chapter)

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