Chapter 298 Cooked
When passing by Su Xuanchen, Ye Wanmin bowed and saluted before leaving.

However, Su Qing stepped forward at this time, took his hand and walked inside, with an ugly expression on her face: "Su Xuanchen, although it hasn't snowed these two days, the weather is still cold, how many times have I told you for my wife? , why don't you listen?"

What should I do if my little Qing is frozen?
Of course, Su Qing never dared to say the latter sentence, she was afraid that Su Xuanchen would hit her with a glass again.

But Su Xuanchen couldn't help but bend his eyebrows when he heard Su Qing's reproachful words: "Why are you so delicate?"

In the past, when he practiced martial arts in Wutong Mountain, even if it was a world of ice and snow, he was not afraid.

Hearing these words, Su Qing pulled him into her arms and closed the door behind her back.

Su Xuanchen lowered his head to look at Su Qing in surprise, Su Qing bent down and picked him up horizontally without changing his face, then strode into the reclining chair, then took a heater from the side and stuffed it in Su Xuanchen's hand, then lowered his head to look with him.

"Xiao Chenchen, you don't need to be so strong, you know?"

Su Xuanchen looked at her in astonishment, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"You are a man with a wife. You are different from those old bachelors. You cry when you want to, and make trouble when you want to. At worst, you will coax you for your wife~"

Su Xuanchen was quite moved at first, but when he heard Su Qing's last words, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Su Qing really spared no effort to coax him...

"Okay, I'm here today for something important." Su Xuanchen hugged the stove in his hand tightly, looked at the stool beside him, and signaled her to sit down.

Hearing what he said, Su Qing smiled irrefutably, and didn't mess around, she sat aside and waited for his next words.

Only then did Su Xuanchen straighten up, reach out and take out the token from the lapel of his shirt and hand it to her: "This is what the Queen Mother asked me to give to you. You were too busy yesterday, so I had to entrust it to you."

Su Qing was taken aback, and took it with trembling fingers, she recognized it, this is the tiger amulet for commanding the three armies, the Queen Mother actually gave it to her just like that?

"The empress has long wanted to abdicate, and now no one in the court dares to raise any objections to you, and there is only one edict to pass on the throne."

Su Xuanchen's cold voice reached her ears, and Su Qing held the tiger talisman in her hand, feeling that it weighed a thousand catties.

This journey was easy to say, but she lived in fear.

It's not easy to say, now she only needs an edict to take the throne...

"The queen mother said that as long as you have a daughter-in-law, you can ascend the throne directly."

Hearing this, a smile flashed across Su Qing's downcast eyes, she put the tiger amulet into her skirt, and then she looked at him with a smile on her face and said, "If Xiao Chenchen doesn't work harder, where is he going to be a prostitute?"

This made Su Xuanchen dissatisfied: "A few days ago, you were always busy with Dali Temple and the wedding, so why did you ever worry about my feelings?"

As soon as these words came out, let alone Su Xuanchen, Su Qing was stunned.

She looked at him with her mouth slightly open, a little in disbelief.

It was not surprising that she could hear such complaining words, but it was too strange to hear them from Su Xuanchen's mouth.

Swallowing slightly, Su Qing blinked her eyes and asked, "Xiao Chenchen, are you blaming your wife for not pampering you, so you feel empty and lonely?"

Su Xuanchen's face darkened for a moment, although he did mean this, but Su Qing said it so clearly.

It made him flustered for a while.

"No!" Turning his face away, Su Xuanchen said awkwardly.

Su Qing chuckled, stretched out her little hand quietly, squeezed the flesh around Su Xuanchen's waist, and asked softly: "Really?"

Su Xuanchen slapped her hand off, gritted his teeth and said, "It's cooked!"

 Long time no reward! !Ahhhhh! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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