Chapter 303 Send Them Away
When Su Qing came out of the imperial study and looked back, she always felt that it was too real and not so real.

Because Su Hui only said one sentence: whoever sits on this phoenix seat does not have the blood of brothers and sisters on their hands.

Su Qing looked sad, maybe because her soul was not Su Hui's biological daughter, she didn't have much feeling.

But, will there really be someone who will accompany her all the way to No Man's Top?
In the prison.

Today's sky prison is exceptionally quiet, without the slightest movement.

The guards at the door seemed to have lost their senses. Someone passed by, but they didn't respond.

Su Qing rushed over in the carriage, and two black shadows flew out of the sky prison in an instant, and hid in the carriage.

Su Qing didn't stop at all, and drove straight towards the outskirts of the city in the carriage.

Inside the carriage—

Bailifeng supported Bailijin, while Ye Wanmin took out a large pill from the skirt of his shirt, forced open Bailijin's mouth, and stuffed it in.

Bailifeng frowned: "You..."

Ye Wanmin quickly withdrew his hand: "It melts in the mouth, a life-saving thing."

Hearing her explanation, Baili Feng felt relieved, shut his mouth, and stopped talking.

A simple carriage was speeding down the street, Su Qing's eyes were calm, and he whipped his whip without changing his expression.

city ​​gate.

"Who is coming?"

"This hall is out of the city to handle business, so hurry up and get out of the way!" Su Qing came from riding a horse in the wind, and the token in her hand shone silvery under the moonlight.

The pupils of the guards at the gate suddenly widened, and they hurriedly opened the city gate. Su Qing took back the token in her hand and ran out quickly.

The guards left alone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not understanding why Su Qing left the city so late.

Just as they turned their heads in doubt, they felt a coolness coming from their necks, and then they felt something constantly flowing from their necks.

Bang, bang, bang... They fell down one after another, and the pupils were still in a state of confusion.

They didn't even know how they died.

Xia He turned around and walked step by step towards the way she came: "Clean it up."

"Yes!" A slightly deep voice sounded in the darkness, and several black shadows quickly ran towards the fallen guards...


"Woo~" Su Qing pulled the reins and quickly jumped off the carriage.

Ye Wanren sat where Su Qing had just sat.

The two looked at each other, Su Qing nodded, and Ye Wanmin pulled the rein again: "Drive!"

The carriage ran to the other side.

Bailifeng opened the curtain in a panic and looked back. Su Qing was standing there quietly in a black robe...

He couldn't see her expression clearly, but he could guess that she probably still had that cold expression.

"Miss Ye, what does Your Highness mean by this?" Bailifeng asked Ye Wanmin outside the curtain when he finally lost sight of Su Qing.

"Your father's case will not be over for a while. What His Highness means is that you and your father will go to a mountain villa to take refuge first, and then make plans after the news passes!"

Bailifeng listened quietly, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Su Qing had her own opinions on everything she did, and even when she decided on his whereabouts, she never discussed it with him.

"People from my Baili family..."

"In a few days, it will be sent to meet you." Ye Wanmin said this sentence lightly, and then stopped talking.

During this time, she was willing to help Su Qing, not because of anything else.

It's because of Su Qing, who suits her eyes and tastes!
Su Qing stood there for a while, and then another carriage came from a distance.

"Your Highness..." Chun Yu stopped beside her in the carriage.

Su Qing nodded lightly, then jumped into the carriage, and Chun Yu ran towards Su Jingcheng.

 First update one chapter and then update two chapters before ten o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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