Chapter 313

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to ask her, if his head was in a different place, would she feel a little bit distressed?
The Queen's Palace.

Concubine Su Wen is holding a banquet in the back garden, surrounded by a few little ones, she is not young, and the oldest child is almost eight years old.

Maybe it's the new year, and Concubine Su Wen is less harsh on her children: "Let's go play, Queen Mother, talk to your father about something."

"Daughter, my son obeys." The two sons and one daughter obediently responded and quickly dispersed.

Concubine Su Wen then looked at Lou and the six young gentlemen sitting below her: "It's another new year, so don't mention the past again. In the future, my princess still hopes that you can keep yourselves in peace and don't make compromises." Things that this princess hates come."

"I would like to follow the instructions of my wife and master." Everyone bowed their heads and replied respectfully.

It's strange to say that in front of outsiders, Concubine Su Wen is kind and kind, and she always treats the common people with gentleness. Why do her husbands seem to be so afraid of her?

Concubine Su Wen nodded in satisfaction, and then reached out to pick up the wine glass on the table: "This glass of wine, my princess..."

Concubine Su Wen hadn't finished speaking when a secret guard hurried over: "Master, Su Zhengjun is pregnant."

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Concubine Su Wen's mouth froze instantly. Others didn't know but she knew that as long as Su Xuanchen gave birth to a daughter-in-law, the throne would definitely belong to Su Qing.

"Wife master..." Seeing Concubine Su Wen's expression was not right, Lou quickly called out softly.

Concubine Su Wen came back to her senses, and cast a gloomy look at Lou Shi: "Here, I'll leave it to you first."

After speaking, Concubine Su Wen stood up and strode away.

Su Xuanchen, when he first entered the palace, the person who saw him first was obviously her.

That tall and straight figure, aloof personality, and cold voice, just one glance, made her unable to forget.

Later, the Empress gave him a marriage to Su Qing. Although she was dissatisfied, she never said a word. After all, even she couldn't change what the Empress decided.

What's more, at that time, she clearly caught the disgust in Su Xuanchen's eyes.

She managed to let that bastard Su Yu take Su Qing to the deep mountains and old forests, she was clearly sure that Su Qing had passed away, damn it!

Why is she still alive?

Concubine Su Wen's eyes were full of anger at the moment, and she had people carrying her backpack for her various designs in the past, so even if Su Qing woke up later, she didn't feel much.

But when she heard that Su Xuanchen was pregnant, she suddenly regretted it. At that time, she should have chopped up people and fed them to wolves!
Instead of giving her this opportunity to allow Su Xuanchen to conceive her child!
Su Qing, what this princess can't get, how can you get it so easily?

Is it a daughter-in-law?
This princess wants to see if Su Xuanchen can be born safely!


East Palace, Yaolao Pavilion.

Su Qing sat aside, with her elbows on the table and her chin resting on her palm, quietly watching Yao Lao take Su Xuanchen's pulse.

She didn't know if it was because she was pregnant, but she always felt that Su Xuanchen had become a little more human.

"Girl, the fetus in the womb is fine." Yao Lao withdrew his hand and said with a smile on his face.

Su Qing nodded, but did not take her eyes off Su Xuanchen's profile: "Where is Xiao Chenchen from this hall?"

It was only then that Yao Lao realized that Su Qing's focus was not on the child, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "The child is fine, so of course the father will be fine."

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen's cheeks were slightly rosy, but Su Qing chuckled, and looked at Yao Lao: "Yao Lao, you should move to live in Miaofeng Pavilion in the next ten months, with your care, the hall can rest assured some."

Yao Lao immediately frowned: "Smelly girl, Miaofeng Pavilion is only half a stick of incense away from here. It's so close. You want an old man like me to go there with a cane to eat? Are you a bit uncomfortable? Suitable?"

Su Qing narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Grandpa Yao, this hall thinks it's quite suitable."

 Reward! ! !Recommended ticket! !Ah ah ah ah ah!

(End of this chapter)

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