Chapter 320
Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered what she had forgotten.

That's right, she didn't want the person she liked to do such a dangerous thing, but she had the heart to let Wen Ziyan sneak into Su Qiao's mansion alone without saying anything.

This...isn't it good?
The few men in the room regarded Su Qing's appearance as acquiescence, and acquiesced that Su Qing just thought they were useless.

Li Shang said angrily again: "Su Qing, you are going too far!"

Su Qing looked up at him, and said seriously: "As a wife, I really don't like Wen Ziyan."

Li Shang obviously didn't believe it: "Then why did you allow him to live in the East Palace and the backyard?"

Su Qing was a little helpless. He was a man and didn't live in the backyard. Could it be that he lived in the front yard with her?

Su Xuanchen didn't want to talk to him. He didn't like Wen Ziyan from the first time he saw him. This person has a deep mind. If he can't control it well, it may bring disaster to Su Qing. Although he has already guessed Wen Ziyan's extraordinary identity , but I don't want to keep such a dangerous person by my side.

What's more, I don't know if the different pupil fate is real or fake.

Also, what is the reason why he deliberately approached Su Qing?
He always felt that somewhere in the dark, there was something infinitely close to him, but he could never remember it.

But Su Qing was thinking, this man started making trouble for no reason, she really couldn't stand it.

Look now, she is sitting here, one or two are staring at her, as if she will kill her if she can't give them a satisfactory answer.

Su Qing directly changed the topic. She found that discussing this issue would never lead to any results: "Let's put Wen Ziyan's words aside for now. I want to tell you something for my wife, and I want to open a flower house for my wife."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing chuckled, this was something she had always wanted to do, it was convenient for her to play and inquire about news.

After all, there is nothing rational about a woman who is intoxicated in the gentle countryside.

Qi Yue's complexion also became uneasy in an instant: "What is Huahua Lou doing?"

Even Su Xuanchen was shocked by this sentence and interrupted his thoughts. Su Qing hasn't given up on this idea yet?
Su Qing smiled wretchedly, and just about to blurt out two words for fun, but forced the words back abruptly.

Because she found that her little ancestors looked at her even more terrifyingly.

Su Qing sat up straight, withdrew her smile calmly, and said solemnly: "In a place like Hualou, there are all kinds of people mixed together, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries down to ordinary people. For a wife, Hualou, one is In order to inquire about news, the second is to be more close to the people."

Su Xuanchen snorted coldly, he would be a ghost if he believed her words.

Su Xuanchen's voice was a little too loud, and the scene was a little awkward for a while. Su Qing looked up, and sure enough, everyone looked like they didn't believe her.

Su Qing covered her face, she just wanted to open a flower house, why is it so difficult?

Besides, she's just doing business...

She was really scared, she was afraid that Su Xuanchen would lose his temper if she opened the door quietly, Jun Qian probably wouldn't talk to her, and Qi Yue probably wouldn't talk to her either.

Li Shang might do something that would embarrass her to death.

"There is no need to discuss this matter. If you dare to open it, I will move back to the National Teacher's Mansion." Su Xuanchen's eyes were cold, and he found that she would not listen at all if he didn't give her a warning.

Anyway, now, he just lost the title of National Teacher, the National Teacher's Mansion, and the empress did not take it back.

"No, Xiao Chenchen, I..."

"Then the prince will return to Li country!" Li Shang also sat beside him, shaking the broken fan that had always been an eyesore to Su Qing.

"If that's the case, I'd better go to my mother's place to stay for a few days." Qi Yue's face was calm, showing no expression at all.

Jun Qian looked aggrieved: "Sister Su, you just bully me for not having a family..."

Su Qing: "!!!" I was wrong, and I dare not do it again.

(End of this chapter)

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