Chapter 339

Qing Lanjun's face can be said to be quite ordinary, but it is the kind that looks very comfortable and will not make people feel tired.

Today, his head is full of blue hair tied up with a jade crown, and he has a husband's hairstyle, his tall and straight figure, and his rouge-smeared face, which makes him a little more charming and less serious than usual.

Ordinary face, extraordinary heart.

When he looked over at Su Qing, Su Qing just smiled, then walked to the side and stood aside, leaving the stage to them.

Qu Nianci happily ran over, took Qinglan Jun's hand, and led him all the way to the main hall. When he passed Su Qing, Qu Nianci took Qinglan Jun to salute.

Su Qing's eyebrows were gentle: "Master, there is no need to be too polite, Master."

I don't know if it was Su Qing's illusion, but she always felt that Qing Lanjun's face turned pale for a moment, and even the rouge could hardly cover it.

Qu Nianci smiled and took Qing Lanjun's cold hand to stand up, nodded slightly and then stopped staying, walking towards the main hall.

"Master, thank you for taking care of His Highness during that time. If you have any unfulfilled wishes in the future, you can open your mouth. We husband and wife will definitely not stand by." Seeing that Lord Qinglan was about to approach the main hall, Su Xuanchen suddenly appeared in front of them.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, including Su Qing.

What is Su Xuanchen doing?

Hastily stepped forward, Su Qing directly blocked Su Xuanchen, looked at Qu Nianci and Qing Lanjun with a little apology: "Sorry, my husband is a little excited when I see my friends who have been married for many years today, please don't ask Miss Qu and his wife Strange."

Qu Nianci thought it was strange at first, but when he thought that Su Qing's Zhengjun and Qinglanjun were close friends, all doubts disappeared.

"No problem, Your Highness, please come to the hall." Qu Nianci said generously with a smile on his lips.

Su Qing smiled slightly, cast a reproachful glance at Su Xuanchen, and dragged him directly towards the main hall.

Qing Lanjun's fingertips trembled slightly, his chest was already numb with pain, he just stood in front of Su Qing, Su Qing was so indifferent...

What else does he not understand?
Your Highness, blame my unremarkable face for not being able to keep your beating heart.

Following in the footsteps of Qu Nianci, with the shout of the ceremony officer, the sound of firecrackers followed...

above the main hall.

Su Qing sat aside, quietly watching Qinglan Jun, Qu Nianci and Qinglan Jun approaching.

Su Xuanchen clenched his cold hands subconsciously, Mr. Qinglan, as long as you say a word, I am willing to temporarily put this marriage on hold for you.

"Pray to the heavens and the earth!" The noisy voice fell silent in an instant.

"Wait a moment!"

Su Xuanchen's heart tightened suddenly, and he looked up, only to find that Qu Nianci was looking at Su Qing with a smile in his eyes.

Just as Su Xuanchen felt something was wrong, Qu Nianci smiled and said, "Your Highness, at this wedding, your status is the highest, why don't you sit as the officiant of our husband and wife?"

Lord Qinglan and Su Xuanchen looked at Su Qing at the same time, one was saddened and the other was shocked.

In everyone's sight, Su Qing finally got up with a smile, Su Xuanchen grabbed her sleeve suddenly, Su Qing, no!

Su Qing looked sideways slightly, seeing Su Xuanchen pulling her in a panic, she was puzzled, but she patted his hand reassuringly, and walked over.

Dali Siqing and Qinglan Jun's mother got up at the same time, and gave up the middle seat. Su Qing smiled slightly, then lifted her robe and sat down.

Qing Lanjun's face turned pale in an instant, it turned out that she really...

I don't feel anything at all...

"Bow to heaven and earth!" Lord Qinglan lowered her eyes and stopped looking at her.

"Second obeisance to the high hall!" Qinglan Jun was expressionless, like a lifeless puppet.

"Husband and wife worship each other..." Finally, when Lord Qinglan raised his head again, he met Su Qing's smiling eyes.

He actually saw the word "blessing" in it.


 Su Qing really doesn't have the slightest idea about Qing Lanjun, forcing them together will only make two people suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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