The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 341 Su Qiao Loss of Sanity

Chapter 341 Su Qiao Loss of Sanity
Side hall.

Su Xuanchen and Li Shang did not go out to accept the toast and greetings from Qu Nianci's family, but came here all the way.

Li Shang sat casually on the chair, played with the long hair at the corners of his temples with his slender fingers, and said lazily, "You already know that Lord Qinglan likes Su Qing, right?"

Su Xuanchen sat down calmly, raised his eyes to look at Li Shang: "I really admire the little prince's keen observation skills."

With a swish, Li Shang coquettishly opened the black folding fan in his hand, narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and said faintly: "Only Su Qing can't see it, I'm just curious, why did you stop Qing Lan?" Jun's wedding? Could it be that you still think that it is possible for Master to marry into the East Palace?"

Facing Li Shang's question, Su Xuanchen's eyes were indifferent, his thin lips slightly parted, and he replied calmly: "Mr. Qinglan, he is a talented person. It is a pity that he followed Qu Nianci."

Li Shang chuckled lightly, and said: "Qu Nianci, the fourth-rank official residence, second only to Dali Siqing, can't be said to be brilliant, but he can be considered both civil and military. Still wronged the master?"

Su Xuanchen looked at Li Shang with a burning gaze: "What do you know?"

Li Shang sat up straight: "I don't understand why you do this, but I want to remind Zhengjun that twisted melons are not sweet, and you should stop doing unnecessary things."

In fact, what Li Shang wants to say is that your body is getting heavier every day, what if you hurt your body because of worrying about these insignificant things?
But Li Shang is a very face-saving person, so it's probably impossible for him to say such a thing.

Xu Shi heard that there was no malice in his words, so Su Xuanchen didn't speak.

She just sat there quietly, planning to wait for the wedding to end before returning to the East Palace.

Everything is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

at this time.

Su Qiao's people were shuttling among the guests, their eyes searching for Su Xuanchen's shadow.

Concubine Su Wen also quietly disappeared into the crowd, a white veil covering most of her face.

"Master, I'm in the side hall."

Su Qiao's ears twitched, her eyes darkened and she scanned the surroundings, then strode past the guests and walked towards the side hall.

Su Qing, you are the one who forced this princess!
Concubine Su Wen was secretly watching Su Qiao's movements. When she saw her change direction, her heart trembled, and she quickly turned to look outside the door.

Damn it, why hasn't Su Qing come yet?

If she intervenes, it will definitely be thankless for both sides, and maybe the Queen Mother will blame her.

The more anxious she became, the calmer Concubine Su Wen's face became. Seeing that Su Qiao was about to disappear before her eyes, Concubine Su Wen gritted her teeth: "Follow me!"

I don't know what Su Qing did to make Su Qiao, who is so calm, come here recklessly. Today, I'm afraid it will be another bloody storm.

Side hall.

Li Shang and Su Xuanchen chatted for a while, and then planned to leave, but just as they got up, dozens of women dressed as servants of Dali Temple rushed in instantly, and surrounded them all.

Li Shang and Su Xuanchen turned around at the same time, leaning back to back, their eyes instantly became heavy.

These people, they definitely haven't seen them before!Dali Temple has always been heavily guarded, not to mention Xia He and Chun Yu guarding the door, how did they find this place?

A series of questions lingered in their minds.

"Close the door!" A familiar and stern voice came to their ears, and the two looked for the sound. Su Qiao came striding forward in a black robe, with a chill radiating from his brows.

Su Qing, you killed Jinger!One dead, two dead!
This princess also wants you to taste this heart-wrenching feeling!
At this moment, Su Qiao seems to have forgotten that she, her biological father, and biological sister died in front of her eyes, and she could bear it all...

But at this moment, in the face of her lover's departure, she has lost the remaining rationality.

 Recommended tickets ah ah ah ah! !Another chapter tonight, crying...


(End of this chapter)

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