Chapter 355 Su Qing Is Sick

The heavy rain lasted for a whole night, and Su Qing and Qu Nianci were finally supported by the maids to stand up when the sky was getting dark.

"Qu Nianci, this hall has troubled you." Su Qing said weakly with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Qu Nianci also turned to look at Su Qing. That face was not as beautiful as Su Qing's, but she was still considered a beauty.

At this time, a pale smile appeared on Qu Nianci's face, and he said, "Your Highness, are we in the same trouble as you?"

Hearing this, Su Qing chuckled lightly, and nodded irrefutably.

Between friends, there is no need to say anything more.

Qu Twenty Ci, so far, is the type she likes.

The two of them knelt all night and were drenched in the rain for another night. Both knees were in unbearable pain and their waists were extremely sore. Therefore, they just exchanged a few words and parted ways at the gate of the palace.

Su Qing was supported all the way back. When Wen Ziyan saw her and ran over in a panic, Su Qing had already fallen into a high fever and was unconscious.

Wen Ziyan's left hand was broken last night, and now he can't take care of Su Qing with one hand.

I had no choice but to hold back the pain in my knees, wake up the servants and maids in Yaoguang Temple, and let them look for a doctor, call someone for a doctor.

For a while, everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pan.

Su Xuanchen, Li Shang, Qi Yue, and Jun Qian also rushed over at the same time.

At this time, Su Qing was lying on the bed with a pale face, and Wen Ziyan was sitting beside the bed, holding Su Qing's slender fingers tightly with his right hand, the worry on his brows was evident.

Su Xuanchen and others finally rushed over. Yao Lao rushed to Su Qing first, and pushed away Wen Ziyan who was blocking the bed. The beard on his mouth trembled: "Stinky girl, you always come here like this!" Once it comes out, the old man can't take it anymore..."

Complaints are complaints, Yao Lao quickly took her pulse, touched her forehead, and then quickly ordered: "Hurry up, prepare strong wine, brazier, water, have to burn this girl first." Get back, don't be burned into a fool in a while."

Su Xuanchen and the others were already worried. Hearing Yao Lao's words, Li Shang and Jun Qian ran faster than the servant girl, and rushed out in a hurry to boil the water and find the spirits. looking for spirits...

It was a mess.

Su Xuanchen stood behind Yao Lao, and asked worriedly: "Yao Lao, what should I do later?"

Yao Lao was administering acupuncture for Su Qing, and when he heard Su Xuanchen's question, he said without turning his head: "Later, you and Qi boy will wipe this girl's body with hot wine to cool down the temperature, and the old man will boil the medicine and drink it. , and then go to the bed to cover it later, and it should be fine after sweating."

Hearing this, Qi Yue and Su Xuanchen finally breathed a sigh of relief...

Su Xuanchen rolled his eyes slightly, and when he saw Wen Ziyan who had fallen to the ground, his eyes flickered slightly, and he knew he couldn't avoid it.

Qingqing, finally brought him back.

Stepping lightly, Su Xuanchen bent down and stretched out his slender and beautiful fingers: "Mr. Wen, please get up."

Wen Ziyan looked up at Su Xuanchen, thought for a moment, and put his right hand in Su Xuanchen's palm.

Su Xuanchen pulled him up with all his strength, but he still realized that Wen Ziyan was wrong.

"What happened to your hand?" Su Xuanchen asked with a frown.

Yao Lao had finished administering the needle at this time, and when he heard Su Xuanchen's question, he gave a hearty smile and said, "This young master must have injured his left hand."

Yao Lao stood up, turned to look at Wen Ziyan: "Young master, come here, this old man will show you whether it is a sprain or a fracture."

There seemed to be doubts between Su Xuanchen's brows, Wen Ziyan said how did this happen, and the clothes all over his body were also wet.

"Thank you Yaolao, need, it's just a minor injury." Wen Ziyan smiled palely, and put his hands back.

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(End of this chapter)

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