Chapter 360

Su Qing thought about it for a while, and then said: "Because a wife needs to know this, so that she can take better care of you."

What Su Qing thought was that only with emotion and reason could he move Su Xuanchen and let him tell her quietly.

Su Xuanchen smiled, if he believed her, he would be a ghost.

"Get up." Su Xuanchen patted Su Qing on the shoulder, signaling her not to press on him again.

But today's Su Qing seems to be determined to figure out this matter, and has been annoying Su Xuanchen all the time: "Just tell me, Xiao Chenchen, Xiao Chenchen..."

Su Xuanchen couldn't help but bend his eyebrows because of her coquettish voice, and finally said: "Come out from the stomach, and then let the imperial doctor cut open the abdomen and take it out."

What? ? ? ! ! !

Su Qing sat up suddenly, her little face turned pale with fright, and her voice was broken: "Certificate delivery!?"

Doesn't it hurt to death?

Su Xuanchen sat up with Su Qing in surprise, took her cold little hand, and asked slightly worried: "What's wrong?"

Isn't this what every man goes through?
Su Xuanchen sighed a little, and he knew that he couldn't tell Su Qing, otherwise she might think too much.

"Xiao Chenchen, let's not give birth, it's too dangerous, even if you get over it, how long will it take for your abdominal muscles to grow back?" Su Qing said with a sad face.

When Su Xuanchen saw Su Qing's pale face just now, he thought it was a big deal, but Su Qing was worried about it.

Su Xuanchen couldn't help chuckling, Qingqing's brain circuit is really strange compared to others.

"After confinement, the scar will heal naturally."

Hearing Su Xuanchen's explanation, Su Qing let out a cute "Huh?"

Is this world so magical?This healing speed is so fast?
But Su Qing was still worried, she had heard Yao Lao said twice that many men died of dystocia, and her Xiao Chenchen was so fragile, she was afraid.

"We've given birth to this baby, so let's not give birth." Su Qing held his hand instead and said with a frown.

There seemed to be a warm current flowing quietly in Su Xuanchen's heart, Su Qing, he knew that he wanted a child so much.Now, I am afraid of his pain, and I would rather not have children in the future.

He, Su Xuanchen, has been accompanied by such a beloved man in his whole life, what else is he dissatisfied with?
"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Su Xuanchen hooked the corners of his lips, and a smile appeared between his brows.

"It doesn't matter, don't give birth in the future." Su Qing said with a strong attitude, then buried her head in his chest, and gently embraced his somewhat thick waist with her small hands.

Su Xuanchen raised his head slightly, reached out and hugged her shoulder: "Listen to Qingqing."

Su Qing's originally depressed mood immediately cleared up because of Su Xuanchen's words.

The eyes narrowed into a slit, and the corners of the lips were dimpled.


As soon as Qiu Shui finished grooming, a servant rushed to report: "My lord, send a message from the East Palace."

Qiu Shui frowned, could it be that something happened to the master?

"Come in!" After straightening his robe, Qiu Shui strode towards the door.

The guard handed Qiushui the letter in his hand and stood at the door.

Qiu Shui quickly took a look at the letter, and put the letter in the wide sleeve: "Notify me, I will return to the imperial court tomorrow morning, and let everyone prepare."

"Yes!" The guard responded and turned to leave.

Qiu Shui suddenly stopped him: "Wait!"

"Does your lord have any orders?" The guard turned around and bowed his head respectfully.

"Well, where is Feng Yu?" Qiu Shui seemed a little embarrassed, but still asked.

"Commander Feng has been helping the newly appointed magistrate in the government office."

Hearing this, Qiu Shui's complexion is a bit ugly, she just took office and is still a single woman, doesn't Feng Yu know how to avoid suspicion?
 Recommended ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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