Chapter 362

Just as Qiu Shui turned her head to ask him what he knew, she only saw Feng Yu's leaving back, and the black corner of her clothes was the last of her line of sight...

The position of the heart is not beating violently as before, but slightly sour. Qiushui's emotional world is a blank sheet of paper. She doesn't understand what it feels like. She just feels a little uncomfortable, and her white fingers touch her chest unconsciously. .

Qiu Shui frowned, why did she feel like she had lost something important?And she... doesn't have anything important...

The next day.

When Qiu Shui and the others got on their horses and were about to leave, Li Yu hurried over and bowed to salute: "I've seen the imperial envoy!"

Li Yu was not born beautiful, and his skin was also wheat-colored, but he had a unique temperament, and his big eyes were piercing, as if full of vitality.

"Get up." Qiu Shui frowned and nodded.

She looked at Li Yu and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, what are you doing here?
She has already settled the issue of private salt. From then on, there is no such thing as private salt in Qingzhou, because Qiushui sent all the private salt to the processing factory, processed by specialized personnel, and then sent to various salt merchants. Sell ​​at usual price.

She also arranged for a special person to manage this matter. It stands to reason that Li Yu only needs to handle the cases of the people in Qingzhou and be a good parent officer, and then there is nothing else...

Could it be that he came to see her off as an imperial envoy?

Various thoughts flashed in Qiu Shui's mind.

But what she didn't expect was that just as Li Yu straightened up, he walked all the way towards Feng Yu behind her.

"Commander Feng, here are some dry rations, you take them to pad your belly on the road." Li Yu showed eight white teeth, and smiled with dimpled eyes.

Qiu Shui's face darkened for a moment, what does this mean?Are you afraid that she will starve Feng Yu?
Also, why not give her the imperial envoy, but a small commander?

Qiu Shui was really angry.

But what made her even angrier was that Feng Yu actually smiled, and took it with a gentle expression: "Thank you, Mr. Li."

Li Yu's simple and honest face was full of smiles: "No thanks, no thanks."

Qiu Shui really couldn't bear the affectionate appearance of such a man, so he said directly: "Okay, if you keep talking about it, you won't be able to find a place to live when it gets dark."

Under the sunlight, Feng Yu's face paled for a moment.

Li Yu had no choice but to take a few steps back. When the convoy was driving slowly, Li Yu suddenly shouted: "Commander Feng, remember what I told you, I'll wait for you!"

Feng Yu was shocked, looking back, Li Yu was smiling and waving at him, but his eyes were full of tears.

He remembered that Li Yu said that day: If one day, you forget her, send me a message, and I will come to Sujing to marry you and go home.

Feng Yu also remembered that at that time, he responded with a smile.Because he knew, and Li Yu also knew, that this day might never happen.

Qiu Shui turned her head subconsciously, seeing the two of them looking at each other from a distance, reluctant to leave, she was even more sure that Feng Yu had obviously hooked up with someone, but still brazenly wanted to marry her.

Man, huh, sure enough, he's really cheap enough.

"If you don't want to, just stay. The imperial envoy will talk about it with His Highness." For some reason, Qiu Shui said that mockingly.

Feng Yu turned his head in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Qiu Shui looked sideways, and her black pupils were full of sneering. She was so angry that she couldn't speak more than her head: "Isn't it? Commander Feng runs to other people's government offices every day, and he doesn't see you on weekdays." What about this busy man, the imperial envoy may have done some shady tricks long ago, seeing your reluctant looks just now?"

Feng Yu's pupils widened slightly, and his breathing was also slightly rapid: "Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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