Chapter 392

The fire rescue lasted for a whole day. All the villagers safely evacuated Suxi Mountain, and Su Qing and the others collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

Su Qing's dark red robe was already torn to pieces by the sparks, and her once peerless face was also stained with a lot of dust.

At this moment, she was lying on her back on the hillside, her chest and abdomen were heaving violently, her lips were so dry and chapped that only white skin could be seen, she didn't look like a princess.

Surrounding her was the pitch-black grass that had been burned by the fire, and there were groups of officers and soldiers lying on the grass panting heavily, and everyone was terribly tired.

That's right, Su Qing used all the [-] soldiers in the barracks to put out the fire.

Although she is not a holy mother, she still can't just watch them disappear in this whole mountain with hundreds of people.

In order to prevent the fire from spreading to other mountain ranges, the soldiers did not dare to stop for a moment, just because their Royal Highness did not stop for a second.

"His Royal Highness!" Su Qing finally squinted her eyes to enjoy this moment of tranquility, but heard an old voice.

Su Qing frowned, endured the aches and pains all over her body and sat up to look down. Hundreds of ordinary people in plain clothes knelt down in front of them.

Seeing Su Qing looking over, the white-haired old woman in the lead tremblingly took out the water bag from her waist, held it high above her head, and said with tears in her eyes: "Your Highness, there are 120 people in the three villages of Caomindai, thank you Your Highness's grace for saving your life."

She had just finished speaking, whether it was the elderly or the children, they all prostrated themselves on the ground.

The soldiers all stood up one by one, and Su Qing also stood up supporting the ground, and walked down by herself, bending down to help the old woman in the lead, not caring that she was covered in dirt.

"As a citizen of the State of Su, this palace has the obligation to protect you Zhou An. There is no need to be too polite, please start." Su Qing's tone was flat, and the tattered brocade robe could not stop her majestic aura.

"Your Highness, drink some water." The old lady was so moved that she didn't know what to say, she could only tremblingly hold the water bag in her hand.

This is what they washed and washed again, I hope His Highness will not dislike it.

But Su Qing just smiled, took the water bag directly, raised her head and drank it, the sweet spring water flowed down her mouth and reached her abdominal cavity as her throat rolled.

"The spring water is very sweet." Su Qing took a sip and handed it to the old woman.

The old woman burst into tears instantly, and was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

The people behind her also rolled up their sleeves and wiped their tears. The fire was burning in the middle of the night. If Su Qing hadn't sent troops to evacuate all the villagers in time, they might have died in their own homes without knowing why.

Although the family is gone, the people are still there. All of this is because of their Highness the Grandmother.

At this moment, Su Qing didn't know that she had been worshiped as a god-like existence.

The soldiers also hooked their shoulders, and a group of old women couldn't help but blush when they saw this scene.

Their master, the future king of Su, has such a heart for the world.

It is worth them being masters, going through life and death!

When everyone was sighing, a few stout civilians walked over carrying four large water tanks.

Su Qing raised her eyes and saw that the eight mighty, shirtless women were already drenched in sweat, but not a single drop of water in the water tank spilled out.

In the depths of Su Qing's eyes, there seemed to be an emotion called moving.

"Your Majesty, we brought this from the next mountain. I hope you and your soldiers don't dislike it." A woman scratched her head in embarrassment, her honest and honest face was full of apology.

Su Qing nodded, turned around and looked at the soldiers standing crookedly behind her, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you step forward to help!"

The soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes were red with excitement, and they all replied in unison: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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