Chapter 394 Scars
Su Qing ordered the soldiers to help the people rebuild new houses and reclaim new land.

Fortunately, there were not many people affected by the disaster this time, otherwise it would be difficult for her to do this with her own manpower.

However, even if Su Qing only made it this far and gave these more than 100 people the conditions to live, it would be enough for these people to be grateful for a lifetime.

Su Qing ran away with the three husbands while everyone was busy.

That night--

Everyone returned to the East Palace again. Su Xuanchen stood at the door with a big belly and walked back and forth.

As soon as Su Qing arrived here, her face turned dark, and she quickly dismounted from her horse. Su Qing strode towards Su Xuanchen.

The moment Su Xuanchen saw her, he finally let go of the stone in his heart, and hurried to meet her.

"Su Xuanchen, your ears are longer than a donkey's. I've said it a hundred times, and I told you to stay in the house honestly. Why are you... um..." Before Su Qing finished speaking, she watched The handsome face magnified in front of his eyes.

Although they were already old couples, Su Qing's little heart still couldn't help beating violently a few times.What's more, at this moment, there are a lot of people behind her, and she doesn't believe that Su Xuanchen can't see it.

Under the watchful eyes of so many people, Su Xuanchen actually sent him to the door on his own initiative?This was the first time, Su Qing couldn't help being a little dazed.

After all, in her thinking, several of her other husbands could do such slightly crazy things, but Su Xuanchen alone couldn't.

Because he is rigid and abides by the rules, Su Qing doesn't know how to respond to such an incident.

Su Xuanchen let go of Su Qing, hugged her tightly, and said close to her ear, "You ran out without saying a word again." The nasal voice was a bit thick, and Su Qing felt a little distressed when she heard it.

Su Qing tried her best to support his waist, keeping his abdomen away from her.

Jun Qian and the others stood behind silently, waiting quietly.

"Fool, it's not like I'm going to do something important. Why are you sad?" Su Qing cared for him tenderly.

"A whole mountain range, and you still say it's not a big deal!" Su Xuanchen let go of her, his eyes were a little red, and he stared at her viciously, but there was no deterrence.

Su Qing directly bent down, put her hands through her knees and waist, hugged Su Xuanchen, and strode in, with words of reproach still in her mouth, but with deep concern: "Recently, the lower limbs have swollen a lot, just Don't walk too much, stay in the mansion well, I will tell you where to go as a wife in the future..."

The figures of the two gradually drifted away, Qi Yue and the others looked at them, and couldn't help being envious.

Li Shang shook his head, with a look of anticipation in his peach blossom eyes: "Tsk, I'm only short of a child now."

Jun Qian looked at Li Shang's leaving back and rolled his eyes silently, as if you were the only one who said this.

Jun Qian stepped up the steps and walked inside. It seemed that he had to do something again tonight.

at the same time.

Dali Temple.

Qu Nianci was still lying unconscious on the bed, but this time the person sitting by the bed was replaced by Mr. Qinglan.

He looked down at Qu Nianci's unremarkable face, and in a daze, he remembered what Ade had said to him, full of resentment and injustice. Of course, Mr. Qinglan knew that he was also envious.

"Do you know who cooked the porridge and meals you ate these days?"

"My wife has been studying medicine for you day and night, just to cook you a bowl of medicinal food. The medicinal materials she used are all kept by her all these years to save her life!"

"The meals you eat every day are made by the wife in person in the big kitchen. For this reason, her hands have been burned many times. Mr. Qinglan, you actually hurt her like this for a woman who doesn't love you." , won't your conscience feel the slightest pain?"

After reminiscing, Qing Lanjun's nose was sour, and he gently pulled up her sleeve, and the scalded scar fell into his eyes like this.

 Fat and feeble: Give a reward!ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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