Chapter 396
Although the sunlight was weak, it still made Wen Ziyan's eyes sting, and he subconsciously raised his palm to cover his eyelids.


Wen Ziyan's ears moved slightly, and he squinted his eyes. It turned out that the window had been closed.

A hint of doubt flashed in Wen Ziyan's deep purple pupils, where is he?Just when he was about to sit up with support, the voice he missed day and night sounded in his ears: "Lie back!"

The voice was not gentle, but it still made Wen Ziyan's eyes turn red in an instant.

Only in front of Su Qing would he show the posture of such a little man and feel wronged.

"Your Highness..." Wen Ziyan blinked his big, purple pupils with tears, and looked up at the woman standing in front of him aggrieved.

Su Qing really wanted to scold him, and wanted to ask him why he was disobedient and why he ran out alone, but seeing Wen Ziyan's appearance, she couldn't say any words of blame.

Sitting beside his bed, Su Qing touched his forehead with the back of her hand, and asked helplessly, "Is your body feeling better?"

Wen Ziyan's eyes were sore, but he still nodded slightly, and said pitifully, "It's much better."

Su Qing glanced at him, then lowered her head slightly, wanting to lift up his clothes to take a look at his wound: "The wound still hurts...?"

Before she finished speaking, Wen Ziyan's cold fingers took her little hand.

Su Qing raised her eyes in doubt, but Wen Ziyan smiled softly, and her words were still so unscrupulous: "Your Highness, you have to be responsible for looking at me."

Su Qing looked at him for a long time, when the smile on his face was about to be unbearable, Su Qing slowly lowered her body, and her thin lips touched the corner of his mouth: "So and so, are you responsible?"

Wen Ziyan's deep purple pupils reflected her gentle face, and her voice trembled a little: "Your Highness, you are frivolous, of course you have to take responsibility."

Hearing this, Su Qing's eyes curled up, she wanted to escape from this little bald man who didn't even have a full hair, but unexpectedly, she threw a stone at her own foot.

She... was defeated by him.

"Well, I'll be responsible." Su Qing didn't say much, but said firmly.

In Wen Ziyan's impression, this was the first time that Su Qing referred to him as "I" in such a gentle way, instead of the cold word "Bendian".

"Your Highness, can you...can you hug me?" Wen Ziyan looked at her cautiously, the eager anticipation in his eyes made Su Qing's heart ache.

Wen Ziyan couldn't feel her weight, so he understood what was going on.Su Qing was concerned about the knife wounds all over his body, so she didn't really press down, but controlled a certain distance.

It can make him feel her presence without really hurting him.

Fortunately, Your Highness, you are willing to look back at me.

With trembling hands, Wen Ziyan wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and buried his head deeply into her neck.

No one knew how harmful his use of the forbidden technique was to his body.No one knew how terrified he felt when he was walking through the darkness alone.

No one knew how he felt when he couldn't maintain his invisibility because of his kung fu, and was chased and killed by Su Qiao and others, but he only wanted to come back alive to see her.

Most importantly, Wen Ziyan is afraid that in this life...

Neither can conceive a child of their own.

"Ziyan, your injury..." Sensing his agitation, Su Qing frowned a little and wanted to straighten her waist.

But the big palm imprisoned around her waist was too strong, as if it wanted to integrate her into her flesh and blood, so she couldn't break free for a while.


"Your Highness, do me once." Wen Ziyan's slightly choked voice rang in her ears.

Su Qing sighed, and finally relaxed her body. She raised her hand and touched his smooth head. For the first time, she felt that he was so bald that she couldn't put it down.

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(End of this chapter)

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