Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 12 Find the key to open the customer's "heart door": the customer's usua

Chapter 12 Find the key to open the customer's "heart door": the customer's usual consumption psychology (2)
Usually, if there are no special circumstances, we will not be wary of family members, friends, and colleagues, but we are always somewhat wary of people we meet for the first time. Vigilance, once congenial, the vigilance will disappear immediately, and will say "Since you said so, then I will try my best", and accept the other party's request in a natural situation, which is why the persuader is more important than the content of the persuasion prove.

However, if the other party does not speculate with oneself, the situation is completely opposite, and the vigilance will not disappear, but will be strengthened.According to survey statistics in the United States, new employees are asked to evaluate their superiors with a full score of 10. At the same time, they are also asked to evaluate their subordinates with a full score of 10 to understand the perception of both parties.As a result, the two experimental reports show that the scores are very close, which means that the degree of communication between the two parties is very consistent.

In order to break through the strong psychological barriers and to persuasion smoothly, it is necessary to go deep into the deep psychology of the other party and let the other party have a good impression of you. This is the most important thing.

What salespeople need to pay attention to in actual work is that they are "showing weakness" to customers

Or when you "compliment", you must master the appropriate degree. Excessive "showing weakness" or "compliment" may cause customers to doubt your motives, thereby increasing their vigilance and increasing communication obstacles.

No matter what kind of emotions the customer has, you should pay attention to communicating in a relaxed atmosphere, and never let the customer end the conversation in anger.

4.Every consumer has a price in mind

Under normal circumstances, in addition to considering the customer's acceptance, the determination of the price must be based on the value that is the cost; when determining the price, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various factors such as the store's image, operating conditions, and product characteristics. Take appropriate countermeasures.For example, when famous brand stores with stable customers distribute famous brand products, they often rely on their favorable position in the market to implement the policy of matching high-quality services with high-end prices.But even so, they generally do not aim at profiteering.Because everyone knows that profiteering will never win the trust of customers and make the store prosperous in the long run.

The famous Falin Department Store is located on Washington Avenue in Boston, USA. Its underground shopping mall is a unique "automatic price reduction" store specializing in daily necessities.There are a lot of customers here every day, the total passenger flow is about 3, and the annual turnover is about 30 billion US dollars.Calculated by storefront, their annual turnover per square meter is around US$11800, claiming to be the highest in the world.


Because the store's policy of small profits but quick turnover caters to consumers' pursuit of benefits, it has attracted a large number of customers, and almost all tourists who have been to the city have visited this store.Huge turnover, so that the store can have a considerable profit.In particular, many customers are afraid of losing the opportunity when they see this kind of hot sales, so more than 80% of the products in the store are still sold out before the price is reduced.

Although most customers want to choose cheap products, the improvement of consumption levels and the changes in the habitual consumer psychology of consumers make it necessary for sales operators to realize the policy from "high quality and low price" to "supported by customers" in a timely manner. price" change.

In recent years, in the markets of developed countries, the shopping behavior of consumers has shown a trend of high-end, the better the quality and the higher the price, the faster the products are sold.For example, the old brand "Levi's" brand jeans are priced at $15 each.Yanbini's challenge to Levi Strauss was priced at $30 each, supplemented by a successful advertising campaign that boosted the company's product reputation.In this way, high-priced jeans appear as high-end products, but they are more popular with customers than low-priced jeans. In 1983, the general manager of the Strauss company exclaimed: "Yan Binny has taken most of the jeans market in the United States."

In order to get the support of consumers for the price, there is a very special 99-cent store in New York, USA.The unit price of combined products sold in such stores is generally 99 cents, and each bag of candy and each box of biscuits is also 99 cents... Although there is only a difference of 99 cent between 1 cents and 1 dollar, the difference of 1 cent is in the minds of consumers. psychologically had a significant effect.Its influence is mainly manifested as follows:
(1) Give consumers the impact of accurate pricing.

It makes consumers feel that the operator is serious and reasonable about the pricing, and even a penny is not rounded up, thus creating a sense of trust in the price of the product.

(2) The impact of low prices on consumers.


Of course, due to the different values ​​of commodities, it is impossible to set a price of 99 cents for all commodities.Therefore, some business psychologists in the United States have investigated the best pricing methods for various commodities.According to relevant statistics:

In the United States, the price below $5, the last digit is 9, the most popular; the price above 5 yuan, the last digit is 95, and the sales are the best.

Most of the pricing of retail commodities in our country adopts similar non-integer pricing principles to adapt to the impact of prices on consumer psychology.In some countries and regions, there is also a "consensus pricing method".For example, Hong Kong and Macao have a special preference for the word "8", mainly because the pronunciation of "8" is similar to that of "fa", which caters to the psychological state of consumers seeking prosperity and arouses associations with beautiful things, so commodity prices often End with "8", such as 8 yuan, 8 jiao, etc.In some areas or certain types of consumer groups, there are also taboos on certain numbers due to customs or other reasons.For example, many people are very taboo about "4" because its pronunciation is similar to "death"; while "13" is not popular in most countries, and it is said that it is often associated with bad luck and misfortune.Therefore, when pricing, we must pay attention to such problems, and don't let the price scare away customers.

On the contrary, ordinary stores often adopt low-price policies in order to expand sales and speed up capital turnover.However, unplanned low-price sales can sometimes create a bad impression on customers and make them lose confidence in cheap products. Therefore, it is dangerous to emphasize this policy.Therefore, when adopting a low-price policy, the store should clearly announce the reasons and conditions of the price reduction to all customers, and at the same time adopt a policy to ensure that the overall profit should be appropriate.

5.Everyone wants the 'VIP' treatment

"Very ImportantPerson" translated into Chinese means "senior member, VIP", abbreviated as "VIP".This is a business method that some businesses have come up with in view of the fierce competition.Anyone who becomes a VIP member of a merchant can enjoy some special benefits or discounts. VIP members also have special rights such as consumption rebates, social activities, and free parking.Not only that, sometimes people apply for a VIP membership card not to get more benefits, but once they become a VIP member of a merchant, they will feel that they have a special face. It can be said that VIP has become a symbol of identity and status.

Ms. Du often goes to a business club for consumption, so the manager of the club recommended to Ms. Du that the price strongly affects the position of the product in the market, affects the image of the seller, and also affects the actions of competitors.It has a major effect on the consumer psychology and purchase behavior of buyers, so operators must adopt a flexible and prudent attitude.

Customers' usual consumption psychology VIP membership card items.Ms. Du thought about it and thought it was more cost-effective, so she immediately applied for a membership card.

Once, Ms. Du invited a few clients to have dinner in that guild hall. After eating, Ms. Du went to the front desk to check out. She showed her membership card. Not only was the drink [-]% off, seafood was also [-]% off, which saved her a lot of money. less money.And later the manager personally delivered a plate of fruit pudding, saying that it was his own treat, and hoped they would come next time, which made Ms. Du feel that she had a lot of face in front of customers.

Now more and more merchants apply for VIP cards for customers, and use activities such as discounts, points and discounts to attract customers to consume, and at the same time give customers benefits. The form of VIP card has expanded from shopping malls to various merchants, and its types are also various.According to the survey, 23% of people who hold VIP cards do it to satisfy their vanity, 26% of people do it because of business promotion, and 15% of people hold "I can't live without others". Apply for a VIP card with the mentality.This survey shows that your customers all want VIP treatment, and the success of your sales depends on how you deal with the psychology of customers wanting to be VIPs.

There is a salesperson who specializes in selling office supplies.Once, he went to a private company to sell desks and chairs. When he entered the manager's office, he saw the company's general manager, logistics supervisor and other leaders were there, and there was an old man cleaning beside him.

Therefore, he skillfully introduced the style, quality and price of the product, and soon made the boss have a purchase intention, and told him that if the product was true, he could sign a purchase contract of 2 yuan.Seeing that the sale was successful, the salesperson was really happy. While promising to deliver the goods in a few days for quality inspection, he hurriedly took out a pack of "555" brand cigarettes from his pocket, lit them for the leaders present, and said: With some kind words, I took my leave.

However, when the salesperson came to the company to contact the delivery business again, the logistics supervisor told him that the company did not intend to order these products.He asked what caused the company to change its mind.The other party said bluntly: "The boss's father-in-law thought your price was too high and advised the boss to buy someone else's." "How does the boss's father-in-law know that my price is high?" "His father-in-law is the old man who sweeps the floor! Listen." The logistics supervisor glanced at the salesman who hadn't understood it, and said, "Who told you to underestimate people and not give out a cigarette? He said that you have a picky eyelid, which is not For this matter, can our boss offend the old father-in-law?"

As the so-called customer is "God", as "God", they certainly hope that you can give them care and benefits.Don't just put "God" on your lips, even if it is superficial, don't be too hypocritical. Just giving some caring messages during the Chinese New Year is far from meeting their needs. You have to send them appropriately. Give "God" some benefits.

6.Customers are afraid of being cheated
There is a common problem in the process of sales, that is, most of the customers have a distrust of the sales staff. They think that the various information about the goods obtained from the sales staff often contain some falsehoods to varying degrees. components, and even some fraudulent behavior.Therefore, in the process of talking with the salesperson, many customers think that the salesperson's words can be listened to or not, and they often don't care much. Some people even argue with the salesperson with a rebellious mentality.

Therefore, how to quickly and effectively eliminate customers' concerns in the process of sales is very necessary for sales staff.Because smart salespeople know that if they can't fundamentally eliminate the customer's concerns, it will be difficult to succeed in the transaction.

The reason why customers have concerns is probably because they have been deceived in their past life experiences, or the products they bought cannot meet their expectations, or they may have seen some related interests of customers from the news media. damage case.Therefore, they often have a grudge against the sales staff, especially some sales staff who come to sell are even more unpopular in their hearts.

The purpose of sales is not only to sell products, but more importantly, to let customers gain a sense of value from their purchase behavior, that is, consumers are satisfied with the products they buy and feel that their purchase choices are wise.

Customers' usual consumption psychology A gold medal salesman once said: "As a salesperson, you don't want to impress the customer's head, but to impress the customer's heart." Because the heart is the closest place to the customer's wallet, it is the customer's emotion , the head is the reason of the customer, that is to say, a qualified salesperson must impress the customer's emotion to make the customer have the idea of ​​buying.

Indeed, there are many liars in the society, and many people suffer from them, and the cheating methods of the liars may imitate the selling methods of the salesmen. When customers see the salesmen, it is easy to think of the painful experience of being cheated, so they I think that salespeople are almost all liars, so I subconsciously reject salespeople.

Customers do not have the time and energy to identify the authenticity of the salesperson, so it is easy to "beat to death" all the salespersons, thinking that all salespeople are liars, and avoiding the salespersons when they encounter them. cheat.

"how much is this shirt?"

"Twenty dollars."

"So much, it's too expensive, 150 yuan, right? If you can sell it, I'll take it for you, if you can't sell it, forget it."

"Miss, you are so good at bargaining. I didn't earn a single penny from such a price. Seeing that you are sincere, let's let it be 180 yuan. I really can't sell it without it."

"Just 150, I don't want any more."

"Okay, okay, 160, let me earn 10 yuan for the fare."

"No, I can only give you 150, not a penny more."

"Miss, your mouth is really powerful, okay, let's make it 150." The merchant said while packing the clothes for the customer.

We can often hear conversations like this, and not only can we hear them, but many times we are also doing such things ourselves-bargaining prices.

From a psychological point of view, customers are afraid of being cheated, so they try to lower the price as much as possible to protect their own interests.

One of the reasons why customers have this kind of mentality is that the promotion is a bit too much. For example, a product with an original price of 1 yuan will be discounted to 2000 yuan in a few days, or [-]% off for any reason.At this time, the customer will think: "It must be that the product is worth a few hundred yuan, otherwise how could it drop so much? It seems that they usually make a lot of money from the customer, so I must not be cheated." Once the customer has this kind of mentality , it will produce a phenomenon that the lower your price is, the more suspicious he will be.

What customers want is a good quality product, and at the same time feel that they are getting a good deal.If a customer has just bought a product from you and goes to your competitor and sees that you can sell him something for half the price, you will be blacklisted by him from then on.

Many customers are afraid of being cheated. When facing the salesperson, they are very cautious and vigilant all over, for fear of falling into the "trap" of the salesperson.When dealing with this kind of customer, the salesperson should not be eager for success. The more you talk, the more suspicious the customer will be. The experience of being cheated will make them feel distrustful of you in front of them.You must find out the real reason why he cannot accept the products you sell, find ways to eliminate the customer's psychological barriers, and make yourself a friend of the customer, so that the customer will cooperate with you.

Usually, customers' fear of being cheated will hinder your communication, but it will also bring you opportunities.This kind of customers often want to buy products, but they always hope that you can lower the price again, so they will look for similar products to stimulate you.When you talk with customers, you should let them know that no one product can have an advantage in all aspects. You should focus on telling the customer what benefits he can get from buying your product, so as to meet the customer's needs and alleviate his worries. Expensive concerns.If there are any promotional activities, you should also notify customers in advance, and focus on the interests of customers, so that customers feel that they are profiting instead of being cheated.

There are also some customers who are worried about the quality or function of the product, and do not have enough confidence in the product.At this time, you might as well directly tell the customer the shortcomings of the product, which is much better than the customer himself.

First of all, the customer will have a sense of trust in you and feel that you are an honest person who has not concealed the shortcomings of the product, so he is willing to communicate with you further.

Secondly, the customer will feel that you know him well, and if you answer what he wanted to ask but didn't ask, his doubts will be reduced.

In the end, the salesperson actively speaks out the shortcomings of the product, which can avoid disputes with the customer, and can change the relationship between you and the customer from a passive defensive style to a positive offensive style, thereby facilitating the transaction.

In the process of selling, the salesperson should try his best to eliminate the customer's worries and make them feel that the goods he bought are worth the money. The first thing he needs to do is to assure the customer that their motivation to buy is very important. It is wise, and the money will be well spent; moreover, buying your product in the customer's usual consumption psychology is the best choice they make in terms of value, benefits, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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