Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 15 The psychology behind the customer's body language: insight into the customer's

Chapter 15 The psychology behind the customer's body language: insight into the customer's psychological changes from the details (1)
In addition to spoken language, humans also have a body language.Sometimes the fact that the customer does not speak does not mean that the customer recognizes you, and sometimes the customer looks directly at you does not mean that the customer is interested in your product, the mystery of which is endless.Therefore, when you are selling, you must read the body language of the customer, so that you can understand the customer.

1.Small actions "sell out" the customer's big psychology
In business behavior, psychological unknowability can easily make people "dizzy", and a careless one will lead to the failure of the transaction.

Salespeople have to deal with all kinds of customers every day. Different customers have different personalities. This requires salespeople to learn to see through the psychology of customers, grasp the real needs of customers, and finally achieve your goals.How to let customers tell you their little secrets?Communication through language is the easiest way, but in many cases, customers are unwilling and unwilling to tell you their true thoughts.Moreover, there is always a certain psychological barrier between people, which has nothing to do with duplicity, it is human nature.In the sales process, we want to accurately judge the true inner thoughts of customers. We must not simply listen to what customers say, but also take into account various other complicated subjective and objective factors.If you judge only by what customers say, there will often be certain deviations.How can we better understand the psychology of customers?Let me tell you now that you need to be more aware and aware of your client's body language.

Observing customers' body movements to gain insight into their true inner thoughts, not only can grasp their inner changes in time, see through their lies, but more importantly, can capture customers' thoughts in time, serve in place, and win customers Recognition, improve sales performance.

Body language refers to expressing emotions through various actions of different parts of the body instead of words.

Body language in a broad sense includes facial expressions and the meaning expressed by the body and limbs.Generally speaking, when it comes to body language, we will naturally think of many idiomatic actions: clapping for approval, stomping for anger, spreading hands for helplessness, rubbing hands for anxiety, beating your chest for pain, and bowing your head for frustration, etc.

We use these body movements to express emotions, and others can also perceive our state of mind through these body language.

When we use body movements to convey emotions, in many cases we are not aware of them.For example, when we are talking to others, we shake our heads, wave our hands, cross our legs, or shake our feet, most of which we do not realize.The same is true for customers. When they are talking, they may have exposed their true thoughts, and it is too late to hide them!
As a salesperson, we must practice the ability to observe words and expressions in this way, and master the physical characteristics of observing other people's "differences between what they say and what they say".People can "believe the horse freely" and "speak nonsense" whatever they say, and they can make up random things, but their posture when they speak can never deceive people.Unless the opponent deliberately makes some fake moves to avoid your "attack".For example, no matter how harsh the customer's words are, the salesperson cannot easily give up. Carefully observe the customer's words and deeds, and perhaps be able to judge the purchase demand in his words.Flexibly grasp the observation method of body language, be good at capturing the psychology of customers, and avoid detours.Words can reveal a person's character, expressions and eyes can reveal a person's heart, and sitting posture and gestures can also betray their owners unconsciously!
The sales staff should regard the customer as an ideal "lover", so that they can understand his heart without listening to any confession.With the knowledge of body language, not only can you understand the inner world of customers, understand the real intentions of customers in a timely manner, but also consciously regulate your movements and postures, so as to avoid leaving a bad impression on customers by your body movements unintentionally. .

2.Read the customer's hand movements
When talking to someone, someone will sometimes fold their arms tightly across their chest.What does this action mean?The main meaning of this action is to protect yourself.Psychological research has found that pure language components account for only 7% of the information a person communicates to the outside world, tone and tone account for 38%, and the remaining 55% of information comes from non-verbal body language. .And body language is usually rarely deceptive because body language is often subconscious and subtle.

When we encounter danger or something we don’t want to encounter, we will subconsciously cross one or both arms in front of our chest, use our own limbs to form a body defense line, and resist external dangers, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting ourselves.

Therefore, when a person feels nervous and wants to protect himself, or is unwilling to accept the opinions of others, he is likely to cross his arms and hold them tightly to his chest to tell the other party that he is a little nervous or uneasy.

As a salesperson, it is the same when facing a customer. The customer puts his hands on his chest because they are wary of you. Your words stimulated him, so he used this to protect himself.If you continue to talk at this time, it will be futile, because the customer has rejected you thousands of miles away in his heart, so what you have to do is to bring the customer's heart back and eliminate his guard.

Salesperson: "Mr. Gao, hello!"

Customer: "Hello!"

Salesperson: "I am a salesperson of a life insurance company. Recently, our company has launched a new insurance business. I wonder if you are interested in learning about it."

Customer: "Oh, really? Tell me about the advantages of this insurance."

Salesperson: "This insurance is mainly for children's education. As long as your children are enrolled in this insurance, they will pay an insurance premium of 200 yuan to our company every year for ten years in a row, and then they will be able to receive an annual distribution from the third year onwards. Get a bonus of 100 yuan, ten years later, the money will be returned to you."

Customer: "It seems that this insurance is good, it's worth it. (After speaking, the customer touched his nose.)"

Salesperson: "Yes, as long as you buy this kind of insurance, you don't have to worry about your child's future education."

Client: "Let me think about it again and get back to you tomorrow."

The salesman still failed to win the customer in the end, but there is one thing that makes people wonder, why does the customer touch his nose after answering the salesperson's question?What is the connotation of this behavior?

Sometimes the salesperson can't figure out what the customer said, and doesn't know whether the customer's words are true or false.But one thing must be clear, that is, even though the customer lied, he said something well, so that the salesperson believed it was true.But no matter how the customer lies, the customer's gestures cannot hide the lying information.

(1) Cover your mouth.When clients tell lies, they often cover their mouths with their hands unconsciously.In this situation, you should stop the conversation and ask the client, "Do you have any questions" or "I see that you don't quite agree with me, let's discuss it together".This allows the customer to hear their objections, and the salesperson has the opportunity to explain his position and answer the customer's questions.

(2) Touching the nose.Scientists at the Smell and Taste Therapy and Research Foundation in Chicago have discovered that when people lie, chemicals called catecholamines are released, causing cells lining the nasal cavity to swell.Scientists have also revealed that blood pressure can also rise as a result of lying, using special imaging machines that can show blood flow inside the body.The technique revealed that people's noses increase in size due to increased blood flow during lying, a phenomenon scientists have dubbed the "Pinocchio effect".Increased blood pressure causes the nose to swell, which triggers the nerve endings in the nasal cavity to send an itchy sensation, so people can only frequently rub their noses with their hands to relieve itchy symptoms.So, if you're talking to a client and they touch their nose, there's a good chance the client is lying.

(3) Rub your eyes.According to experiments, the brain uses rubbing gestures to try to prevent the eyes from witnessing deception, doubt and unpleasant things, or to avoid confronting the person who is being deceived.If a client seems interested in what you have to say, but they rub their hands over their eyes from time to time, it may also be a sign that they are lying about their interest in your conversation.

(4) Ear scratching.After you have negotiated with the customer, you take out the order and ask the customer to sign on it, but the customer scratches his ear with his hand. This small action means that the customer is not really interested in your product. Although he said how good your product is.

(5) Neck scratching.When a customer scratches his neck with his fingers from time to time while listening to your conversation, it is a sign of doubt and uncertainty, which is equivalent to saying "I'm not sure whether I agree with you."The inconsistency is especially evident when the spoken language does not coincide with the gesture.For example, if a customer says "I really like your product", but at the same time he is scratching his neck, then we can conclude that he doesn't actually like it.

(6) Pull the collar.Desmond Morris discovered that lying tingles the sensitive nerve tissue of the face and neck, forcing people to rub or scratch to get rid of the discomfort.Not only does this phenomenon explain why people scratch their necks when they're in doubt, it also explains why liars tug at their collars when they fear being caught.

This is because when liars sense that the listener is doubting what they say, their blood pressure increases, and the increased blood pressure makes their necks sweat constantly, so they have to tug at their clothes.As long as the customer behaves like this when talking to you, it is safe to say that the customer is lying.

(7) Place fingers between lips.Much of the hand-to-lip movement is associated with lying and deceit, but the gesture of placing a finger between the lips is just an outward expression of an inner need for security.Therefore, when you meet a customer who makes this gesture, you might as well give him a promise and guarantee, which will be a very positive response.

In order to get rid of you as soon as possible, customers will nod frequently to approve your product, and also say that they are very interested in your product, but they will find an excuse to say that they will give you an answer in a few days.You may believe it at the time, but you will regret it afterwards, so you must see through the lies of customers, and the best way is to recognize their gestures.

3.Little secrets revealed by foot movements
After research, British psychologist Morris found an interesting phenomenon: the farther the part of the human body is from the brain, the more reliable it is.

Generally speaking, a customer is not interested in your product, but in order to let you leave his room earlier, he pretends to like your product to perfuse you, but in fact he will not buy your product.Because this is a kind of lying behavior, and customers have to resort to gestures in order to cover up this lying psychology. Therefore, as a salesperson, you can only sell your products well if you understand these gestures.

The face is the closest and least honest to the center of the brain.When we are with other people, we always pay the most attention to their faces, and we know that others are paying attention to us in the same way.Therefore, people are lying with a frown and a smile.Looking further down, the hand is located in the middle and lower part of the human body, and the honesty is also considered moderate. People use it to tell lies.But the feet are far away from the brain, and most people don't care about this part. Therefore, it is much more honest than the face and hands, and it constitutes people's unique psychological leakage-foot language.

Like all other signals in body language, the habitual movements of the feet have a language of their own.

People's moods are different, and their walking postures are also different; people's dispositions are different, and their walking styles are also different.Foot language is a kind of rhythm, which is timed for emotions, just like the melody of a dance hall. "Jump like Thunder" is the fast and heavy rhythm of nature; "Spring Breeze Proud Horseshoe Disease" is another rhythm, a light rhythm with fast melody.

In addition to reflecting people's emotions, footsteps can also reflect people's character qualities.If a dignified and beautiful woman walks in a hurry, with heavy and chaotic steps, it can be concluded that the girl must be a cheerful and straightforward person; He must be a shrewd person who is rough on the outside and fine on the inside. He often uses a bold appearance to cover up his strict rules when doing things.

People's psychological tendencies are often leaked from footsteps.If someone sits down and crosses his legs, it shows that he has a sense of confrontation that refuses to admit defeat.If a woman crosses her legs boldly, it means that she has enough confidence in her appearance, and also means that she has a strong desire to show herself.When people are standing, their feet are often facing the direction or things that the subject minds or pursues.For example, there are three men standing together. On the surface, it seems that they are concentrating on talking, and no one pays attention to the beautiful girl standing aside, but in fact this is not the case. Each of them has one foot facing her.That said, everyone is paying attention to her.Their wholeheartedness is just a mask, and their true feelings are concealed, but their footsteps have revealed their respective secrets.

Professor Geoffrey Beatty, head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Manchester, has been studying human "foot language" for decades.The British "Daily Mail" once reported on his research:

We often pay attention to people's expressions and gestures without realizing that our feet "say" a lot, and by observing the way a person moves their feet, we can get a glimpse into the inner world of that person.For example, Professor Betty said, standing in front of a male suitor, if a woman stretches one leg forward, it means that she likes the man; if her feet are crossed or not moving, it means she is not interested.But this "foot language" does not apply to men.

If a man is feeling tense, he will increase his foot movement to express this emotion.Women, on the other hand, will keep their feet still if they feel tense.

"Elite" men and women have relatively little legwork because they like to dominate the conversation as much as they like to control their bodies.Extroverts move their feet less, while shy people move more.Arrogant people usually have better body control and less movement with their feet.

We can also tell if a person is lying by watching their feet.If a person's feet are completely still, and their feet are completely still, and they are a little too settled, they are probably lying.

Betty said that many people think that when a person is lying, he will increase his movements because of nervousness, but in fact, liars often send completely wrong signals. "Everyone focuses on the eyes and the face, but people are good at controlling the movements (of those parts)," he said. "So a reliable indicator of lying is the movement of the feet."

4.The mystery hidden in sitting posture

For salespersons, pay attention to the habits of customers, because sometimes the habits of customers are selling. Many people know that facial expressions and gestures will reveal their thoughts, but they don't realize that the movements of their feet are revealing their thoughts little by little.The secret language of our feet reveals a great deal about our character traits, our perceptions of the person we are speaking to, our emotions and our state of mind.The feet are an amazing channel of communication without words.The reason feet give us away may be because they are the body part with the least feedback.Most of us know what our facial expressions are, we can put on a smiley mask, we can hide our eyes; some people notice what their hands are doing; but unless we try to think about it, we have absolutely no idea what our feet are doing.

The decisive factor of whether the salesperson can win the order.

Habits are extremely important to both individuals and society. It connects personal temperament and temperament with social etiquette and institutions, and becomes an intermediary between individuals and social groups.Everyone has their own habits, and a habit is formed through long-term "internalization", but once the habit is formed, it is not easy to change it.

It is precisely because habit is a kind of "internalization" of people, so people will "externalize" this habit

Form a character, and this character can reflect a psychology.Just like the sitting posture, some sit sideways, some cross their legs, and some put their legs on tables and chairs. So what kind of psychology does the various sitting postures imply?

The manager handed Xiao Wang a difficult client. The manager had already dispatched several salespeople, but each of them came back dejected. "This is a difficult client, Xiao Wang, if you can take down this client, I'll treat you to dinner." "Okay, manager, this is what you said yourself, it's a deal!" "It's a deal!"

So Xiao Wang began to prepare. He knew that for difficult customers, he should not rush to visit them, otherwise he would be the one who would suffer.So he spent three days collecting information about the client, and at the same time he went to consult several colleagues who had visited the client.Although they didn't provide much information, each one mentioned a phenomenon that they saw the client put his legs on the desk when they visited the client.

This is a very noteworthy factor, so Xiao Wang found various books on body language, and finally found the information implied by the body language.Finally, Xiao Wang took corresponding countermeasures against this phenomenon, and this customer was captured.

Sitting posture is actually a habit, which also reflects a person's personality and at the same time reveals the client's psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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