Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 17 The psychology behind the customer's body language: insight into the customer's

Chapter 17 The psychology behind the customer's body language: insight into the customer's psychological changes from the details (3)
In addition, there are many "eyebrow expressions" with profound meanings, such as smiling and beaming to express joy or pride; frowning to express sadness and unhappiness; horizontal eyebrows to express anger, such as crossed eyebrows; frowning to describe worry and distress. Wait.

Sales staff should be good at understanding customers' inner emotions through eyebrow language, and learn to communicate with them through eyebrow language, so that each other can infect each other through various silent languages, effectively convey their own meaning, and thus resonate, so that customers accept themselves .

8.Measuring Customer's Psychological Distance from Spatial Distance

The distance in space reflects the psychological distance between each other to a certain extent, and the distance is closely related to the closeness of the relationship.Salespeople should be good at seeing through the customer's psychology through the distance between the customer and themselves, and also be good at using the transformation of space to narrow the distance between themselves and customers, enhance mutual emotions, and let customers accept you and then accept your products.

Zhou Tao is a salesperson of electronic equipment. He wanted to sell his electronic equipment to a certain factory, so he went to visit the factory manager, but the effect was not very good.The first time I went, the factory manager avoided seeing him; the second time I went, although he was allowed to enter the office to talk, he was not allowed to sit down. He just stood and chatted for a few words, and the factory manager said he had something to do and left.

But Zhou Tao was not reconciled. On this day, he came to visit the factory manager again, and it happened that the factory manager and his secretary were struggling to move a printer to his office.So Zhou Tao took the initiative to help.The factory manager was very moved by Zhou Tao's enthusiasm and kindness, so he sat on a sofa and chatted with him after work, and finally happily agreed to try his electronic equipment.

Psychological research shows that: spatial distance and psychological distance are closely related.Each relationship has a different distance range, strangers will not be too close, and relatives will not be too far away.

It is undeniable that there will inevitably be a gap between the salesperson and the customer when they meet for the first time, and it is reasonable for the customer to avoid you. The salesperson should not be discouraged by this, but should try to shorten the distance between each other , so that the hearts of customers gradually move closer to you and accept you and your products.

American anthropologist Edward Hall discovered four distances between people through years of observation and research:
(1) Close distance: 0.15~0.45 meters, which is the distance between relatives, such as parents, lovers, and husband and wife, in order to caress, comfort and protect each other, so that they can reach each other .Companions who are more closely related can also be so close.

(2) Individual distance: 0.45~1.2 meters. This is the distance between friends. It is the distance to hug or hold each other. You can see each other's expressions at a glance, and it is suitable for heart-to-heart talks.

(3) Social distance: 1.2 to 3.6 meters. This distance exceeds the limit of physical contact. It is the distance between people in formal social occasions, giving people a sense of solemnity and seriousness.This distance is also suitable for colleagues who work together, so that they are neither affected by others nor cause trouble to others.

(4) Public distance: There are two types: close type (3.6~7.5 meters) and remote type (above 7.5 meters), suitable for public occasions such as speeches, indicating that there are many problems or ideas that need to be resolved and communicated between the speaker and the listener .

Through the spatial distance between each other, it is generally possible to more accurately judge the relationship and closeness between you and the other party.The salesperson can measure the psychological distance between the customer and you by the spatial distance between the customer and you when meeting with the customer, so as to gain insight into the emotional changes of the customer, and be good at using the transformation of the space distance to make the customer's heart continue to move toward you. close.

The general salesperson visits the customer, either to the customer's home or to the customer's office.If the customer always keeps you out of the door, or even if they invite you in, they ask you to stand and say a few words at a long distance, which means that the customer's resistance and defensiveness towards you are very serious. Business is hard to succeed.

If the customer invites you into your home or office, and sits and talks with you face to face across the coffee table or desk, it means that the customer is acceptable to you and your products, and the possibility of a successful transaction is also high. bigger.

If customers cross the barriers between each other and are willing to sit next to you and listen to you explain in detail, then as long as you fight for it a little, customers will buy your products.

Therefore, sales staff can shorten the distance between each other by changing the negotiation venue, such as changing the meeting place to a more casual place such as a teahouse, bar, coffee shop, etc., creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere and reducing psychological strangeness , so that the psychological distance between the two parties will naturally be narrowed.At the same time, salespeople should also be good at using various social activities, such as chess and cards, bowling and other entertainment methods, to understand customers, get acquainted with customers as soon as possible, and enhance mutual intimacy.

9.Understand the personality of customers from eating

In fact, eating is very important for everyone.Eating is not only the foundation of people's survival, but we can also see a person's character from eating.Salesmen have many opportunities to dine with customers. A smart salesperson can not only take care of his customer's stomach and let him enjoy a happy meal, but also carefully observe the customer's dining preferences and eating patterns, so as to To judge his character, so as to make the conversation in a direction that is beneficial to him, and finally sell the product successfully.

Zhao Xin is a salesperson of a life insurance company, and other colleagues all lamented that it is so difficult to get customers to buy an insurance!However, Zhao Xin successfully sold 12 insurance policies in just one month, and all of them were big orders. This achievement made other colleagues envious.They all asked Zhao Xin the secret of sales, and Zhao Xin only said one word "eat".Looking at the bewildered look of others, Zhao Xin told them about his sales experience.

Once he accompanied a client to dinner, and he always chewed his food slowly when watching the client's meal, and he was very gentle, showing good upbringing and elegant etiquette.So he concluded that this person's character is stable and honest, and he doesn't like pomp and show.According to the personality of the customer, Zhao Xin determined the sales method in his heart.First of all, he said that the sales staff should not only strive to win the trust of customers and shorten the distance between themselves and customers, but also be good at controlling this distance and maintain the necessary courtesy and respect.If the distance between the salesperson and the customer is too close, it will appear undignified, and it will arouse the disgust of the customer.Salespersons must keep a proper distance from customers, and they must be polite and dignified without losing etiquette, so that the relationship between them can develop smoothly.

Try to be as elegant and decent as possible in speech and manner. He believes that this will definitely leave a good impression on customers and facilitate the conversation with each other.Then, when discussing insurance with clients formally, he tried to cite as many accurate figures and facts as possible to illustrate, and his tone was also very sincere. He believed that his performance would satisfy the clients.Sure enough, the customer said: "You are a sincere person, I like it, you are not like other salesmen, who are ostentatious and annoying. I decided to buy a copy of your insurance." After hearing this, the colleagues all exclaimed: "It's unexpected that there is so much knowledge about eating."

It can be seen that the salesperson must be careful, be good at discovering, and judge the customer's personality from the customer's eating preferences and his eating appearance, so as to understand the customer's heart and successfully sell the products to the customer.Seeing the customer's character from eating is a skill that salespeople must master, and it is also a sign and symbol of excellent salespeople.

Of course, people are divided into north and south, and food is divided into five flavors. Different people often have different preferences in food choices.Sales staff can judge a customer's personality from his eating preferences.

(1) Customers who love to eat rice have a steady and cautious personality, and their emotions are invisible.They tend to plan carefully, have strong endurance, are good at enjoying themselves, rarely ask for troubles, are more tactful in dealing with others, and don't like to help others.

Dealing with such customers, the salesperson must be pragmatic and provide them with affordable products.

(2) Customers who love to eat pasta are warm and cheerful, outspoken, like to talk, emotionally unstable, impulsive, reckless in doing things, and easily lose confidence when encountering setbacks.

When dealing with such customers, we must grasp the characteristics of their innocence, know their bottom line of purchase, and strive for the maximum profit for ourselves, but we must not be too greedy and treat customers as fools, otherwise, the impulse of the customer will lead to with incalculable consequences.

(3) Customers who love to eat fried food are enthusiastic, adventurous, and always want to start a career, but get discouraged when encountering setbacks.

If you want to sell some new products and services, this type of customer is often your best choice.

In addition, the salesperson can also judge the character of the customer from the way he eats.

(1) Customers who like to chew slowly when eating are generally well-educated and well-trained.They tend to be prudent and sincere, and pay attention to factual basis in doing things, but lack the spirit of adventure.

Dealing with such customers, the salesperson must show good self-cultivation and provide customers with as much factual data as possible, so as to gain their trust.

(2) Customers who like to gobble up meals are often quick-tempered and quick-tempered, but they often suffer from impatience and poor consideration.

Dealing with such customers, the sales staff must understand the urgent needs of customers on the one hand, and at the same time provide satisfactory services to customers step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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