Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 4 Achieve Yourself First: Bloom Your Most Beautiful Self

Chapter 4 Achieve Yourself First: Bloom Your Most Beautiful Self (3)
Liu Sheng said disapprovingly, "Master, this is too contradictory. Why does it take me longer to become a first-class swordsman the harder I practice?"

Miyamoto replied: "The prerequisite for becoming a first-class swordsman is to keep one eye on yourself forever, and constantly reflect. Now that you have both eyes looking at the signboard of a first-class swordsman, how can you still have eyes to watch yourself?"

To be a first-class swordsman, it is not enough just to practice swordsmanship, you must always keep one eye on yourself and keep introspecting; to be a first-class salesman, it is not enough to just learn sales skills, you must always keep one eye on yourself , constantly introspecting.

We know our own strengths and give full play to our strengths. Not only will it be easy to gain the respect of others, but we will also improve our self-confidence because of our work performance, and then affirm ourselves.According to statistics from psychologists, human beings only use about 2% of their total abilities.In other words, there are still 98% of the abilities that have not been used, and most of the strengths of human beings have not yet been developed.How to develop your own strengths, you can understand your own strengths and weaknesses through the aforementioned "self-analysis", and you can also learn about your own strengths and weaknesses through "other people's criticism".

Sales staff is a special group, they can be said to be the special forces in the business war, they are special talents who combine great wisdom and courage, general demeanor, counselor temperament, and fighter courage.While they are selling products, they are actually selling themselves, including their comprehensive qualities such as business level, negotiation skills, and human morality. These can form an influence, which determines whether customers will be convinced and accepted by you. .Be true to yourself and believe in your true self. This is the fundamental way to empower salespeople and make customers like themselves.

6.Self-affirmation, make yourself taller

In life, people always compare themselves with others more or less.Through comparison, people will find the gap between themselves and others, understand their own shortcomings and advantages, and stimulate their self-motivation, study hard from good role models, and constantly improve themselves. This is a relatively positive effect.However, if people find the wrong object and choose the wrong method during the comparison process, it will have a bad effect.For example, comparing one's own advantages with other people's shortcomings, and comparing one's own shortcomings with others' advantages, the results must be completely different.

In the sales work, it is a common method to evaluate the sales staff through the comparison of performance. To know yourself, you must rely on "yourself" and "others". "Self" is the aforementioned self-analysis, and "others" are the criticisms of others.Since self-analysis is often not objective and in-depth, it has to rely on the criticism of others.

Confessing a weakness to ourselves or admitting a mistake to another is embarrassing for most of us.Therefore, many people always indulge themselves, and when they make mistakes, they always find excuses to forgive themselves and muddle along.Only a few people know that self-analysis must be done in order to achieve fruitful results in the end.They understand that only through self-analysis can they see their own strengths and weaknesses, affirm themselves and give full play to their strengths.

Mode.Those who are in the lead continue to work hard, and those who are behind step up to catch up. Everyone is making unremitting efforts to achieve better results.But some salespeople will lose confidence in the face of their mediocre performance, and even belittle themselves: "How can I surpass others." "I'm too stupid, I can't do it!" I feel that I have no way to compare with the successful people around me, I always feel that I am inferior, and think that I will not have much success.With such a negative psychology, they will not try hard to break through themselves at work, and are willing to be the last one.

Belittling oneself is a negative psychological reaction.Many times, salespeople will involuntarily deny themselves because of factors such as poor family conditions, low economic income, low education level, and low social status. self-confidence, become cowardly and humble. "I'm just an undergraduate student in an ordinary university, but he has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university. How can I compare to him?" "He's a big man with a head and face, will he meet me, a humble little salesman?" "Let's forget it." , I can’t complete this task with my strength.” This kind of negative psychology completely swallows the confidence and passion of the salesperson, so that the salesperson will only continue to blame themselves, blame themselves, and belittle themselves, instead of taking the initiative to change and improve yourself.If things go on like this, a vicious circle will be formed.

Xiao Li is a college graduate. After graduation, he joined an insurance company as a salesman.As a fledgling, he wanted to express himself well, so he devoted himself to work with great enthusiasm and achieved certain results.In the process of getting in touch with his colleagues, he gradually discovered that most of the salespersons in the company are doctoral and master's students from prestigious universities, and the last ones are undergraduates from key universities. This made Xiao Li feel a lot of pressure. It is somewhat unsuitable for junior college students to be among a large group of people with higher education than themselves.Xiao Li always feels like an ugly duckling, and everyone is watching him.

The company conducts performance evaluations every month. If Xiao Li does a little better, he will tell himself that this is just a fluke when a blind cat meets a dead mouse; I would say to myself, yes, everyone has a higher education than me, and it is only natural that I have better performance than myself.And every time he meets a big client, Xiao Li will always give up the opportunity to his colleagues. He feels that he is not worthy of negotiating with those big bosses.Xiao Li's mentality made him less and less confident. He just made phone calls in the company every day, but did not dare to go out to meet clients, so his performance has been mediocre without any progress.

Belittling oneself is not only a serious blow to one's own soul, but also disrespect and irresponsibility to oneself.Just think, if a person can't even look down on himself, what right does he have to ask others to look up to you?People should have their own dignity in life, no matter what environment they are in, no matter how humble their status is, they must think highly of themselves, strive for the rights they should have, and constantly improve themselves, so as to win the respect and admiration of others .Abandoning oneself is the most stupid way to do it. It is not feasible to desire to exchange one's own pity for others' sympathy.

If you want others to respect you, you must first respect yourself.It is normal to have a gap in work. There are many reasons why you are behind. It may be that your method is wrong, or that you don’t work hard enough. You can’t simply attribute the reason to others being smart while you are stupid. It's an extremely irresponsible statement.There is not much difference in IQ between people, the key lies in subjective initiative, because you are not active enough and hard enough, so you lag behind.A low level of education can be made up for, and a lack of ability can be improved. As long as you do it seriously, there is nothing wrong with it.

Salespeople should not easily draw conclusions for themselves, saying that they are stupid or incompetent.As long as you are willing to put in more effort than others, you will get much more rewards than others. This is an indisputable fact.Therefore, when a salesman faces a failure, what he needs is not self-blame and complaints, but to face the facts, calmly analyze the reasons for the failure, find out his own gap, and try to make up for it. This is what the salesman should do most matter.

When encountering difficulties and setbacks, when facing the gap with others, salespersons must not underestimate themselves and give up on themselves, but should correctly understand and evaluate themselves, choose to catch up instead of complaining about themselves; rather spend more than others Time and energy, shed more sweat and tears in exchange for progress, and can't run away and admit your cowardice and incompetence.

Therefore, in real life and work, people should make appropriate and rational comparisons instead of random comparisons, which will cause huge frustration and blows to themselves.Only by correctly understanding and evaluating yourself can you determine your own position, do the work you should do well, and not belittle yourself because you are envious of others.

7.Demonstrate your flexible and intelligent resilience
In life, we will inevitably encounter some unexpected emergencies, and at this time, it is a test of people's adaptability and resilience.If you have strong adaptability, you can analyze the situation calmly and rationally, respond flexibly through ingenious methods, and finally save yourself from the predicament; but if you don’t have flexible adaptability, you will be flustered, at a loss, or even reckless. If you don't act, it is easy to screw things up and make yourself suffer losses.Therefore, resilience is an essential skill for each of us.

For salespersons, adaptability is the minimum quality they must possess, and it is an important condition to ensure the complete success of sales.In daily work, the customers that salespeople come into contact with are very extensive and complicated. There are all kinds of customers, including some stubborn, indifferent, stubborn, arrogant and arrogant customers. ability, then it is difficult to adapt and respond to the requirements of different customers, which will bring great obstacles and losses to the sales work.

A salesman pitched an unbreakable tempered wine glass in front of a large group of customers.

After explaining the product, he demonstrated it to the customer, but he never expected that he happened to take a glass that was not of good quality, and dropped it suddenly, and the glass broke.

The customers roared with laughter.

The salesman was taken aback for a moment, and then he had an idea, and said calmly and humorously: "Look, I won't sell you a cup like this."

The result was another roar of laughter, but the previous laughter was more suspicious and mocking, but this time it was a laugh of admiration and pleasure.The salesperson resolved the embarrassing situation with his calm resilience, not only did not lose customers because of this, but also won a large number of orders.

It can be seen that the ability to adapt is so important. Although there is no fixed formula for adapting to the situation, it can skillfully avoid and resolve unfavorable factors and seize favorable factors in the face of emergencies, thereby helping salespeople not to affect the transaction due to unexpected events. It can even reverse disadvantages and facilitate transactions.

In order to effectively develop their own resilience, salespeople should not just be rigidly routine and stick to the rules, but should be good at discovering new situations and new problems, summing up new experience from sales practice; for new things and new problems encountered in sales work , Be able to analyze carefully, be brave in pioneering, and boldly put forward new ideas and plans; in the face of emergencies, you must be calm, rational, and find ways to resolve unfavorable factors, instead of acting blindly.

Xiao Wang opened a barber shop after graduating from a vocational school. Because of his superb craftsmanship and his eloquence, the business is booming.

One day, after he finished cutting the hair of the first customer, the customer looked in the mirror and said, "It's too long." Xiao Wang smiled and explained: "The hair is long, it looks elegant and charming, you didn't see it , Those big-name movie stars all have hairstyles like yours." The customer was very happy when he heard this, and happily paid and left.

After Xiao Wang finished cutting the hair of the second customer, the customer looked in the mirror and said, "The hair is cut too short." Xiao Wang explained with a smile: "The hair is short, it looks energetic, vigorous, and everyone loves it." The customer Hehe smiled and said, "Really? That's good, that's good!"

After Xiao Wang finished cutting the third customer's hair, the customer smiled and said, "It's been a long time."

Xiao Wang smiled and explained: "It is necessary to spend more time for the 'head'." The customer laughed and waved away.

After Xiao Wang finished cutting the hair of the fourth customer, the customer smiled while paying: "The action is very neat, and the problem can be solved in 20 minutes." Xiao Wang said with a smile: "Nowadays, time is money. A quick solution will win you time and money , why not do it?" The customer nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, very good, I will come to you for a haircut next time."

American marketing expert Cassel said: "In the business field, no matter how big or small the sale is, what is sold is wisdom." The resilience of the salesperson is a manifestation of wisdom. Without wisdom, you will not have this magical ability. ability.Sales staff have to contact many customers every day, and customers have different personalities, hobbies, and personalities. In this way, many situations that have never appeared in the sales process may appear, or encounter problems that have not been experienced before. It's all very normal.Salespeople should not lose confidence and courage, feel fear, and panic because they have not experienced it before. This will only leave a bad impression on customers and hinder the smooth progress of sales work.

8.Have the talent to shine

As the saying goes: "People with high skills are bold." As a salesperson, if we have more professional skills and a higher technical level, we will naturally be more confident in the process of communicating with customers.

Therefore, in order to enhance self-confidence and make the sales work go smoothly, it is necessary for the sales staff to improve their professional quality.

Qin Feng is a salesman and now works for a company that sells language teaching materials.

Once, he was on the phone to sell a teaching CD-ROM of "you must be able to speak fluent English in a short time" to a client. Although he boasted about his product and his sales skills were very good, he said for a long time, but he didn't understand it at all. No customer interest.Qin Feng still refused to give up and hang up the phone. At this time, the customer became impatient and said to Qin Feng: "If you can repeat to me what you just said in English, I will buy your product." At this time Qin Feng was dumbfounded all of a sudden. Letting himself use English as a resource reflects people's self-confidence, wisdom, and optimism.For the same problem, negative and pessimistic people will not take the initiative to deal with it, but choose to escape and give up; positive and optimistic people will not give up, but actively deal with it, break through obstacles, and lead things to a better side.

Adapting to changing circumstances requires the salesperson to have a flexible mind, and the words and actions must be just right, not excessive, not false, so that people will be convincing, leave a good impression on people, make people feel good about them, turn disadvantages into advantages, and not offend and hurt customers.

Simple communication is difficult, how could it be possible to say all the things I just said in English!He froze for a moment, then "clicked" and hung up the phone.The product I sell is to make people speak fluent English in a short period of time, but I can't speak fluent English at all. How can I convince customers and persuade them to buy my products?
After this incident, Qin Feng began to seriously reflect on himself.He realized that in order to be a good salesperson and successfully persuade customers, he must look good and have enough confidence in his business, which means convincing customers to buy teaching CDs. At least the salesperson should be able to speak fluent English, so as to convince customers.So Qin Feng bought a set first, and worked hard to study hard, and soon he became a master of spoken English.In addition, he also actively understands the latest developments in the industry, discovers the advantages of his products, and sells them with confidence.

By chance, he once again contacted the client who rejected him before. This time, Qin Feng's performance surprised the client, and he couldn't help admiring him, and sincerely praised: "You are awesome, I admire you very much. .” Finally, a long-term cooperative relationship was established between them, and the client also offered to help him sell.

Qin Feng's excellent quality has won the admiration of many customers, and all the customers who have been in contact with him will praise him for being great.Soon Qin Feng was promoted to sales supervisor because of his outstanding performance, but he always kept in mind the lesson of that time, and always reminded himself: "Make yourself look good, and let customers have full trust in you."

Selling products is like a performance on stage for customers. If you want to infect and convince customers, you must perform wonderfully and show your talents and charms.

Only if you perform well, will you get applause from customers.

Therefore, salespersons should constantly improve their knowledge and self-cultivation, at least they should master their most basic business proficiently, so that they will not appear laymen in front of customers.If you are knowledgeable, full of experience, and able to speak clearly about everything, then you can not only find a common language with customers, but also use your talents to conquer customers and make them convinced of you, then selling products is a matter of course.If a salesperson is not familiar with the product or business he is selling, how can he convince the customer.Therefore, the salesperson must perform very well and excellently in front of customers in order to win the trust of customers.

Salespeople can't just talk about it, they must have real talents and practical learning, so as to achieve "real gold is not afraid of fire".On the surface, it sounds high-sounding, but I have no real talents. Once the client hits the nail on the head, I will be unable to deal with it.Therefore, the sales staff must not be arrogant and deceitful.For salespeople, it is very important to have excellent business standards and superb professional skills.No customer likes an uneducated salesperson with big eyes and a low belly.Without talent and learning, there is no capital to attract customers. You can only be an ordinary salesperson and cannot be recognized by customers.

(End of this chapter)

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