Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 139 Evidence

Chapter 139 Evidence
Hearing Shao Qing's question, Mo Fei looked down at the plain spear in his hand.

I just forgot about this because I was in a hurry, but it has already appeared in my hand and I can't take it back, so I can only say: "I put this by the villa before, and I took it just now."

Because Mo Fei pulled out the Suying gun after she climbed into the courtyard wall of the villa and fell to the ground, no one paid attention to where her Suying gun came from, and she finally escaped.

"Let me keep this weapon for now. You still have to go to the detention room today, but you basically have no doubts. As long as the final evidence comes out, I can help you apply for innocence." Shao Qing's excuse for Murphy Didn't think much about it.

In fact, Shao Qing was curious about Murphy's weapon and asked casually, who would have thought that this thing could be hidden.

Mo Fei nodded, handed the Suying gun in his hand to Shao Qing, and was taken back to the investigation team's detention room by the guards again.

At this time, Dr. Zhong in the laboratory was pacing back and forth non-stop. He had already heard about the outside affairs, but he didn't expect that the wrong medicine would make such a big fuss, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

But regret can't make up for the loss of base personnel, not to mention that there are more things to meet.

Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team, assisted Captain Sang in the command center, using light energy guns and fire to finally get rid of the mutated plant.

At Lin Yixun's request, Shao Qing extracted some of the remaining mutated leaves for further examination.

However, until there is no other evidence to prove that the item was not placed by Murphy, the command center still has to reserve the complaint against Murphy.

After Shao Qing closed the team, he asked a team member to be responsible for protecting Lin Yixun and Yulin's safety, while the man in black was arranged to continue to monitor the surrounding situation in the dark of the two.

"Close the team, let's go back first." Shao Qing waved to the team members and was about to return to the investigation team. At this moment, Shao Qing's communicator suddenly rang.

Shao Qing switched on the communicator and listened for a while, then hurriedly took people into the car and drove away.

Yulin and Lin Yixun, who had changed residences, sat in the room after dinner and talked about Murphy.

"Sister Yulin, if it wasn't for you and Feifei today, I would definitely be eaten. Thank you, I really hope that Feifei will be released soon." Lin Yixun said in a low voice.

"Silly girl, why are you being so polite, and you don't have to worry, Feifei will be fine. She came out to rescue us smoothly today, which shows that she is really fine. It's just that the two of us really need to be careful." I can't trouble her any more." Yulin comforted Lin Yixun while stroking Lin Yixun's head.

"Well, Sister Yulin, I also know this, we must manage ourselves well before helping Feifei get rid of the suspicion." Lin Yixun nodded vigorously.

The two of them rested early, because they were going to the investigation team to find Shao Qing tomorrow morning, and the samples of the mutated plants extracted today still needed to be analyzed carefully.

Because Shao Qing has lost trust in the laboratory at the sea base, and it is not appropriate to take Lin Yixun to the investigation team and do nothing, so he simply used the analysis of the samples as an excuse.

Early the next morning, Lin Yixun and Yulin went to the investigation team with another team member who was apparently sent to protect the two of them.And they are not the only ones who are doing the final analysis here, there is another person who is repairing another important item.

"Dr. Lin, you will deal with it here today. Just tell them what you need. I have other things to confirm." Shao Qing said to Lin Yixun.

After Lin Yixun was arranged, Shao Qing took a sample taken from the leaves yesterday and walked towards the office building in the central area.

Arriving at the fourth floor of the office building, Shao Qing came to the laboratory.

Today's laboratory door is closed, it seems that the personnel did not leave last night.Shao Qing pressed the visit button repeatedly, but no one opened the door of the laboratory for him.

Shao Qing had no choice but to go to the monitoring room: "The people in the laboratory haven't come out since yesterday?"

The guard called up the video and found that someone had come out during the day, but no one came in and out after the last person who came back in a panic went in.

Repeatedly looking at the images of the office building in the central area before it was closed showed that there were no people coming in or out.

"Let's look back again." Shao Qing felt a little strange after watching it for a long time, so he asked the guard in the monitoring room to turn the surveillance video back a little further.

Unexpectedly, in the early hours of the morning, someone from the laboratory came out, and more than half an hour later, that person came back, but he seemed to have something in his hand and returned to the laboratory.

"Wait, let me zoom in on this part." Shao Qing freezes the picture and asks the people in the monitoring room to zoom in on the image holding the object.

However, the normal magnification cannot see the items displayed only by the emergency lighting in the corridor in the dark midnight.

"Can you zoom in more?" Shao Qing asked the guard in the monitoring room.

The guard shook his head helplessly: "I can only zoom in so far, why don't you ask someone from the technical department to try!"

"Understood, then help me copy this section, and I will take it away." Shao Qing pointed to this image and said to the guard in the monitoring room on duty.

The guard nodded, and then copied this paragraph to Shao Qing.

Shao Qing returned to the investigation team with this screenshot.

In the investigation team, Lin Yixun was still carefully analyzing the composition of the mutated leaves, while Yulin was helping Lin Yixun deliver things.

After taking a look, Shao Qing took things and walked towards another room.

In this room, Zhou Yubin is filling in a little bit of parts to restore the recorder on the laboratory monitor.

Because he was so focused, he didn't even hear Shao Qing come in.

"'s all right." Zhou Yubin let out a sudden breath, and stopped his hands accordingly.

"Is the instrument repaired?" Shao Qing asked quickly.

Zhou Yubin seemed to be taken aback, and then turned his head: "I was scared to death, when did you come here?"

Shao Qing smiled: "I've been standing there for a long time, and you're so focused that you didn't dare to make a sound. How is it? The instrument has been repaired?"

Zhou Yubin nodded: "The instrument has been repaired, and the data on it needs to be restored. You are the supervisor?" Zhou Yubin couldn't help but teased Shao Qing.

"That's not true, I have something for you to enlarge." As he spoke, Shao Qing shook the data disk in his hand.

"Then give it to me. Enlarging the data is very simple, and it can be done in 5 minutes. I will help you first." Zhou Yubin reached out to take the data disk in Shao Qing's hand.

Sure enough, after a while Zhou Yubin supplemented and restored the enlarged picture of the picture and showed it to Shao Qing.

"It's the leaves of that mutated plant. It seems that someone in the laboratory has also taken samples."

"Because the people in the laboratory haven't worked out a countermeasure, quickly restore the contents of the monitor." Shao Qing patted Zhou Yubin on the shoulder after watching it.

Zhou Yubin couldn't help but smiled wryly: "You said you weren't here to supervise the work, that's fine, I'll try to get it done this afternoon."

As for the reason why the door of the laboratory is closed, in fact, the laboratory is also carefully studying the problem of the mutated leaves.

Dr. Zhong couldn't figure out why he prepared it according to the formula Lin Yixun told him before, but it turned out like this, so he also wanted to find out the key to the mistake.

After lunch, Mo Fei moved a little bit and then continued to practice Qi. Because he knew that Lin Yixun and Yu Lin had been protected, and they were doing experiments in a room not far from him, so Murphy was in a special mood. Relax.

She wakes up early in the morning and has nothing else to do, and she is practicing Qi. She eats the meal when she is full, and continues to practice Qi when she is full. In her opinion, if Yulin hadn’t helped her in time yesterday, she might have been killed by that person. The leaves were rolled up and eaten into the stomach.

"The technology needs to be improved!" Mo Fei sighed. Although he has already broken through the edge of the basic four layers, no matter whether it is the edge or not, he will not be able to learn the next things without improvement, and he still has to work hard to improve.Murphy was also looking forward to what kind of surprise the next talisman would bring him.

At this time, Zhou Yubin finally recovered the video data of the day, and quickly called Shao Qing to check the situation of the day together.

After reading the information, Shao Qing couldn't help but have doubts, because there was no real thing recorded in this video, so although it could not prove that Murphy had stolen, there was no way to find the real murderer.

"What's going on? Could it be that there is no evidence?" Shao Qing looked at Zhou Yubin suspiciously.

"No, if nothing is recorded, why do they value this recorder so much?" Zhou Yubin started to check the data again while speaking.

Suddenly, Zhou Yubin, who hadn't spoken for a long time, slapped his thigh: "I see, you see that this section skipped frames, and it must have been deleted here, so I said why there was a section that suddenly shook when I watched it."

"Deleted? What should I do?" Shao Qing asked quickly when he heard that the evidence might have been deleted.

"I'll try." Zhou Yubin fell silent again after replying.

After a while, Zhou Yubin laughed: "Haha, it's finally healed this time."

The two of them looked at the complete record after recovery, and Shao Qing stretched out his thumb to Zhou Yubin: "Great, even the data they have deleted has been recovered, otherwise there is no way to find out the truth by just looking at the part they recorded. Case."

"Well, I didn't expect them to delete a section. Fortunately, they don't seem to know that this section can be recovered without overwriting, otherwise they really can't get it back." Zhou Yubin was also excited that he finally unlocked this instrument .

"The next thing will come to light." Shao Qing asked Zhou Yubin to make a copy of the video in the device, and then brought the materials collected in the past few days with him, and then came to the detention room.

Murphy in the prison room was still practicing Qi with his eyes closed, and felt the gaze outside the prison. Murphy learned to be smart this time, instead of opening his eyes immediately, he slowly dissipated the Qi in his body, and then stretched out as if he had just woken up. lazy.

The door of the holding room also opened at the same time.

"Murphy, let's go! It's time for us to catch the real culprit."

(End of this chapter)

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