Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 233 The Savior

Chapter 233 The Savior
In the past two days, everyone in the department store looked in a hurry.

In the parking lot downstairs, a row of cars were neatly parked, while the people in the building kept moving things to the cars.

Earlier, Murphy explained all the things he might need on the road, and let everyone bring the unexpected ones according to their needs.So the people in the building found a lot of sturdy cars after the meeting that day, and then started the big move.

It only took a day and a half, and the entire department store was almost emptied.

Because Zhu Zhu and the others had to pack their things, Mo Fei walked around the building unhurriedly, and put away good things when he found them.

It's just that when no one sees it, they receive the storage talisman, and when someone sees it, they stuff it into the backpack.

Just collecting such bits and pieces, Mo Fei collected another bag of things.

I don't know if it was because he was too busy these days, or because Mo Fei completely offended Wang Xin, the leader, in the meeting that day. In short, he didn't come to him again in the past two days.

But Murphy was not afraid that he would retaliate against him, since he was relieved anyway.

Before the meeting that day, Li Suna reminded Murphy that the leader named Wang Xin looked very friendly on the surface, but he was actually a very calculating person, so Li Suna was worried whether Murphy would agree to him before. What made him take advantage of it.

It's just that Murphy's careful answer didn't catch him, but even so, Wang Xin went around in a big circle and almost got Murphy into it.

For such a problem, Murphy didn't want to get involved at all.Mo Fei's goal is to bring Zhu Zhu and the others back to the star base safely.

Seeing that the cars were full one by one, Mo Fei checked what Zhu Zhu and the others had brought, and saw that there was nothing missing, so he prepared to leave early tomorrow morning according to the original plan.

However, as soon as the sky darkened, something unusual happened outside.Then Li Suna went up to the roof with the joint efforts of everyone.The surrounding buildings are not as tall as the department store, so the view is very wide, and because of this, Li Suna, whose vision has changed, also brought bad news.

"There is another situation outside, everyone should be on guard." Wang Xin, the leader, began to deploy after receiving Li Suna's report, because this was the last time they were here to defend against the attack of zombies, so they all cheered up.

"Our main task today is to prevent the zombies from rushing in, and to prevent them from destroying our car. Don't worry about the rest." Because it was the last time, Wang Xin came down from room to room to remind.

As the zombies got closer, Murphy's expression changed slightly.

Among the group of zombies this time, Murphy had already seen giant zombies.

This is too bad, it is difficult enough for them to resist C zombies and C1 zombies, and now there are giant zombies, which means at least C2 zombies.

While hesitating, the first batch of C1 zombies rushed to the front,

Following the attack, Zhu Zhu's earthen wall was also erected, blocking the group of zombies who were desperately burrowing in.

While attacking, Mo Fei used part of his attention to help Zhu Zhu repair the earth wall with the ice element talisman. Because there were too many zombies rushing over this time, Zhu Zhu's earth wall could not resist.

Glancing at the anxiously fighting sisters beside him, Murphy took a few steps back and was about to turn around and leave. Now it was just the group of C1 zombies and that was it. After a while, the C2 zombies came and it was fine. Murphy was going to sneak out to help them carry C2 zombies.

At this time, Li Suna had already noticed the figure of the C2 zombie, and after exclaiming, she ordered Zhen Shunli to go up and notify.

Zhen Shunli was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she hurried upstairs to inform her of the situation outside.

Probably never encountered a giant zombie before, the people above were confused when they heard it, and the noise could be heard even a floor away.

Just when the scene was a little out of control, there was a loud "boom" not far away, making everyone look out of the window.

At the place where the zombies surged, a huge monster descended from the sky, it was a mecha.The silver-white armor body glows with brilliance, and behind it are huge flying wings.

After the mecha landed, it went straight to the C2 zombie.

Because of the help of the mecha, they also successfully intercepted the ordinary zombies that were following, so the number of zombies in front of the department store became less and less.

Everyone couldn't help cheering, for their own luck, and for the mecha that was still fighting the C2 zombie.

As the tall figure fell to the ground, the silver-white mecha also flew up.

"Quick, go upstairs and ask for help." Wang Xin was the first to react and urged the people around him to go up.

Not long after, a fire-type superpower upstairs released fireballs towards the sky. As the fireballs scrambled in the sky, the firelight also attracted the attention of the mecha, and flew towards the department store.

The mecha that flew close saw the people on the roof and slowly landed on the open space in front of the department store. They said that the open space was already full of corpses of zombies.

Everyone else ran out excitedly, only Mo Fei stared at the mecha suspiciously.

"Feifei, what are you thinking? Go out and have a look." Zhu Zhu grabbed Mo Fei and ran downstairs. At this moment, almost everyone was crowded in the lobby on the first floor.

The mecha had already opened the hatch, and the people inside glanced outside. At this moment, Wang Xin had already stood outside the door of the department store.

"How many survivors do you have?" A deep but magnetic voice asked Wang Xin on the ground.

"Hello, I'm Wang Xin, the person in charge here. We estimate that there are more than 300 people here." Wang Xin replied quickly, seeing this huge monster, he was more confident to go out.And the person who can drive this kind of thing is definitely not an ordinary person, so he must give him a good impression.

The day before yesterday, I wanted to use that girl Murphy as a shield for myself, so that these people could continue to obey me after they arrived at the star base, but my wishful thinking fell through.The relationship with Mo Fei has been a little tense these days. Wang Xin originally thought whether to show his favor to Mo Fei first, and then retaliate when he has the opportunity in the future, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to send it here without giving in.

So Wang Xin was extra careful, trying to make a good impression on the man who piloted the mech.

"There are so many people, it seems that we can't leave tonight. Are you willing to go to the star base? If you want to pack up, I can send you off tomorrow morning." There are hundreds of people.

"Great, we are going to the star base. We originally wanted to leave because this zombie has been attacking for a long time, and it is getting stronger and stronger. We didn't expect to encounter another wave tonight. We packed up our things and stopped at In the parking lot. Come in and have a rest, and I will ask you to escort us for a ride tomorrow." When Wang Xin heard that the people on the mecha were also going to the star base, he hurriedly let them in.

"Just find me a place. You have to leave early tomorrow morning, or you won't be able to make it to Xushi in the evening." The man's words were very brief, but he also said the main thing.

"Okay, we all live on the ninth floor. There are home textiles over there, and we can have a good rest with a bed." Wang Xin quickly led the man out of the mecha to the elevator.

The man followed into the elevator, and then the elevator went straight to the ninth floor.

Wang Xin thought about it for a long time, because the ninth floor was already full of people. After much deliberation, Wang Xin decided on Liang Tang's team, where Zhu Zhu and the others lived.That location is relatively inside, not only is the location good, but there is no wind blowing.When Liang Tang's team defected, in order to let them help out, they chose a good position for them.

But now... Wang Xin couldn't help but smile coldly, he would have to pay the price for disobedience, not to mention that Murphy, who almost made him look ugly the day before yesterday, is now living here, so they should change it.

With this in mind, Wang Xin asked someone to lead the man upstairs to have some food first, and then walked to the home textile store where Zhu Zhu and the others lived.

"Liang Tang, you also know that they will take us out of here tomorrow. The protection of the armor is definitely the greatest guarantee for our safety. Your place is the best of all our residences, so let's be wronged for one night!" Xin pretended to be very embarrassed and talked to Liang Tang.

Liang Tang is neat and has good management skills, but he is not very good at diplomacy, not to mention what Wang Xin said is reasonable, so he hesitates to agree.

"I don't agree. Why should we move? Your room is not bad. You live alone. After you move, we have such a large group of people." People heard the voice before they arrived, and followed It was Li Suna who spoke from inside.

"Xiao Li, look, we don't want to think about the overall situation." Wang Xin resented Li Suna in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be in a negotiating tone.

"I don't agree. There are so many of us, so we should make room for him alone? It's fine if he wants to live. We have a lot of tables here, so we can lay two quilts for him to sleep." Li Suna replied generously.

Wang Xin also became angry: "If you don't move today, you will move anyway. This is my territory anyway, and there will be problems if you live here."

"Hmph, Liang Tang, let's go." Li Suna pulled Liang Tang, turned around and walked to the home textile shop.

As soon as she entered the home textile store, Li Suna yelled at several people: "Pack up your things and let's go."

Seeing Li Suna getting angry, Zhu Zhu, Zhen Shunli and Murphy all surrounded her: "What's wrong Nana? Who messed with you?"

"Who else is there, Wang Xin, isn't he the one who wants to get close to the mecha, and actually drives us away." Li Suna said that she was very angry.

"Don't be angry, just go. Are you worried that we won't be able to leave after leaving them? Anyway, we were going to go by ourselves." Mo Fei patted Li Suna and comforted him softly.

"Okay, let's go." After Li Suna finished speaking, she asked Liang Tang to call the others to go together, but the other members of the Lightspeed team pretended not to hear, and no one would follow.

Seeing this, Li Suna became even more angry: "You are still talking about going through life and death, bah, I see you clearly, let's go, just us."

Murphy, Zhu Zhu, Li Suna, Liang Tang, and Zhen Shunli, the five picked up their things and walked outside the home textile store.

(End of this chapter)

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