Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 302 Interest first

Chapter 302 Interest first
"Wow! Leisen, it's so beautiful down there, isn't it the Azure City?"

After flying for a period of time, Murphy looked outside in the carrying cabin, and saw that not far away was a patch of deep and shallow blue connected into a city, and he couldn't help but shouted at Leisen in amazement.

Adjacent to the beautiful and magnificent sea that transitions from far to near, and the houses in the city are transitioned in blue from area to area. It seems that in this city, all the blue colors are displayed. vividly.

Looking at the whole city from the sky, it seems to have spread from the sea to the land.

Although it is the end of the world, the blue sky and blue sea, against the background of the blue houses of different shades, give people a feeling of tranquility and far-reaching.

Leisen was also in a good mood when he heard Murphy's cheerful voice. He used to pass by here before the end of the world, but because he came and went in a hurry, he didn't enjoy the scenery as leisurely as he is now, so Leisen couldn't help but praise the scenery in front of him: This azure city really lived up to its name.

Finding the right direction for the huge mecha to land, the two of them walked around the street and went straight to the mission destination, which is the fishing gear area of ​​Zhanlan City this time.

Because the fishing industry here is very developed, there are also many related manufacturing factories related to this work.

After planning, this factory area was allocated to a slightly remote area of ​​Zhanlan City.

After a pause, the two of them planned their way forward and flew through the central area towards the factory.

When they arrived at the factory area, Leisen found a slightly empty place to land, and the two of them realized that it was no wonder that this task seemed simple and the rewards were relatively high, but no one came.

The number of zombies around here is not ordinary, and there are a lot of practical factories here, related to clothing, food, metal, and even seeds. Once this area is opened, then follow-up to do collection tasks, Even after it is opened, the official personnel of the sea base can come directly to move supplies.

"It seems that we are going to be pioneers today." Lei Sen's words were transmitted from the communicator inside the mecha to the carrying compartment.

"Not necessarily, it depends on whether you want to open the way for the sea base." Murphy replied, but it didn't sound like a joke.

"Then what are you going to do?" Such a matter is not a big deal, Lei Sen simply asked Murphy's opinion directly.It's just that Murphy was silent for a long time, and Lei Sen asked, "Are you going to get through?"

"I don't want to think about it for the time being, but I will think about it after I come to this place a few more times." Murphy's voice was full of joy.

Lei Sen immediately understood what Murphy meant: Didn't the sea base want to use people to get through and then directly harvest it?Although the rewards are generous this time, they are not equated with the abundant supplies here. These items are all directly usable, so Mo Fei doesn't mind collecting the interest first before completing the task.

Leisen's mecha carrying compartment, especially the carrying compartment dedicated to stacking goods on the other side, can be expanded. That is to say, it can only accommodate one person, but the upper and lower ends are opened separately, and the storage capacity becomes a whole. The legs of a mech, the last time I carried the materials for repairing the city gate, was also carried like this, otherwise how could the place be able to do it.

Not saying anything, the maximum carrying capacity of Silver Wing's two mechanical legs is no worse than that of a cargo plane, and even because of its higher load capacity, the things it carries are heavier.

With Murphy's idea in mind, the rest is Leisen's business, because there is no need to completely remove the zombies, so there is no need to call out Murphy's mecha for the time being.

The factory area here is also divided into sections. Probably there are many people who buy goods in the past, so there are signs on the main road of the factory area, which side is what type of factory area.

Lei Sen took Murphy straight to the food factory area. Since he had to come a few more times to complete the task, it was better to save the fishing gear for the last.

There was no need to open the gate, and Lei Sen drove the Silver Wing directly through the gate to the factory area.

"It seems to be a warehouse over there. Let's go to the warehouse." Murphy pointed to a building in the distance with sharp eyes and said.

According to the direction Murphy said, Lei Sen controlled the Silver Wing to walk in big strides.

When we arrived at the warehouse entrance, although the warehouse was very high, it still couldn't accommodate Lei Sen's mecha, so the mecha could only stay at the warehouse entrance.

Since two people are going in, the zombies around the warehouse must be cleaned up first.

Lei Sen's mecha directly attacked the surrounding zombies, but Mo Fei didn't care, just sat inside and watched Silver Wing clean up the surrounding zombies.Anyway, no matter how many such little zombies were, they were no match for Silver Wing, and Murphy didn't bother to summon mechas.

After cleaning up the zombies around the warehouse, the door of the carrying compartment on Murphy's side opened. Murphy slid down the edge, and the ground was full of corpses of zombies.

Murphy used his hunting recorder at the sea base to collect the merit points little by little, and took out Mo Jing by the way.Lei Sen didn't care about this at all, and walked straight to the warehouse door.

The door of the warehouse has just been opened by Silver Wing, so it can be regarded as unimpeded at the moment.

No one came here all the time, so the things inside are complete, but many things can't be eaten. When Mo Fei saw Lei Sen go in, he activated the speed talisman, so he quickly collected the merit points and Mo Jing, and then swaggered walked in.

"How is it? Is there anything I can take away?" Mo Fei asked Lei Sen who came in earlier than her.

"These in front are snacks, and the shelf life is quite long, but we have to move the main things first."

Murphy agrees with Lei Sen's statement. After all, they can't live on snacks alone. Of course, if there is no choice but to eat anything, snacks are also good.

Lei Sen continued to search forward. I have to say that the management here is quite reliable. It is also divided into several areas. However, this food factory itself may make snacks, so there are a lot of snacks.

"This store seems to be specialized in selling snacks!" Murphy walked behind Leisen. He watched intently, so he didn't notice Murphy's move.

I have to say that this warehouse is quite big. The two of them walked all the way, including the time to check the items, and they walked for nearly an hour in a daze.

Walking to the end of the warehouse, Mo Fei looked at the warehouse full of snacks: "Let's not come in vain, we will get some dried meat, nuts, chocolate, etc., and forget about the others."

"Okay, then let's move!" Leisen nodded. Although he never ate snacks, the ones that Murphy mentioned were indeed good things that were more convenient to carry and could provide calories.

"What are you moving, of course it is to push it." When Murphy spoke, he no longer knew where to push out a trolley and walked in front of Lei Sen: "Move it to the trolley, and then we will push it out."

With the help of the trolley, the two people checked whether the favorite food was complete, then moved it to the trolley and pushed it to the front row, and then moved it.Of course, during the process of carrying, Murphy collected a few boxes of favorite food into the storage talisman.

They said they would take less, but in the end they pushed a cart full of things out.

When they came to the warehouse door, Leisen used the electronic controller to slowly expand the storage box of the mecha, and then opened the door below, and then the two of them moved in one box after another.

After emptying the boxes on the trolley, Murphy climbed up to the carrying compartment on the other side, and then the two walked towards the next food factory.

When they arrived at the next food factory, Mo Fei found out that it was a convenience food factory. Mo Fei had a happy face: It seems that he will stay in this factory for a while today.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and neither of them spoke. After coming out of that snack factory, they basically spent most of the day in this convenience food factory.

Afterwards, the two went to the canned food factory and other food factories, and turned the entire food area around. The two of them were already exhausted. Fortunately, Mophy later summoned the mecha to carry it out, but in the factory area Lifting boxes of groceries off the storage racks is enough for two people.

Fortunately, Lei Sen was from the team, and Mo Fei had practiced.

The two of them did not return to the sea base, and flew directly to the urban area of ​​Zhanlan City. There were also many zombies here, but the two people with two mechas were not afraid.

I don’t know why, the more zombies are densely populated, the rarer that kind of giant zombies are. On the contrary, some places close to sparsely populated mountainous areas, forest areas, and villages, occasionally go out on missions and encounter some giant zombies by coincidence .

It's as if the balance of zombies is somehow restricted. If the number is small, it can grow first, and if the number is large, the number will win. Of course, this is just a guess, and no one has any basis.

The concentration of zombies in this urban area is definitely not lower than that of the factory area, that is, Murphy and Lei Sen only dare to enter if they have mechas, otherwise ordinary people would dare to come, let alone the downtown Can't get in.

Because this Azure City itself is a tourist attraction, this is one of the reasons why the factory areas are concentrated on the edge.

You can't let tourists see these factories while enjoying the beautiful scenery, right?Just a second ago, the beautiful scenery was unobstructed, and the whole blue city seemed to be in the ocean, but when you turn the next turn, you can see the factory in the distance. Isn’t that dragging people into reality, so the blue city The city will deliberately open up a new area to allow factories to gather together.

Although some people suggested that we should build fewer factories altogether, Zhanlan City is relatively small and has a large population. During the peak tourist season, it is fine, but during the off-season, the expenses will be tighter, and because maintaining the beautiful scenery of Zhanlan City requires financial and material resources , these factories must also exist.

However, this measure will not destroy the overall scenery of Azure City.The factories in the entire Zhanlan City have moved to the same area, which is also convenient for the merchants who come and go, and because the items made by each factory are different, there will be no competition among peers, and many merchants are not dealing in one commodity. When the factory areas are all together, other things will be added by the way, which will promote sales.

"Lei Sen, I'll give you a taste of this, it's delicious, I'll get some of this tomorrow, remember the name!"

At this time, in a high-rise building in the center of Zhanlan City, Murphy was eating a piece of food that he received today, talking to Lei Sen from time to time.

The two of them had been tired all day, and now they had time to find a place to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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