Chapter 304
At this time, the inside of the mech had been vacated, and the two of them piled things into a room on the top floor of the building. Anyway, the building was surrounded by zombies, and the door was locked, so ordinary people couldn't get in.

Thinking that today's mecha could return with a full load of items, Murphy felt a burst of excitement.It's a pity that Lei Sen could not put too much supplies in, but even so, Murphy secretly put a lot in the storage talisman.

"Let's go to the clothing section and bedding section today! You need to get some children's clothes, especially. Wenwen's clothes are almost like mop strips." Murphy had already decided on today's direction when he was sitting in the carrying compartment.

Lei Sen also agrees, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, in addition to quilts, we should also prepare some summer quilts and towel quilts.

The two had no objection and flew directly to the bedding area of ​​the factory.

There are obviously not as many zombies in the bedding area as there are in the food area, but thinking about it, there are always more people buying food than bedding, so there are relatively fewer zombies here.

This time, Murphy found two trolleys, and she and Lei Sen were on one side, which would save time. While putting the items on the trolleys, Murphy also began to desperately stuff things into the storage talisman.Later, he found that Leisen had some things he liked, and Murphy quickly took some of them while Leisen pushed the cart out.

Pushing the cart out, Murphy summoned his mech and stuffed all the goods into the carrying compartment.

With yesterday's cooperation, the two have already cooperated quite tacitly, not to mention that bedding is not as important as food after all, so the two people's packing is not too much.

"Okay, let's go to the clothing factory area." When Mo Fei said this, he had a little expectation, because before the end of the world, when Mo Fei was at home, he often bought things online, and many clothes were delivered from Zhanlan City, so Mo Fei Fei knew that there were quite a lot of beautiful clothes here.

With previous experience, this time the Silver Wing landed directly in front of the outermost warehouse of the garment factory. However, unlike others, the warehouses in the garment area here are relatively small, and each factory has more than one warehouse.

However, this did not affect Murphy's good interest. After stopping at the door of the first factory building to clean up the zombies at the door, the two of them entered the warehouse.

Here are winter men's formal clothes. This time, Murphy picked out a few sets that looked pleasing to the eye and put them in the storage amulet, with the idea that they might be able to use them in the future.At the same time, he also helped Leisen pick some suitable ones and put them on the cart.

"It's almost here, let's go to the next warehouse." Lei Sen glanced at the clothes in the car and said to Murphy.

"Then let's go." Murphy quickly pushed the cart out of the warehouse and summoned his own mecha, while Lei Sen remotely opened the carrying compartment of the mecha from behind.

After moving the things, Lei Sen also got on the Silver Wing and closed the warehouse door again, which they did before.After all, these clothes and food are useful. After cleaning up here, people can be sent to pick up the supplies. If zombies enter the warehouse, it will be troublesome. Let alone destroying these goods, it will also cause harm to people who come later.

Although it's common for people to die in this last days, but if you can reduce the number of deaths, let's reduce the number of deaths!

After moving the goods, Mo Fei didn't take back the mecha and ran directly to the next warehouse. Anyway, the warehouse in the same factory area didn't need to fly, so Murphy didn't need the silver wings to take him with him.

Soon Mo Fei manipulated her mech and arrived at the door of the next warehouse. Before Lei Sen arrived, Mo Fei cleaned up the surrounding zombies first, and then opened the door.

First come down to collect the merit points of the zombies and Mo Jing's kung fu, Lei Sen also manipulated the silver wings and walked over.

After collecting the merit points and Mo Jing, Mo Fei ran into the warehouse.

But this time it is still men's clothing, but it is casual.Murphy collected a few more sets, and then carried them with Lei Sen.

This factory turned around and it was full of men's clothing. When Mo Fei came out to change to another factory, he found out that the sign at the door said a certain men's clothing factory.

After that, I went down and collected them one by one. I won’t say how much women’s clothing I collected. I even collected some children’s clothing and even baby products.Because Mo Fei still remembered that when he took care of the injured Lei Sen in the cave last time, because he couldn't get up to drink water, he used a feeding bottle to feed him, so this baby product is not necessarily for babies.

And a baby food factory was opened next to the baby products, some baby food such as fruit puree, vegetable puree, and rice noodles. Although these things are not as good as liquid nutrition, they are still harmful Great stuff to fuel up afterwards.

The two of them moved for another day, and seeing that it was getting dark, the two of them drove Silver Wings straight to the building where they rested yesterday.

Murphy first summoned the mech to put things in along the window, then entered the building through the window that was destroyed yesterday, and then Murphy and Leisen dragged the box to the top floor where the other party's items were stored yesterday.

Going down to that room again, Murphy walked towards the tent: "Wenwen?" Because the two of them didn't see the little girl outside after they came back, Murphy thought she might still be sleeping, right?But the little girl didn't respond when Mo Fei yelled a few times at the entrance of the tent, so Mo Fei had no choice but to lift the curtain of the tent.

There was no little girl in the room, and Murphy frowned slightly: Where is the person?Nothing will happen, will it?
Seeing Murphy's anomaly, Lei Sen hurried over and found that the tent was empty: "It's impossible for such a small girl to escape, let's look for it in the building!"

The two ran and shouted all the way, but no one answered.

"It's strange, where can such a small child go?" Murphy shouted with a hoarse voice, and his speech was rustling.

"Go up first, you've been tired all day, eat something first, and look around later."

The two returned to the room again, but they didn't expect that the little girl was sitting on the edge of the tent with her legs exposed. Hearing the movement, she hurriedly got up: "Brothers and sisters, you are back." The voice was a little timid, but there was something that could not be concealed. Happy.

"Wenwen, where did you go just now? Don't you know you can't run around?" Murphy saw that the little girl was fine but was curious about where she went, so he asked.

"Sister..." The little girl lowered her head and replied in a very low voice: "I went to the next room to pee. My mother said before that I can't defecate anywhere, but Wenwen feels uncomfortable."

It was only then that Mo Fei realized that he had overlooked this point. Everyone has to eat and drink, and even she was no exception. Today, when she was busy outside, she went to the bathroom of the factory twice. The house where the piece lived was settled before running to the empty house next to it.

Mo Fei patted Wenwen's head: "Wenwen is good, are you hungry? Shall we have dinner?"

"Sister, Wenwen is not hungry. Wenwen hasn't finished eating the things my sister gave. There are so many things, we can eat them for a long time." The little girl replied obediently.

After hearing the little girl's answer, Mo Fei felt a little sad. Before the end of the world, such a child hadn't even started formal education. It was the happiest period of childhood, but now he was worried about eating.

"It's okay, Wenwen, my sister has a lot of food, Wenwen can eat enough." Murphy patted the little girl's dirty little face.

Lei Sen watched the conversation between the two and walked to the side silently and began to unpack some canned food. After a while, dinner was placed in front of the three of them.

"Come Wenwen, eat a piece of meat." Using a small spoon, Mo Fei picked out a piece of canned braised pork for the little girl. Although it was a bit cold, it didn't affect the taste.

Wenwen's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her dirty little hand.Mo Fei frowned and put down the spoon again. A look of disappointment flashed in the little girl's eyes, but she didn't say anything. She probably has experienced many things after the end of the world.

Murphy didn't care what Wenwen thought, and took out disposable food gloves from his backpack: "Wenwen, put the gloves on before eating, your hands are too dirty, you will have a stomachache after eating."

Only then did Wenwen realize that the sister in front of her didn't want to eat for herself, and she happily put on her gloves.

"Wenwen can take whatever she wants to eat, but she can't be full, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable, just eat enough, you know?" Because the little girl is too young, Murphy is worried that she will be full because of the delicious food, so It is also not good for the body.

"Sister, Wenwen understands." After speaking, the little girl grabbed a piece of meat and a piece of bread, put the piece of meat on it and ate it in big mouthfuls, taking two sips of canned drinks from time to time.

After eating this, the little girl grabbed some canned vegetables and ate a few mouthfuls. Although her eyes kept on the food on the ground, she didn't do anything again.

Murphy nodded: This child is very sensible, and they saved her well.

After eating and putting away his things, Lei Sen filled up his military tent again.

Because of Wenwen's relationship, there are now two tents, and Mo Fei naturally doesn't need to squeeze into one with Lei Sen. Of course, it's not appropriate to squeeze. After all, this kind of military tent is very spacious, and even five people can sleep side by side in it, but that's the case. It was really crowded.I used one before because Murphy's tent was not easy to put away, but now Wenwen didn't need to put it away if she wanted to stay in the tent.

But when it was time to go to bed, it was a little unexpected that Wenwen was willing to sleep with Lei Sen instead of Murphy.

Murphy didn't mind, and let Wenwen follow Lei Sen to sleep in the military tent, while Murphy lived in his own tent.

Because he had a tent, Mo Fei practiced Qi inside after locking the curtain of the tent. How could such a good opportunity be wasted.

Murphy's breath flowed slowly with his body. I don't know if the breath had gone out and turned around. After taking back the breath this time, Murphy felt that there seemed to be another kind of breath in his body that was constantly merging into his own. in the breath.

Because he didn't feel the impact, and there was a strong trend, Murphy was only a little vigilant but didn't deliberately suppress it.

In fact, she didn't know that this breath was injected when she was reborn from the temple where she stepped on the mountain. It's just that although Murphy's physique had improved at that time, the level of breath was too low, so this energy was sealed. In Murphy's body, it will be mobilized slowly after Murphy becomes stronger.

Murphy had just finished breathing a circle and let out a mouthful of stale air. Just as he was thinking about going to bed, he heard a loud explosion outside.

 Ha, today is Friday the 13th, but it doesn't affect my good mood
(End of this chapter)

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