Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 314 Good place

Chapter 314 Good place

This night was destined to be uneasy, and since the two of them started separately, they have encountered troubles separately.

No wonder this task is so difficult. Regardless of whether people in the research institute know about the matter here, but from today onwards, neither Murphy nor Lei Sen will underestimate this task.

Right now, Murphy was only dealing with a zombie pangolin. Although he couldn't subdue the zombie pangolin yet, it wouldn't take too much effort.

However, Lei Sen on the other side was more unlucky.

Originally, Lei Sen just wanted to get closer to see what was under there, but he was stared at by the huge and flexible branches below just a little closer.

Lei Sen was a little depressed. Could it be that these vines have eyes?How did I get close to being discovered.

Regardless of what Lei Sen thought, the huge vines aimed at their prey and attacked the mecha.

Fortunately, Lei Sen's control ability is strong, and he reacted quickly so that the mecha took the opportunity to slide over the edge, but there was not only one vine, dozens of vines rushed towards Lei Sen.

Lei Sen lifted the mecha higher and higher, and the vines below unexpectedly soared towards the silver wing and continued to pursue it persistently.

Seeing that the improved mecha could not completely get rid of it, Lei Sen had no choice but to rush forward.

Fortunately, the vine was not that flexible in mid-air, so Lei Sen finally took a breather.

However, before he could catch his breath, the vines on other positions below seemed to be supporting, and they rushed towards Lei Sen's silver wings from below.

Leisen's situation is difficult, but Murphy is not easy either.

Looking at the sensitive zombie pangolin in front of him, Murphy felt a little troubled, but he thought of what the wide road in front of him thought of.Without further hesitation, Murphy turned around and ran forward, but the spear in his hand was held tighter than usual.

Seeing the prey running away, the zombie pangolin frantically chased Mo Fei. Seeing the prey in front of him, the zombie pangolin pounced on it, waving its sharp claws in the air, and slammed straight at Murphy's head.

When the time came, Murphy counted the time in his mind, turned around suddenly, and stabbed the spear in his hand.

The zombie pangolin in the air couldn't turn around, and Mo Fei clearly saw that the tip of his spear pierced into the zombie's body, penetrating the zombie pangolin and hanging in the air.

The body of this pangolin is very hard, but the abdomen is relatively soft, so Mo Fei thought for a long time that he could only lure the pangolin to jump up and attack him so that she could take advantage of it.

Looking at the sharp claws in front of his face, Murphy didn't want to think about anything else. He took two steps back, retracted his spear, and stabbed at the head of the zombie pangolin that fell to the ground.Before the zombie pangolin fell on the ground, it was stabbed in the head by the tip of the gun before it could react, completely ending its life.

Looking at the dead mutated zombie rat, Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and took out the black crystal from the zombie rat's head. Mo Fei kicked the zombie rat's body aside, and looked forward.

"Huh?" Following Murphy's surprise, she took a few steps closer, and there was another hole inside the hole, and the hole was surrounded by another kind of plants that she needed.

What Murphy followed in before was just a supporting plant that was found along with these plants. It was not very expensive, and it was very common before the end of the world, but after the end of the world, many reasons made it difficult to find plants.

But the plant that Mo Fei found now is a very rare clear foreign flower. This kind of flower likes to be dark and humid, but it can't get too much water, otherwise it will fester, so it is rare. Even before the end of the world, Murphy It's just that I've heard of it but haven't seen it. Even Mo Fei's father Mo Zhengqing's plant cultivation room doesn't have this kind of plant.

This Qingyanghua was originally just a list, but the difficulty was checked, which meant that they didn't expect Murphy and the others to find it, and they didn't even have a pattern.

It should be said that if Murphy hadn't known a lot about botany before, I'm afraid this flower would have been missed even if it was in front of my eyes.

This kind of clear foreign flower is not beautiful, but it is very strange. It grows in a dark and humid place and does not like sunlight, but the flower itself has temperature, which is impossible for plants. After all, the temperature of plants is generally higher than the surrounding room temperature. I'm afraid it will be a disaster.

But this Qingyanghua is just like its name, it looks elegant and clean, but it exudes a warm temperature, just like the sunshine in this room, so it is called Qingyanghua for a reason.

Mo Fei's eyes widened. She repeatedly confirmed and reached out to touch the petals. It was indeed Qingyanghua.

This is a big discovery, and Murphy is sure that there are only a handful of people who have come into contact with this Qingyang flower before the end of the world.

Hastily and carefully used tools to dig out two plants by the root and put them in the storage talisman, then dug up another plant, and put the Qingyanghua in the special container given to her by the laboratory for storage.

"This is really a great harvest." While talking, Murphy walked forward again. There are really a lot of good things hidden in this cave. I don't know what else I will find in it?
Murphy thought about doing the same, and moved forward quickly, and soon got into the inside of the Qingyanghua cave.

After entering, Mo Fei found out that it was a mine, but it hadn't been used for hundreds of years, and various plants grew on the outer edge of the mine. It is estimated that there should be some special minerals in the cave. , more suitable for the growth of plants!

There seems to be no edge in front of it, and the entire mine is pitch-black and it does not know where it extends.

Murphy's hand holding the spear was full of sweat, and his steps were much more cautious than when he first entered the cave.

It wasn't that Murphy was tired, but that there were quite a lot of zombie pangolins along the way. Murphy estimated that he had killed at least a dozen zombie pangolins.It's easy to deal with one alone, but it's more embarrassing for Murphy when several appear at the same time.

Zombie pangolins can only stab the abdomen and head, but the zombie pangolin's head is very small, and it is so flexible that it is very difficult for Murphy to stab the head directly.

Fortunately, I also drew the Ice Talisman this time, so that Mo Fei could use the Ice Talisman to trap the zombie pangolin a little bit, so that he could quickly resolve the battle.

However, it was easy to deal with those who came over blatantly, but just now there was a sneak attack on him, that zombie pangolin was actually lying in ambush on a high platform on the side, and it rushed over when Murphy passed by.It was also fortunate that Murphy had a speed talisman, which gave Murphy at least time to react and dodge the attack.

So Mo Fei was more careful on the road afterwards, looking up, down, left, and right before moving forward, and the road was getting slower and slower.

I don't know where to go?There was a lot of light in front of him, and there was some reflection from the light. Murphy wasn't sure what it was, but approached those glowing things cautiously.

After confirming that the glowing thing was not dangerous, Murphy put away the spear in his hand, and carefully touched the plants in the mine with his hands.

Although she had never seen this plant before, she had never heard of such a strange and glowing plant, Mo Fei, so Mo Fei thought it was better to dig it out and have a look, maybe it would be of great use.

Carefully dug two plants and put them into the storage talisman, and then collected one plant into the sample box with the same care.

This place is obviously at the end. Murphy is determined to go back along the original road. She has been walking for a long time. I am afraid it will be dawn by now, and she has to go back to meet Lei Sen. After all, it was said that it will be dawn at the latest I went back.

But tonight was really not in vain for Murphy. During this trip, he harvested two plants from this mission, one of which was a particularly precious Qingyanghua.And there is also a strange plant. Although I don't know what it is used for, Mo Fei always feels that this plant is unusual.

Just as he was about to leave, Murphy's light tube illuminated the place where the strange plant had been dug.

"Hahahaha, today's harvest is too rich." A bigger smile appeared on Murphy's originally contented face. Things also fell down.

Murphy was about to bend down to pick it up, when there was a sound of "swoosh", Murphy dodged to the right, but the shiny thing in his hand fell to the ground again.

Mo Fei took a closer look and found that it was still the same type of zombie pangolin, but compared to the previous one, this zombie pangolin was even bigger. Murphy sized it up, and this zombie pangolin probably stood up much taller than himself.

It should be a mutant zombie pangolin!While Murphy was thinking about it, the spear was also ready.This time Murphy will not be so passive, she will take the initiative to attack, taking advantage of the mutated zombie pangolin just landed, the spear in Murphy's hand stabbed straight at the mutated zombie pangolin.

This zombie pangolin is obviously stronger than the ordinary zombie pangolins just now, and its speed is also much faster.However, compared to the size of this zombie pangolin, its attack is really weak, and it probably just mutated.

Murphy's Speed ​​Talisman and Ice Talisman were activated at the same time. After increasing the speed, the ice seal also rained down on the mutated zombie pangolin. At the same time, the other hand used a spear to completely seal the mutated zombie pangolin's body Mobility.

Although temporarily gaining the upper hand, Mo Fei didn't dare to be careless. He carefully used the ice talisman and spear in turn, and finally cornered the mutated zombie pangolin. An ice talisman fixed the mutated zombie mouse in place. The tip of the falling spear pierced straight into the skull of the mutated zombie pangolin.

After dealing with the mutated zombie pangolin, Mo Fei didn't stop. He dug out Mo Jing and realized that the mutated zombie pangolin was actually a level [-] zombie beast. Green smoky crystal.

Murphy thought about it, the size of the third-level zombie beasts is generally very large, this one may have just evolved and has not yet grown up, so she is really lucky, because she has never heard of anyone who has obtained the fourth-level green beast. What about Mo Jing?

Of course, it is not ruled out that people have not mentioned it in order to keep a low profile.

However, Mo Fei, who had harvested this level [-] green smoky crystal, didn't have time to study this level [-] green smoky crystal carefully. Her eyes fell directly on the items that fell on the ground and shone under the light of the light source flashlight. This was something Murphy could never have too much of: gold.

(End of this chapter)

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