Chapter 317
Murphy and Leisen were also very curious, who would be able to command giant zombies and giant zombie beasts?
In fact, Murphy and Leisen didn't understand the rules among zombies, that is, the high-ranking ones can lead the low-ranking ones.Although zombie beasts are very capable and retain the wisdom of animals, but their evolution is very slow, they obey the command of zombies.

But the level of this giant zombie beast and giant zombie is the same, neither of the two parties will obey the other, and the zombies are more supportive of the giant zombie, and the zombie beast is of course also the leader of its kind.

As the roar disappeared, a giant armored zombie ran over from a distance, and Mo Fei's expression changed slightly when he saw it.

This is a C4 zombie, and this is the second C4 zombie that Murphy has seen so far.

And the first C4 zombie was the one in that mountainous area, the one guarding the C5.

Now the C5 was sent to the research room of the star base by himself, but the C4 was still very powerful, and it was impossible for the previous mechas to compete.

Although Murphy's current mecha has evolved into a complete model, he still doesn't want to touch the C4 zombies easily.

"Lei Sen, let's go." This city is already deserted, and here is the edge of the city, and there don't seem to be too many zombies. This is probably one of the reasons for the rapid evolution of zombies!Murphy and Leisen did not linger, and flew towards the point where the lilac appeared.

The place where Lilac Lilac appeared was a little far from Qingyuan City, and it took the two of them several hours to fly there.

But Mo Fei knew that this had just reached the destination, and the actual lilac was not so easy to find.

The growth habit of lilac lilac is different from that of Qingyanghua. It likes the sun and moist soil, but it cannot accumulate water and needs good drainage. The weather before the end of the world is really not suitable for the growth of lilac lilac, so it is difficult to find, but In the sunny northwestern mountains, there are some lilacs.

It stands to reason that the northwest mountainous area is relatively cold, but there are some special locations with warm terrain.According to my father's information, it is such a special location that made the lilac grow. Unfortunately, although the lilac that was brought to the laboratory by my father survived for a period of time under artificial sunlight, it eventually Still not able to survive.

Murphy knew the location, and after locking the location, he and Lei Sen flew towards the special location in the northwest mountainous area.

When they arrived in the northwest mountains, the sky had already darkened. Murphy and Leisen did not go directly into the mountains, but came to a city called Blue Sky in the northwest.

This place really lives up to its name, because on the basis of the severe air pollution before the end of the world, the sky in this city, including that where Qinshan is located, is much better than other places. At least the days when you can see sunshine all year round are better than other areas. times, even hundreds of times stronger than big cities with serious pollution.

So it is not surprising that lilac cloves can survive here, but it is still difficult to find lilac cloves here, that is, lilac cloves are in Qinshan Mountain, but Qinshan Mountain is too big, Zixiang Dingcao does not grow in large numbers, and it was also because of an accident that Murphy's father found it.

"We will live in Lantian City tonight, and tomorrow we will go to Qinshan to look for lilacs."

Seeing Mo Fei's affirmation, Lei Sen couldn't help asking: "Although I don't know much about plants, I also know that lilacs are not so easy to find. How do you know there are?"

"Didn't I say that I studied ancient studies?" Murphy explained.

"There are even specific directions in ancient studies?" Lei Sen obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course there is my hard research later on!" Mo Fei replied with some brazenness. Anyway, it was left by her father, so she can use it with confidence, and no one will sue her for infringement.

Lei Sen smiled and shook his head: He knew that Murphy had a secret, but since Murphy chose not to tell it, it was fine, although he hoped that Murphy could trust him.

"Okay, let's find a place to live first!" After finishing speaking, Murphy looked around, hoping to find a suitable place to live.

"Huh? What's the matter with Lantian City?" The sky was getting darker and darker, and Murphy was surprised to find that the urban area of ​​Lantian City was lit up, and Murphy found that the location of the light was calculated. Most of the people in Lantian City are still alive.

Of course it is alive, because zombies don't know electric lights.

This discovery surprised both Murphy and Leisen. After swimming for so long after the apocalypse, they did not find a city with such a high number of survivors.Although there are very few people in this city, most of the residents are concentrated in the Lantian urban area due to its close proximity to the Qinshan Mountains.

Although it is an urban area, it is actually just a small town near the mountainous area, but it is such a place. Occasionally, some windows with black lights can be seen, and most of the houses are lit.

How long has it been since you saw this?Before the end of the world?No, I'm afraid it was earlier than that.

Murphy and Leisen didn't know whether it was surprise or excitement. In this blue-sky urban area, it was as if the end of the world had never happened, and people still lived and worked in peace and contentment. It was dark at night, and every house turned on the lights. The whole family happily sat around the table to eat and chat.

"Lei Sen, am I dreaming? Is there still such a place?" Mo Fei rubbed his eyes and asked Lei Sen through the communicator.

Because I didn't see anyone when I flew over, and of course I didn't see any zombies.But it is not surprising that there are no zombies. Many small desolate cities, because all the people have run away, and even the zombies are moving towards the zombies in other cities, so many places have been abandoned even though there are no zombies.There are also some because there is a more terrifying monster in the urban area like Guangdeng City, so the zombies also left, so Lei Sen and Murphy didn't pay much attention to this.

I didn't pay attention when I came here before, the two of them thought it was such a city, but they didn't expect it to be like this after dark.

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Why don't we ask someone to find out!" After Lei Sen finished speaking, he stopped the mecha in an open space, because it was so beautiful here, and Lei Sen operated the mecha to land. Be extremely careful at all times, for fear of damaging any surrounding facilities.

After the mecha stopped, Murphy and Leisen got off the mecha, and then walked towards a small courtyard with lights on.

When he came to the gate of the courtyard, Mo Fei rang the doorbell, and there was a kind response from inside: "Who is it?"

"Hello, excuse me, we are passing by, can we stay overnight?" Murphy replied.

"Hey, I'm a foreign visitor. I'm sorry. We can't stay here. You can find someone to live in." The owner inside was not hostile to the two of them, but he was also wary of the two of them. Murphy and Leisen went in, but also pointed out the direction for the two of them.

"That's it, sorry to bother you." Mo Fei replied politely, and went house to house with Lei Sen, only to find that a house not far away had a dark light.

Mo Fei went to ring the doorbell and no one answered, then opened the courtyard door and went in, only to find that the inside was also empty, with neither people nor zombies, but everything in the house was also cleaned up, it was just an empty house .

"Just this one! There are people living around, and I can feel some popularity, but I'm really curious why the people here are okay." Murphy's eyes were full of doubts, and of course, Lei Sen was no exception.

"Let's live in first, then we'll see if anyone comes out during the day tomorrow, and we'll ask carefully."

After the two went in, Leisen released the military quick one-button inflatable tent, while Mo Fei took out the food and set it up. The two of them ate something before resting.

The two of them didn't sleep last night. One went to the mountain to collect, and the other was fighting with weird plants. They were both busy all night.Although I took a catch-up sleep afterwards, how can a catch-up sleep after staying up late be the same as a normal rest, so the two of them locked the door and had a good rest after eating.

The people in that family actually saw two people from the upper window when Murphy and Leisen went to ask them. After seeing the two people asking, they looked towards the next room, and finally chose the one in the middle. Dong walked in, and felt relieved after making sure that Murphy and Lei Sen seemed to be passing by.

It wasn't until the next morning, when Murphy and Lei Sen woke up and had breakfast and were about to go out, that they found a crowd of people outside the window.

After the end of the world, seeing so many people outside the base, the two were excited for a long time, and then they thought about why these people surrounded the house they lived in.

Lei Sen and Murphy glanced at each other. The people outside didn't know what it meant, but they didn't hold anything in their hands, they just walked around the house where they lived, packed up their things and walked out.

"Come out, come out." Someone yelled, and then the crowd of onlookers who were whispering outside fell silent in an instant.

At this time, a person who seemed to be a representative stood out from the crowd, looked at Murphy and Leisen constantly, and finally asked: "Hello, I am the mayor of Lantian City. Where did the bits come from?"

"Hi mayor, we both came from the sea base to do a mission. We passed by and wanted to stay here, but I didn't expect that there are so many people here." Murphy responded with a smile, and also threw out his own doubts. .

As soon as Murphy finished speaking, the people behind the mayor of Lantian City started talking again.

"It's a sea base, what kind of place is that? Is there a city called this in Dragon Country?"

"I don't know, but it should be quite capable! No one has been here for a long time since monsters appeared from outside."

Murphy's physique had been tempered through qi training, and his hearing was quite good. Although the voices of those people's discussions were quiet, they got into Murphy's ears without saying a word.

Ok?Don't know the base, and don't know the zombies?This place is really quite peaceful!

Although he heard it, Murphy didn't show it on his face. He just waited for the mayor of Lantian City to continue with a smile on his face.

However, the number of people managed by the mayor of Lantian City is actually not much more than that of the mayor of a small town. He also doesn't know what those people don't know. After hearing what Mo Fei said, he hesitated and asked again and again: "I Actually, I want to ask you, do you know anything about those monsters outside?"

 Today's big circus, the animal show is so funny.But a certain little monkey in Monkey Mountain is so pitiful. It seems that there is no big monkey who has been bullied all the time. He deliberately throws things next to it to feed it. In the end, it still looks at the big monkey and dare not go over. There are big monkeys among monkeys smaller than it. Follow Du and go forward to grab it. Sure enough, a monkey without a mother is also a grass
(End of this chapter)

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