Chapter 326
Murphy and Leisen went through all the data cards, and selected four data cards from the ten data cards.

These data cards are all related to Murphy's parents' car and Dr. Wan Qiang's car.

But after choosing all these, the two were a little dumbfounded.

Because the direction that Murphy and Leisen were looking for was the direction that Murphy's parents went home along this road.

But from this data card that they found accidentally, the two of them realized that there was a little mistake in their judgment.

Because no one would have guessed that on this road, the place where the accident occurred was a little behind the monitoring that had just passed, but there was actually another passageway.

Don't say that Murphy and Leisen are inexperienced, I'm afraid the general police will not be related to this when judging cases.

"Feifei, I think it is very necessary for us to re-screen the data card." Lei Sen said with a frown.

Murphy glanced at the huge number of data cards and didn't nod or shake her head. She really wanted to find out about this matter, but she couldn't drag it here forever, and it wasn't comfortable to live here.

"Lei Sen, why don't you take these data cards with you, let's go back and take a closer look, after all, it's not very comfortable here."

Lei Sen also agreed with Murphy's suggestion, but the base was too large, so Lei Sen decided to stay one more day, except for the blank ones that were screened out before, and go through the remaining ones with images.

Because the two of them wanted to take the card away, the screening this time was very serious, including some places that they hadn't noticed before.

The two of them collected quite a lot, but luckily the data card was very small, and it only took two plastic boxes to hold it.

In the evening, Murphy and Leisen took a rest, and started packing again the next day.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that they finally put away all the things they were going to bring. Murphy and Leisen took the sample box for this mission and the information cards of the two plastic boxes onto the mecha.

The silver wings soared into the sky, and the two flew towards the sea base.

Still parking the mecha on the tall building in Azure City, covering it with a gray tarpaulin, Murphy and Leisen drove back to the sea base.

No one in the research institute expected that Murphy and Leisen would actually bring back so many plants.

Even Dr. Zhong felt that those rare plants were rare before the end of the world. This time, he never thought that two people would be able to find them. It was only expected that two people could bring back more than half of the ordinary plants.

Unexpectedly, Murphy and Leisen simply overfulfilled the task. Not only did they bring back all the marked common plants, they even brought back four kinds of this rare plant. Although the last Mengxuan flower only brought back flower seeds, But this is already the best result.

The people from the research institute excitedly held Lei Sen and Murphy's hands for a long time and could only say thank you.

The mission rewards this time were unprecedentedly rich, but after Dr. Zhong asked Murphy and Leisen about the details of plant collection, he proposed to add some rewards.

Because Dr. Zhong understands that such a task may really be impossible for others to complete.

"By the way, Dr. Zhong, this is some blood I collected. I can't tell you where it is or whose blood it is, but I can tell you that the people in this place are basically not polluted. I hope you can make good use of it. Let’s study the blood to see if we can find a breakthrough in this incident.”

Murphy solemnly handed over the collected blood samples to Dr. Zhong. Although Dr. Zhong had done too much to him before, but again, Murphy had no doubts about the enthusiasm of Dr. Zhong's research.

"Xiao Mo, are you saying that these blood samples were collected from an area that is basically not polluted?"

Dr. Zhong's eyes were shining. If what Murphy said was true, then this could really be regarded as a major discovery.Or, the cause of the end times this time can be found out along the way.

"Well, maybe, but we don't understand these things. I can only provide you with blood samples. How to find out the difference is the business of your research institute."

Murphy knew very well that there was a specialization in the art industry, and even if she wanted to, she couldn't study it. After all, it was the work of the research institute staff.

"Okay, we will definitely make good use of these blood samples." After Dr. Zhong finished speaking, he hugged the blood samples brought back by Murphy and the others as if he had found a treasure and left. Plant box away.

"You two, let me take you to collect the rewards. There are more rewards this time. You can choose to collect them in two installments, or we can send you home for you."

The staff member who was talking to Murphy and Leisen spoke very politely.

"In this case, please help us to send it!" Murphy felt that it was safe to keep the reward, so he replied with a smile to the staff member.

The staff didn't say anything else, and quickly ordered people to prepare it. After a while, everything was ready.

After seeing the things, Mo Fei realized that there were quite a lot of these items. No wonder he asked them if they had to collect them in two installments.

Some of them were loaded into the car they drove, and there was still a lot left. The staff sent two more people to drive a truck over to load all the rewards.

Mo Fei suddenly felt that this was a bit too high-profile, but he had to pull it back after everything was installed.

Move the things upstairs little by little, and it will be evening when everything is moved.

Originally, the two came back in the afternoon and didn't eat anything at noon, but now they moved a bunch of things, so Murphy and Leisen didn't care about the things piled up in the living room, and simply sat down to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, he stuffed the things that needed to be refrigerated into the refrigerator, and piled up the rest in the living room. Murphy glanced at the time and told Lei Sen to go to bed early.

After taking a shower, Murphy went back to his room to practice Qi. Since he went out, he rarely had the opportunity to practice Qi. Tomorrow, he will definitely have to look through the data card for another day, so he should take a rest now to adjust his breath.

Although he hadn't practiced Qi for a long time, when Murphy started to exercise the breath in his body, he found that it had improved again. It seemed that since the last time he brought back the breath, his body had integrated the use of breath more and more. It seemed that he didn't practice Qi deliberately When the time comes, the breath will be automatically adjusted.

This saves me a lot of time, and I can practice anytime, anywhere.However, it is not as fast as formal qi training, so this qi training cannot be stopped.

It took three weeks for the breath to flow before Murphy lay down to sleep, and his mind became much calmer because of adjusting the breath.The matter of the parents is becoming more and more confusing now, and Murphy doesn't know what the outcome will be, but one thing is for sure, that is, the matter of the parents is not as simple as an accident that was judged before.

Even if there was an accident, there must have been something urgent that forced the parents to drive back so quickly at such a late hour. This can be seen from the enlarged image, the parents have anxious expressions on their faces .

sleep!I have to investigate tomorrow, so I won't be able to keep an eye on it if I don't have the energy.Murphy comforted herself that she still had a lot of important things to do, so she couldn't fall down yet.

Knowing that Murphy and Leisen came back at night and brought back a lot of plants, and even many rare plants that were not easy to see before the end of the world, Shao Qing wanted to meet the two of them.But it was too late, and it was estimated that the two of them must have a good rest after being busy for so long, so they didn't bother.

But the next day, Shao Qing still didn't see Murphy and Lei Sen, and they didn't seem to go out all day.But it's not surprising when you think about it. Murphy and Leisen have been out for so long, so it's only natural for them to take a good rest.

However, when Murphy and Lei Sen didn't go downstairs for two days, Shao Qing decided to visit where Murphy and the others lived.

When he came to the door, Shao Qing knocked on the door, but there was no answer from inside.

"Strange, didn't you say you didn't go out? Why is there no one?" Shao Qing muttered before leaving again.

At this moment, Murphy and Leisen spread the data cards on the bed in Leisen's room.

Useless data cards have been thrown into an empty bag, and useful ones have been put into boxes.

These two people have been looking up the situation in these data cards for the past two days. They have already found out that Murphy's parents did not drive in the direction they went home at first, but drove towards the exit of another city. go.

And then Dr. Wan Qiang's car also got off that branch line, but it wasn't long before Murphy's parents' car drove back in the opposite direction, but Dr. Wan Qiang's car didn't show up again.

It wasn't until two hours after the explosion that Dr. Wan Qiang's car left the side road, but the co-pilot was obviously missing the one who was sitting before. Murphy felt that it was very similar to the one who sent the confidential information card into Lin Yixun's office people.

The two don't know what the relationship is, so Murphy and Leisen are still checking the remaining data cards.

"Lei Sen, this one, come and take a look." Murphy suddenly froze a picture. In that picture, when Dr. Wan Qiang's car passed by, he could see the burning fire in the reflector, and that section of the road was Murphy. The section of the road where the parents were killed, but the time is not right.

The time when Murphy's parents had an accident should have been some time after the first time they passed the monitoring on Texing North Road in Te'an City, which means that the distance between them should be less than 100 meters, and the fire can be seen even on the monitoring, which shows that it is true. There are explosions.

But in fact, the car of Murphy's parents appeared on another side road after [-] minutes, and at the same location an hour later, Dr. Wan Qiang drove by, and the dark rearview mirror suddenly reflected The flames should have been caused by the explosion, and the man who disappeared inexplicably.

This series of questions lingered in the minds of both Murphy and Leisen. The same location exploded twice?And it is more than an hour apart, the probability of this is basically negligible but not ruled out.

But how to explain the video on the side road 10 minutes later?

Leisen was thinking, and Murphy couldn't figure it out either. Just when the two of them were in a mess, Leisen's satellite communicator suddenly rang slightly.

 I got back late last night so I didn’t get rid of this morning’s post. I finally finished writing a chapter.
(End of this chapter)

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