Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 392 Treasure Map Mission

Chapter 392 Treasure Map Mission

Murphy didn't see the person on the other side at first, but when he found out, several people on the other side also saw Murphy.

"Murphy, long time no see. What have you been up to lately? Why haven't I met you?" A tall, well-dressed man.The girl in the shorts greeted Murphy first.

"It's really been a long time. I haven't been at the star base recently. I just came back two days ago." Murphy smiled friendly at the girl.

This team is the Sparks team that has invited Mo Fei to join since Cangji, and the person who greets him is the very famous member of the Sparks team: Qu Yingluo, Queen of Lightning. In fact, almost every time it is Qu Yingluo who greets Murphy first. , because Qu Yingluo belongs to the outgoing and lively type.

"Come to pick up the mission?" This direction is exactly the direction of the task receiving place, so I think it's also to pick up the mission, Qu Yingluo looked at the current position and asked.

"Well, I'm ready to take on a small task."

"Are you interested in doing a mission with us?" Qu Yingluo asked intentionally when she heard that Mo Fei was going to accept the mission and thought of their mission.

Thinking that the task of Team Spark is definitely not an ordinary task, Murphy smiled and shook his head.

"Aren't you coming again?" Qu Yingluo's face was slightly unhappy. They invited Mo Fei several times, but Mo Fei didn't seem to be tempted.

"It's really not going to work this time. I brought a younger sister to learn to survive. The task you are doing is definitely not easy. I can't let a 12-year-old child follow me!" Murphy said why he couldn't. The reason for going was explained.

"Oh, so that's the case, but our mission this time is really special, why don't you take a look, if you are interested, come here, your sister, we can arrange for the rest of the team to take care of them at the star base, to be honest , I remember that you are a student of ancient studies, you may really need your help this time."

Although Qu Yingluo understood why Murphy refused, she still wanted to invite Murphy to go with her.

"Is it related to ancient times?" Mo Fei asked subconsciously, but Qu Yingluo unexpectedly took out an important blueprint in this mission with great enthusiasm.

That's right, it's drawings, real paper.The paper was very old, the corners were curled up, and the whole paper was yellow, but it was still relatively intact.

If it was just a casual remark just now, Mo Fei's heart was moved when he saw the drawings, especially the markings on the drawings.

Seeing Mo Fei staring intently at the blueprint in her hand, Qu Yingluo could see that Murphy was really interested in this blueprint, and rolled up the blueprint without any trace: "How about it? Are you going? When can't I do small tasks? Ah! This task is very difficult to come across."

Looking at the drawing in Qu Yingluo's hand, Mo Fei hesitated for a moment: "After all, I promised my sister first, so it's not good to just agree to go with you. How about this, I'll go back and discuss it with her."

Seeing that Mo Fei let go, Qu Yingluo nodded with a smile on her face: "Okay, I'll wait for your reply, but we will leave in three days, if we can't take your sister with us, we have to arrange board and lodging, as early as possible, you can go directly to Xingxin Look for me at the villa in the circle, I told you the address last time."

Murphy nodded while listening, thinking about the small characters on the drawing just now.

Of course, the small characters could only be seen by Mo Fei, and most people would think that they were some mysterious symbols.

That word was a rune, which was why Mo Fei wanted to participate.

Bobomo Zhengming and his cousin Mo Qisheng, Mo Fei was not in a hurry to deal with the two of them. As for Wu Jiajia, Mo Fei didn't plan to take her there this time, but Wu Jiajia himself was at home and Mo Fei didn't feel at ease.

So after Murphy went back and discussed with Wu Jiajia, he asked Wu Jiajia to follow Zhu Zhu and the others temporarily.

It happened that Zhu Zhu and the others were going to do a few small tasks recently, mainly to train the cooperation of the newly recruited team members, so it would be no problem even if they brought Wu Jiajia.

And Zhen Shunli was also happy to take Wu Jiajia, because Zhen Shunli felt that Wu Jiajia had a common language with her.As soon as this sentence came out, Li Suna couldn't laugh or cry. It's really too young for you to have a common language with a 12-year-old.

But no matter what, Wu Jiajia was finally arranged, and Murphy went to find the residence of the Spark team.

After making an appointment with the Spark team, Murphy left.

Murphy walked along the road, and soon arrived at the entrance and exit of Xingxin Circle and Xingmin Circle, and a car drove in from outside.

Murphy stood sideways, and the car in front of him flashed by. Murphy saw Geng Yunwei sitting in the window, and quickly lowered his head and moved to the side.

When the car passed by, Mo Fei looked up again, and saw Xiao Minyu looking back in the back seat.

Murphy hurried out, and quickly got into the residential area.

Xiao Minyu was originally sitting in the back seat of the car looking at the situation these days. Due to the serious loss of the mecha team this time, the peripheral patrol mission fell to the special operations team.

I just came back from a round of inspection, but I didn't expect that the girl at the entrance and exit looked like Murphy.

"Stop." Xiao Minyu looked back, although he only saw the back of the girl, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt like it, so he quickly called Geng Yunwei to stop.

"What did you find?" Man Chengbin sat beside Xiao Minyu, not knowing why Xiao Minyu asked him to stop.

"I saw Feifei." Xiao Minyu said and was about to push the door of the car.

"Old five, wake up, Murphy is dead." Although Man Chengbin has always disliked Yulin, Xiao Minyu and Yulin got along well recently, and finally cheered up from the news of Murphy's death. Yulin also lost her previous struggles.

"It's not an illusion. That girl's back really looks like Feifei. Let me take a look. If it's not for us, we will continue walking." Xiao Minyu said unwillingly.

Knowing that he couldn't stop him, Man Chengbin got out of the car with Xiao Minyu, and the two of them walked towards the entrance and exit.

He looked inside and outside the entrance and exit, but found no one, so Man Chengbin dragged Xiao Minyu back to the car.

"Is it an illusion just now? But I have never had this kind of illusion, even if I heard the news of Feifei's death before, it is really true." Xiao Minyu still muttered to himself after getting into the car.

"Maybe I've been too busy and tired in the past few days. Well, don't think about it so much. If Murphy comes back, how could he not look for you." Man Chengbin comforted.

"Yes, if Feifei comes back, she will definitely come to see me. I'm really tired recently, let's go!" Xiao Minyu waved his hand, and the car drove forward again.

When Murphy returned home, she wasn't going to move in the past two days, and Wu Jiajia and Murphy gave her some relaxation these two days. Apart from what she had learned before, Murphy didn't arrange for Wu Jiajia to read new content.

"Sister, will it be dangerous for you to go this time?" Wu Jiajia curled up under the covers and looked at Murphy.

Because Mo Fei will go out in two days, the two of them will sleep in the same room for the next two days, which will make it easier to clean up.

"It should be a little dangerous, but don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Well, my sister is the most powerful person I have ever seen."

"Hurry up and go to sleep, don't you still have to go out with Sister Lily tomorrow?" Murphy glanced at the time and reminded.

"Okay, good night, sister." After pulling the quilt, Wu Jiajia fell asleep soon.

The next day, Wu Jiajia went out with Zhen Shunli and the others, while Mo Fei packed up his things and went to the hospital by the way.

But this time Murphy went there openly, instead of using an invisibility talisman like last time.

"See, you're much better. You're recovering well!" Mo Fei put a can of porridge on the bedside.This was boiled by Mophy in the morning. Originally, he wanted to buy some fruit to take there, but it seemed that Lei Sen was not very interested in fruit. Thinking of the meat porridge that Murphy cooked at the sea base last time, Lei Sen seemed very interested.

It happened that I didn't move much in bed after being injured, so eating porridge would be better for digestion.

"Feifei, are you back? Where do you live now? My password hasn't been changed, so you can go back and live!" Seeing Murphy coming, Lei Sen tried to sit up from the bed. The members of Team A still did not allow him to be discharged from the hospital, allowing him to recover from his injuries.

"I will go on a mission with other teams tomorrow, and I won't stay at the base for the time being. I will come to see you today. It seems that you are recovering well. I made some meat porridge, and I will eat some later." Murphy patted the thermos on the table .

"Feifei, did something happen? Why do you feel that something is wrong with you?" Although Lei Sen was from a team, he was not a rough person, and he was keenly aware that Murphy's attitude was not right.Of course, a person with rough nerves can't be the captain, but he has to be responsible for the whole team.

"Me? It's okay! Take care of your wounds. I'm not here recently, so don't work so hard. I won't be able to save you if you're in danger this time." Mo Fei stood up and was about to leave, but he still couldn't help admonishing him.

"I know, but what are you going to do?"

"It's another team's task. I'm just here to help. That's fine. I'm leaving. Remember to finish the porridge." Murphy didn't stay any longer, waved to Lei Sen and left the room.

Murphy left lightly like this, Lei Sen stared at the porridge on the table and smiled, Murphy could still miss himself in such a busy schedule.

On the way back, Murphy stopped by Lin Yixun's, but this time he didn't go secretly.

"Hi Yixun."

"Feifei, you're here. I just happened to be looking for you. Help me collect some ginkgo leaves soon!" Seeing Murphy coming, Lin Yixun hurried over.

"Not recently, I'm going on a mission tomorrow, wait until I come back."

"Ah? What a coincidence, I knew I would have found you earlier." Lin Yixun had a look of regret.

"I will come back as soon as possible. By the way, I heard that there was an accident in the hospital this time. Some zombies got in?"

"By the way, Feifei, if you don't mention it, I'll forget it. Let's go, I'll take you to see that family's special zombie." Lin Yixun had a strange smile on his face, and pulled Murphy away.

A family of special zombies?This is quite strange, anyway, there is nothing to do when I go home, and all the things to bring tomorrow are ready, Mo Fei followed Lin Yixun to the sample room.

(End of this chapter)

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