Chapter 83
After Mo Fei swiped his ID card and entered the gate, he first went to the place where the accommodation was handled to restore room 3, Building 201, Hailan District, where he lived, and paid the fee for the next week. After that, Mo Fei went to the direction of the star people circle open.

Just after entering the Xingmin circle, a car drove towards him.

Murphy turned on the headlights and drove to the left, but the car was already wide and pressed against the middle of the road, and the position next to it was not enough for Murphy to turn.

There are buildings on both sides of the driveway. Although the star base is large, the road next to the buildings is not that wide. If you drive in the middle, Mo Fei can't drive to the side even if he wants to. Reverse until the road forks.

But now looking at the past from behind, you have to retreat to a far fork to make room, and here it is not that two cars cannot pass at the same time, as long as the opposite car pulls a little bit to the side.

But the car in front refused to give way at all, and kept honking its horn to signal Murphy to back up.

Murphy is so angry, it's obviously his fault that he can't drive normally because he blocked the road, why let himself give way instead?
Just as Murphy was furious, the opposite car door opened, and a man stepped out neatly from inside.

The man was dressed in a straight white suit, and there was a sense of arrogance in every gesture.After getting out of the car, the man held a sign on his chest with one hand.

Murphy didn't look at it, and it made him even angrier.

"Bah, what a bad luck!" Murphy spat lightly.But she really didn't want to see this person, so she put the car in reverse gear and backed away.

Seeing the car in front of him give way, the man curled his lips. It seems that the sign on his chest is really useful, and it was worth his hard work to join.

Now that the road ahead was clear, the man opened the car door and got in without saying anything.

Just as the car was looking past Murphy's car, the man subconsciously looked down into the cab next to him. Suddenly, the man stopped the car.

Seeing that the front was clear, Murphy ignored the man and pulled the control lever to drive forward.

Seeing this, the man didn't even turn the car around, but backed up and chased in the direction Murphy left.

Murphy just wanted to leave as if she hadn't seen her. All she wanted to do now was to go back to her residence and take a good rest.

The car was just driving in the direction of Hailan District. From the rearview mirror, Mo Fei noticed that the car had actually caught up with him just now. It was too late to speed up, and the car suddenly blocked in front of Murphy's car.

Murphy hurriedly slammed on the brakes, and only then did he miss the collision.No matter how hateful that person is, she still feels more distressed about crashing her modified car.

The man quickly got out of the car, stood on the side of Murphy's cab, and grabbed Murphy's rearview mirror with both hands.

Murphy had no choice but to press the window.

"Murphy, what a coincidence, why do you pretend you didn't see me?" The man's smug smile made Murphy feel a little sick.

"Get out of the way..." Murphy squeezed out two words, she didn't want to say a word with this man.

"It's not easy to escape here for refuge! What kind of supernatural person? I can help you if you have any difficulties. Anyway, you used to be my girlfriend, right? But..." Gu Huaiyuan looked Mo Fei up and down: " It’s only been a few months since I’ve seen her, and it seems like she’s become a water spirit. Oh... Could it be that she’s grown up already?”

The person who came was Murphy's ex-boyfriend Gu Huaiyuan. Seeing that Murphy's expression was more serious than before, Gu Huaiyuan reached out to grab Murphy's hand holding the steering wheel while speaking.

Murphy was originally a beautiful girl. After the end of the world, after finding the ancestral talisman, Murphy began to lay the foundation for her body.

Although Da’s appearance remains unchanged, his skin is more delicate, and his temperament has also improved a lot, especially when he uses the Suying gun every day, his body’s streamline is much stronger than that of ordinary girls, and his whole body looks radiant. .

Mo Fei quickly dodged away, but after all it was inconvenient for people to move in the car, Gu Huaiyuan grabbed Mo Fei's arm again.

Seeing the disdain on Mo Fei's face, Gu Huaiyuan humiliated Mo Fei: "Pretend to be innocent? In the end of the world, everything is fake, so follow me. I don't think you are second-hand or because we were together before Gu Nian day."

Gu Huaiyuan's attitude of compassion and charity completely angered Mo Fei. Originally, she wanted to avoid this scumbag, but she didn't expect him to get worse.

Murphy opened the car door with a cold face, and pulled out a sharp sword from the car.

When he came back this time, Murphy picked out a few more weapons to prevent him from encountering a similar situation in the future. The qi in the talisman has been raised to another level.

At this time, it is more conspicuous to hold a long plain tassel spear, so Mo Fei chose a shorter sword.

Gu Huaiyuan watched Mo Fei getting out of the car with a face of shame and indignation, instead of being angry, he was secretly happy.

He has known Murphy for so long, and in order to pursue Murphy, he has spent a lot of time researching Murphy's character, judging from this situation, Murphy should still be perfect.

I had always had it at hand before, but because I wanted to keep my impression, I never tasted Murphy. Gu Huaiyuan made up his mind that he managed to climb to the current position. Live in vain.

The day when the end of the world came was the day after Murphy slapped him and Li Jiao, the daughter of the Director of the Earth Alliance Security Agency.

Gu Huaiyuan still feels very lucky.

Because, originally, Li Jiao was going home after lingering with him that day, and it was because of Murphy's slap that Li Jiao cried and refused to let go.Gu Huaiyuan took the initiative to "comfort", and because of this, both of them were exhausted and Li Jiao didn't go back.

Therefore, when the end of the world came, Director Li specially sent a helicopter to pick up his daughter to the star base, and Gu Huaiyuan followed him to the star base logically.

What surprised Gu Huaiyuan even more was that he was indeed the darling of the heavens, and he actually awakened his supernatural powers. He became a rare wind-type supernatural being. The only regret is that he is not an attacking supernatural being.

However, Gu Huaiyuan is not worried about his future. Director Li only has one precious daughter, Li Jiao, and now Li Jiao is coaxed by him, so Gu Huaiyuan entered the special operation with the relationship of Director Li of the Security Department. Team.

This special operations team is divided into three levels, the highest is the core circle which cannot even be managed by the police department, the second is the combat readiness circle, and the last is the auxiliary circle, and Gu Huaiyuan who has no offensive power can only enter the auxiliary circle.

Although his main task is to be responsible for simple things such as blowing experimental smoke to designated places with wind-type supernatural powers, let alone not being able to enter the core team, even the backup circle cannot enter.But even so, the name of the special operations team alone is enough to scare many people, and it is very suitable to confuse little girls.

Gu Huaiyuan is very satisfied with this relaxed and majestic fat job. With his appearance and current status, a lot of girls will rush to him just by tickling his fingers. He just needs to be free and drive out in the equipped car Go around, find some small things to coax Li Jiao occasionally, and it will be safe.

And because Li Jiao was favored by Director Li, she was worried about the danger outside, so she was not allowed to come out often, so Gu Huaiyuan was more free.

Meeting Murphy today was something that Gu Huaiyuan did not expect, after all, the star base is so far away from the city they were in before.

In the beginning, Gu Huaiyuan wanted to get in touch with Mo Fei because of the Mo Fei Group, but Mo Fei's unique temperament is indeed something that many girls don't have. After staying in the Star Base for a long time, Gu Huaiyuan remembered that smell when he saw him again. .

"Fei'er, it's fate that we meet again. Now that it's in such a mess, a girl still needs someone to rely on." Gu Huaiyuan said while sticking to Murphy.

"Gu Huaiyuan, stay away from me." Murphy uttered a voice, and at the same time he released his sword, and the tip of the sword touched Gu Huaiyuan's throat.

Although Gu Huaiyuan is in the outermost circle of the special operations team and is an auxiliary supernatural person, he is a supernatural person after all, and even if he joined the special operations team through his relationship, he has undergone some training, so Gu Huaiyuan is feeling At the same time as there was ice on his neck, he used the wind ability to blow towards Murphy.

Because people with wind abilities are born with speed, with the help of the wind ability, Gu Huaiyuan took a big step backwards before falling.

"Murphy, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, dare to hurt me, open your eyes and see, I am a member of the special operations team." Gu Huaiyuan did not expect that Murphy would swing his sword at him, and touched the slightly oozing blood under his neck. Gu Huaiyuan suddenly felt an indescribable fear in that burst of coldness just now.

Gu Huaiyuan has never been in close contact with zombies, nor has he really fought in the apocalypse, so he doesn't understand how the gentle Murphy became like this, staring at Murphy in disbelief, shouting about his identity come out.

There were originally two or three people who were watching the excitement, but after hearing Gu Huaiyuan's words, they all dispersed like birds and beasts.

Now there are only Gu Huaiyuan and Mo Fei on this road, Gu Huaiyuan is yelling loudly, while Murphy is holding the sword, staring at Gu Huaiyuan without saying a word, as if Gu Huaiyuan dares to take another move The stance of desperately fighting against him made Gu Huaiyuan, who had no actual combat experience, dare not act rashly.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

Just when Murphy and Gu Huaiyuan were confronting each other, a huge object fell from the sky and landed next to the two people's car, and a cloud of dust rolled up around them.

Mo Fei frowned slightly, turned his head to look over, and it was Silver Wing who stopped beside him.

The silver wing hatch opened, and Lei Sen walked out of the mech cabin with a gloomy face.

"Captain Lei, Captain Lei, I'm Gu Huaiyuan from the Special Operations Team, this girl actually attacked someone." Gu Huaiyuan saw that it was Lei Sen, the famous captain of the Mech Squadron, and immediately shouted the villain to complain.

Lei Sen didn't respond to Gu Huaiyuan, and went straight to Murphy.

"You still know to come back? I have something to ask for you, drive to my residence and wait for me." After speaking, Lei Sen gave Murphy his identity card, and then got back on the mecha.

At the cabin door, he turned his head and shouted coldly to Murphy, who was still in a daze below: "What are you doing here? Hurry up, I don't have that much time."

It was only then that Mo Fei came to his senses and responded, then got into the car with Lei Sen's ID card, backed the car for a certain distance, and drove towards the gate of Star Circle, leaving behind Gu Huaiyuan with an incredulous expression on his face.

In the distance, a man stepped out from a corner, clenched his fists as he watched the car driving away and the silver wings flying up again.

(End of this chapter)

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