Chapter 1170 Huge Temptation
However, this harmonious atmosphere did not last long.

This is also normal.

After all, Guangyou and Belmode didn't really turn hostility into friendship.

And Belmode has to end this matter as soon as possible.

She still has to deal with the wound.

In the game, blood can be recovered by breathing air after leaving the battle.

But this is not a game.

"So you want me to give her up?"

When Belmode asked this question, the harmonious atmosphere on the surface dissipated.

If Guangyou wanted to kill her, he would have done it long ago.

From the time she brought him into the car until now, Guangyou has had many opportunities.

But Guangyou didn't do anything until now.

The purpose is obvious.

It must be to make her voluntarily give up revenge on Shirley.

And Guangyou would not naively think that Belmode would give up so easily.

"I knew you would say no."

"But that's really what I think."

Of course he can choose to give Belmode a cool song.

But there's really no need for that.

He doesn't know much about the organization.

I knew that the boss of the organization was called Renye Karasuma.

An old, ambitious old thing.

For a character like Renye Karasuma who is definitely an enemy, Guangyou will naturally not give face.

Specifically, how many official members with code names and grassroots members without code names.
As well as the organization's branch address, headquarters address and other information are all unknown.

Someone has to lead the way.

If you inquire, you will definitely not be able to inquire.

Otherwise, the FBI, CIA, and Japanese public security would have sent people to solve it long ago.

Where are you waiting until now.

Even Guangyou feels that there are very few official members who know the address of the organization's headquarters.

You know, Akai Shuichi is also an official member with a code name.

The same goes for Toru Amuro, who has not yet been contacted.

It can be seen that Renye Karasuma is still very alert.

It is estimated that he only told Gin, Belmode and a few people he believed.

There are injuries on the body, and it is not convenient to move.

Therefore, Belmode started the story meeting mode.

She sneered and said:

"I didn't expect you to know me quite well."

"Yes, I will indeed refuse."

Even now that she is subject to Guangyou, she still dares to say that.

She could vaguely guess Guangyou's purpose of not doing anything.

As long as she has irreplaceable use value for Guangyou.

And don't directly block all the roads.

Then she'll be fine.

Indeed, Guangyou was not surprised by Belmode's reply.

If Belmode really agrees, he has to think about whether there is any trap.

He was not angry, and his tone remained calm.


"However, she mustn't hear that, you know."

Even if he didn't reach the full level of the skill of spreading dog food, he must have reached an advanced level.

In this case, he did not forget to sprinkle a handful of dog food.

Hearing this, Belmode chuckled lightly:
"The relationship between the two of you is quite good."

"Indeed." Guangyou replied with a smile.

This was only used to adjust the atmosphere, Guangyou did not continue to talk about his relationship with Xiao Ai.

After saying this, he said to Belmode:

"I can't understand how you feel inside."

"But I really want to say that she has inherited her parents' research materials."

"And continue to develop that drug."

"But, does she really have to inherit your hatred for her parents?"

"Besides, it's not like you don't know."

"In the organization, she can't decide this kind of thing."

What he said did make sense.

Even though Belmod hated Xiao Ai's parents.

But Xiao Ai is innocent.

Soon after she was born, her parents had an accident.

When I was a child, I studied abroad alone in an unfamiliar place.

After returning to Japan, he began to develop drugs.

For ordinary people, this experience is miserable enough.

let her inherit the grudge
Anyway, Guangyou didn't think so.

Hearing this, Belmode just said:
"Everyone knows these truths."

"There are only a handful of people who can do it."

This is also an acknowledgment from the side that Guangyou is right.

What she should hate is the organization that wants to develop this drug.

Instead of Shirley.

But she is just a member of the organization.

And the organization helped her too.

Between the organization and Shirley, she chose to resent the latter.

In fact, this is no longer a resentment.

To be precise, Belmode just wanted to find someone related to these matters to vent.

To put it simply, this matter is Belmode's knot.

She can't influence the organization, so she can't vent her inner emotions.

But she can now use the reason of "dealing with traitors" to deal with Shirley who developed the drug.

The latter will naturally be chosen.

As if in this way, her heart knot will be opened.

But Guangyou can be sure that even if Belmode succeeds in revenge, the knot in his heart will not be broken.

Because the root cause of this matter is not Xiao Ai.

It's that shit organization.

As Belmode said.

Everyone understands these principles, and Belmode also understands them.

She understands.

So she was actually dissatisfied with the organization.

But how can that be?

Can she destroy the organization by herself?

There are several people in the organization who are stronger than her.

Guangyou also knew this, and he then said:
"I know you understand these things."

"I also know that you are very troubled inside."

"I don't know what you've been through, so I'm not qualified to comment."

"But I really want to say that she is innocent."

"I will not let you carry out any so-called revenge."

"If you really make up your mind, you must take revenge."

"So, sorry."

"Although you are beautiful and I need your help, I will not allow a time bomb around me that could threaten her."

When Guangyou said this, he had already taken out his pistol and aimed at Belmode.

He really needs Belmode to guide him.

But if Belmode really wanted revenge, then Guangyou would never stay.

He is unwilling to do things that leave hidden dangers.

In particular, this matter concerns Xiao Ai's safety.

He is very attentive.

Before Belmode could reply, Guangyou continued:

"You are dissatisfied with the organization."

"It's not even loyal."

"If you help me destroy the organization, maybe I can continue to live in the future."

"When the time comes, it's actually not bad for you to raise small animals or something."

These words were not very tempting to Belmode.

After listening, she just raised the corners of her lips, and glanced at Conan in the back row through the rearview mirror.

Even now, Conan still hasn't woken up.

However, the next sentence Guangyou uttered really made Belmod hesitate.

In fact, Guangyou also knew that what he said was useless.

So, after she finished speaking, she threw out Wang Zang in her hand:

"Moreover, the most important thing is that you can see Xiaolan and Shinichi openly and squarely."

"You can still attend their wedding in the future."

"Even get their kids to call you 'auntie,' or something more intimate."

"Don't you want to see 'Angel' smiling at you more often?"

These are huge temptations for Belmode.

She felt that the angel had never smiled at her.

It's because of what she's been through.

She has never felt the warmth that the world should have.

But Xiaolan and Shinichi really made her change her mind.

Seems like nonsense.

Because her attitude changed so quickly.

But only she knows.

On that rainy night, she really experienced the feeling of being redeemed.

Really want to go to their wedding.

Want to see what their kids look like.

She admitted that Guangyou's words moved her a little.

 still the same.
  wake up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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